There a wiki of comments from ex-HotS employees? Where?
Do you even read what you type?
There a wiki of comments from ex-HotS employees? Where?
Do you even read what you type?
Why hate? Well for one trolls can have their day in the limelight, the other part is rather entitled and thinks of them as the only relevant part of the playerbase.
There is really no sense to argue with that guy. I´m quite happy i found out there is at least a mute to notification function on these forums, though the old hide comments by user functionality is sorely missed; that one was very practical with all the extreme wall-of-text spam back then.
If I were devoted to only doing things that made sense, I probably wouldn’t be posting in video game forums in the first place.
The problem was you combined two unrelated sentences in your quote so I provided a source for the first sentence about vibrant Blizzard worlds.
I never claimed there is a wiki from ex-hots employees. You are making a claim I never made. If you would like to do your own research about former HoTS employees confirming this then I would encourage you to do so. It is clear you are not trying to debate in good faith and instead are emotionally attached to the criticism that other users share about OC heroes. I won’t be engaging in your fruitless drama further.
Debating in good faith would require you to quote your sources when you claim a person said something.
Go ahead, I’ll wait.
Unless you’re just spouting whatever pops into your head. That may be called debating in good faith somewhere, but I’m not sure where that would be.
Go look it up yourself. It is one google search away. You will probably find it and claim it can’t be trusted since it was an anonymous blizzard employee but it is the only way in which someone can legally speak with NDAs.
You’re half-right. Anonymous sources require independent confirmation. If I say anonymous sources told me you ate Fruit Loops for breakfast this morning, I’ve said nothing.
The fact that people are legally prevented from giving certain evidence is a pretty good indication that we don’t have any evidence from them.
And failing to cite your sources is still debating in bad faith. I’m waiting. The burden is not on me to back up what you claimed. It is on you.
Google correlation does not imply causation
I’m too busy googling “hearsay.”
Bounty hunters have no place in the Nexus.