Why can't players simply accept that they are bad?

As Volun pointed it out, bad analogy.

So you wouldnā€™t say, if youā€™re team is 3 or 4 level behind that it isnā€™t kind of gambling to make a comeback? I mean usually the leading team has to do bigger mistakes to lose from this position, but if they play safe, they will most likely win.

I would not. Although the comebacks are certainly sweet, and my favorite wins, even if I lose, trying can teach me something. Maybe I can figure out how they are rotating, and set up an ambush. Maybe I can learn what exactly the hero I am playing can do when at a talent disadvantage (or canā€™t do!). These are things that would never happen if I simply quit, and while they may not make a real difference in the current match, that learning can be applied to future matches.

Quitting is really the only waste of time, as even a hard loss can be instructive.


What is there to learn from endless feeding by potato teammates? Iā€™d rather sit in base and lose earlier than waste 10-15 more minutes getting flamed because i dare to soak instead of going to fight obj 4v5 because potato canā€™t wait 3 seconds for others to come and dies 1v5.

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So technically whatā€™s the difference between being reported for afk or for intentionally dying? Both are a major setback for one team and the combination of both just expedites action against your account. There is no reliable way for anyone to confirm the veracity for either of them.

I agree that sometimes you canā€™t win and there is nothing you can do about it. Games like this are less common than people think, but they happen ā€“ of course they do.

Where I disagree is that these games are by definition not fun, and that there is no reason to play them. Fun is really subjective; so are reasons for playing.

But holy hell, games are so fast anyway so whatā€™s the big deal about playing it out? :man_shrugging:

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The problem with these types of people is this.

You admit that hopeless games exist. You say they are less than 5% in truth.

They presume 5% is 45% and carry on with 9x overblown confidence and ruining any attempt at bringing a respectable point to the table.

They just wanna get angry and cry and quit and they wish this was a game that supported their sadditude


Lots has been said in this thread, much of it useful and I canā€™t add much but this. If you agree to ā€œgive upā€ and sit in base this gives you a 0% chance to win. No matter how small the chance you feel you have to win, actually trying at least improves your odds above the 0% you have if you give up and sit in base.

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If you canā€™t manage a single kill while the enemy team has 30, itā€™s not a matter of skill or team comp. Itā€™s a cohesion issue; your team canā€™t even work together well enough or agree enough to manage a single kill. Most teams playing either unranked or ranked have at least some kind of mutual goal towards winning. The only thing that would really get in the way of that is a toxic teammate. Considering you came onto the forums to whine and blame your team for being bad, I think I can guess who was the bad teammateā€¦


It takes a lot of effort to admit that YOU are playing bad or making mistakes. Personally I go out of my way to admit, in chat, if Iā€™m making some mistakes or misplays. Things like ā€œsorry, I totally whiffed that ult, my Bā€ or ā€œsorry Hero X, i mistimed that skillshotā€ or ā€œmy bad, I used ability X before I saw you do Thing Xā€. Youā€™d be surprised at how much teammates appreciate owning up to mistakes as it shows you are both aware of them and trying to correct them. It creates an atmosphere where people arenā€™t on walking on eggshells over every possible mistake and instead actively trying to play better.

I disagree tremendously here though. I would go so far as to say that Iā€™ve probably won about 50% of games Iā€™ve had where my team and I were getting stomped precisely because we DIDNā€™T just let them enemy team end the game. Never underestimate late game power spikes and CC chains.


Gonna have to stick with Hoku on this one, time after time after time the guy blaming everyone else seems to be the fault in the matches.
The guy complaining is usually the guy edging for teamfights that are made for no good reason, the guy that runs in 1v5 then goes ā€œTeam?ā€.

The guy that constantly has to neetpick at every single flaw in everyone else, yet canā€™t see his own mistakes, either causing the team to answer back spending time chatting rather than focuzing, or causing some sort of rage from his own team in the form of an AFK, or lack of focuz.
Either way it is a loss to have a guy who constantly has to call out his team.

There might be 0 fun in being stomped but iā€™d say the fun doesnā€™t increase having a negative A-hole on the team soā€¦

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I see it as this: I donā€™t know what my Win chance is at all time exactly, but I can pretty much tell if we will lose. If We all play, we just delay the game. Iā€™d rather afk and get a game that is more fun and fair.

You nailed it, which is why I said I believed to have a 0% chance to win this game and we should just afk because there is nothing to do and we all need to acknowledge that. Also, I may be whining, but this is because the game is not fun anymore because of sht like this: Unfair games!

Why do you all assume that I am an ahole? Canā€™t just be that I just donā€™t want to be forced on a team that has 0 chance of victory? If the Matchmaking system was not so flawed, this would not be an issue.

Also, for that 1 in a 1000 times that such a comeback is done (I have never personally witnessed a comeback from 30-0 and 4 level lead), Iā€™d rather not try and risk wasting more time that I can use to play a game is that is winnable and with fair teams.

Why not though?
It is from the losses you learn the most.
Your winning matches are never a lesson, but your losing ones are, thatā€™s why every match is a win-win situation cuz you either go from it with knowledge or you go from it with a reward.

Just to elaborate, what would you do differently with the matchmaking system?
How do you think it should be fixed? whatā€™s wrong with it to begin with?
Is it because your losing? is it because you got a 50% winrate?
What makes the matchmaking so bad overall?

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Iā€™m starting to think that these two things are probably related quite heavily. If you assume the enemy having a strong lead means the game is over and try convincing your team to just afk, you are pretty much ALWAYS going to lose those games.

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My point still remains valid, if you go AFK no matter what you think your chances are, you reduce them to 0% by not participating. What is worse is your choice to sit AFK in base means you impact the other 4 players on your team by handing them an almost guaranteed loss, simply based on your ā€œfeelingā€ you will lose anyway.

That is a terribly selfish thing to do in a team based game and Iā€™m surprised you havenā€™t had an account action for non-participation. If the report system punished non-participation as readily as does chat infractions you would have been banned.

What i fail to understand is what exactly author wants people to do. Leave the game and uninstall? Or perform better? Whatā€™s the point of all this rant?

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Afk and let game end. Thatā€™s what I want. Not for a Surrender button though, that is too easily abused and will cause a lot of games to end that COULD have ended in a comeback. Iā€™m talking specifically when there is no hope because you have a team of potatoes.

Also to understand why people are so deluded that they think they can come back from 30-0 and a 4 level lead. Who can share me a game with such a comeback? Maybe 1 in a 1000.

So far, the forum savants all basically think that Iā€™m bad (no u) and my assessment is not true and they laugh in their beards. But I dare anyone to bring evidence that these kinds of stomps are proven to be winnable. Some seem to understand.

Iā€™m not saying these games happen often, Iā€™ve only afked like 1 or 2 times. Iā€™d rather risk an afk report than an abusive chat report if I try to lead the potatoes and they disagree (they always do). Also, if the team wants to play, I will play. But at one point I say enough is enough. I will legit ask :ā€œHow do we win thisā€ often met by complete silence coming from the dead bodies of my teammates who continue doing what they were doing before.

30-0 is not a ā€œfeelingā€ā€¦
What about my time and enjoyment? Why do the 4 get to delay my game?

AFK is bannable by game rules. That was noted in User Agreement and you did agree to that when you installed HotS.

So itā€™s not up to players to decide if AFK action is acceptable for outcome of a match.

On the other hand, games with ā€œ30-0ā€ arenā€™t supposed to happen. Imagine real sport matched like that: underaged playing basketball against NBA stars.


The problem is that the lesson often being learned is that no matter how well you play, sometimes you are grouped with players who are so new or bad at the game that you know you wonā€™t be able to carry them. When youā€™re in these types of matches, the most logical conclusion is to want to end the match as quickly as possible. Regardless of whether or not thereā€™s a chance of winning the match, if youā€™re not enjoying the match, prolonging it is counterproductive.

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Afking in your base can often slow the game down. Your best bet is to pick a lane and start pushing it, even solo. This will force your enemy to want to end the game sooner and if you have a death timer, they will not be as hesitant to push your core.

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