Why can't players simply accept that they are bad?

“Bad” feels bad, man. Just call them… “potatoes”…

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I know they tried it and it failed, but they totally did it wrong. What you need to measure is “Effectiveness”, not just stats. Essentially, Stats that lead to effective outcome = Obj win, camp clear speed (based on the hero average solo or if assisted, overall average), Damage in Team fight wins/losses, Damage alone that leads to a kill or not or obj (Camp, Structure kill, Fake Damage that just gets healed with no follow-up (Think Orb ming for example would be a bad stat). Deaths alone vs deaths in team fight wins and losses. There are many stats that could be included to give every player playing effectively/less effectively more mobility or a push towards their true MMR and reinforcing them staying there unless they improve, this would work for every hero as the community stats would literally enforce the MMR. Would also defeat smurfing 100% as they would very quickly get boosted if they are playing at 1000% effectiveness over the average of their current MMR rank.

They also need to make a 5 stacks only mode like a Clan or Guild or something vs other teams with their own Ranking. Could have literal tournaments with teams and stuff added, would make it so much more interesting and competitive. Then Storm league should just be solo only and use it’s own MMR so that everyone is on the same level.

You can’t farm stats. Increasing one stat will lead to a decrease in another stat.

May I ask why can’t we accept that players can improve?

Do not find this true in most cases, but maybe I’m the one that complains lol. I think people just say this because it feels like there’s some irony at play. There is of course this phenomenon, and I’m inclined the OP might be a case where this is true, but in the vast majority of my games, if the worst person is really that bad, the fact that none of the 4 other people will comment on it is pretty unlikely. I also get a whole lot more mute/low chat people who are awful because they genuinely don’t give a $!@t about their teammates. You just probably remember the ones that do talk back more.

Ah, another one of those “Everyone is bad and blind and clueless but me, why can’t everyone be like me” despite not being all that different, I wager. And quite possibly you are the weakest link but you are even more clueless than anyone else so you just blame everyone else. I see it all the time, the whiny blamers are usually the weakest link.

What is the point of all your whining? Whether here or ingame. What do you wish to accomplish, when you start berrating and blaming your own team for losing? What do desire would happen? That they go “Oh, you just made me have an epiphany about how I suck so after this match I’m off to do a training montage”? That they go down on their knees and beg you for forgiveness for giving you a loss? Why would it matter whether take the blame for the loss or not? What is your goal? Is it just to belittle people?

I literally don’t get the point. I Understand trying to figure out why a loss is a loss, but throwing the blame around is utterly and entirely pointless. And well, it’s directly detrimental, as you’re just lowering the chances of a comeback by starting a flame war.

You should rename this thread “Why can’t players simply accept that I am toxic” because being this obsessed about “the blame” and being this arrogant about yourself, I can imagine how you would be ingame.

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Astronomical emphasis on can, because that is not true. I’ve lost countless games while leading in kills/structures. You get much more exp/kill as the underdog, and waves crashes on your side much more than theirs, etc…

As for your question to me: I’m on break so I can fill some time, and later I’d like to check your replay to better help/analyze. But for now:

0-30, lvl12-lvl16, Hanamura, “skill” gap (which I’ll mention later) is more than possible, especially with the comp you had.

From your information, the enemy team was confident, and overconfidence is the easiest turnaround. THAT is the way to win in that game. The replay will tell, but them not pushing can be something to capitalize on, or not.

Your team had the better peel/survivability EVEN vs a stacked Butcher and 4 levels behind. As long as Stitches Engorges Anub’arak (probably on his engage), there’s no hard counter to you guys.

They have less blow up potential except for Cassia and possibly The Butcher if they take the wrong heroic. Their line up is sustained damage base. Your team has better push, blowup, defense, and though not better camp grab, but better point hold.

You want me to say “0-30, lvl 12-lvl16, impossible to win”. Numerically you’re right, but the game isn’t a 1+1=2. Skill is not the only thing: A strong strategy counters the best skill deficit, and it goes both ways (A strong skill can counter the toughest strategies, but in most cases, strong strategy wins over).

One thing I will agree, is that if nobody is “talking”, being an adult and taking charge, you can’t win. And it doesn’t matter how far behind or ahead you are. The team with better initiative regardless of circumstance is proven to likely win over losing.

THAT’s the part Hoku was talking about. NOBODY took that initiative and your whole team suffered. You didn’t, and you only have yourself to blame for that. I bet people here will agree with me that if you did take initiative, and had some people follow your lead, you’d have a fair chance at winning your 0-30,12-16.

One last thing: None of your 4 “egotistical” teammates is here, while you fight 1-7+ people here in the forums (the majority of this thread’s response). If you played like you believe in your argument, you’d probably win your disadvantageous match.


Melke: Glances at the game he won with 10 kills to the enemies 24 kills
also Melke: Maybe just maybe kills aren’t the sole thing that wins games?

Yes, I am the same than first pick nonstop potatoeButcher/Nova/Deathwing/Murky/Chogall, than who leaves a fort to get a boss and than those that ignore all objective everytime doesn’t matter the map. No doubt… xD

How exactly will that work with a Tank? How will it be able to measure if a tank peeled for an ally at the correct time? Or if a tank made a good engage that gave their team the space to engage? How about a healer, did they land CC to set up a kill, how many heals actually saved an ally, how would a heroic like Shadowstalk be measured? It can be used as an escape, a strategic engage and of course a heal.

Then you get into bruisers and supports and the measurements you gave just aren’t complex enough and I doubt there will be a system developed that would be adequate.

Even if this was possible to do, it wouldn’t come cheap, do you honestly see them spending the money for this?

It would be cheap, because you can chunk the entire match into scenario’s (and those into actions) and ignore chain effects.

That’s where you fail to understand the circumstances. Why do you think we are 4 levels behind? The Stiches player is unable to preform that task, he is too new. You think that guy is going to instantly start playing better? Also the entire game is them roaming as a 3-4 stack and killing my idiot teammates, I try to soak and they just keep on feeding. Your entire response is biased in the fact that you think there is always a chance to win. But, I’m telling you, this game was not winnable.

I tried that… I just got yelled at. You really don’t understand the kind of people that play this game.

Yes, but a team that cannot win any fights all game and is 4 levels down is not going to magically start playing better no matter what, if they could they would/should have been playing that well all along.

What would it take to convince you that a game is not winnable (not, IF I WAS IN THE GAME I would have won by doing xyz). A game with 4 completely clueless/inexperienced teammates and someone who can play at a decent level (I’m no master+) with no communication at all other than ignored messages and pings. Vs a team that works together and combo all of their abilities and B-step in a circle every time they kill your stupid teammates that walk into them 1 by 1 non-stop?

you do know that they might try stalling their way to a miracle just to spite you if you talk to them like this right?
Done that many a times some times to a loss and in a rare instance to a win

very doubtful, but that is you

Given some of your posting habits on the forum, this doesn’t surprise me! :laughing:

But more to the point of the OP, my reply, and yours, I think there is a difference between complaints, advice, and just pure insults. Although I haven’t run across you in game (that I am aware of), if your commentary is similar to what I have seen on the forum, you most likely point out specific behavior or actions that are wrong. While I would also guess you may not always do this in the most, er, diplomatic manner, it can actually be helpful to those who have a thick enough skin to be able to process the information without getting hung up on the tone.

I do comment on people’s choices in game, and not always in the most polite manner. However, I have also run across too many people who just flame and blame, without ever explaining what exactly they think I did wrong. These are the ones reflected in my comment, and given how the title of this thread was worded, it is fairly likely that is how the OP chooses to behave in game.

Telling me I was dropped on my head as a baby is highly unlikely to make me realize that I should have been psychic enough to save enough mana to peel for some mongoloid who wants to engage in a 2v5.


Never said it was common

but being talked down to, like you’re clearly doing to your teammates if your bheaviour in this thread is anything to go by, will galvanize me to stall the game even longer just for your detriment, if we’re lsoing that hard it’ll be over soon but maybe I’ll make it take a bit longer

why because I’m a spiteful A-hole who dosen’t take kindly to being spoken down to

I don’t consider that.
I consider what you said dumb under most circumstances and if you got to the point of a 4 level lead it literally doesn’t matter the game is gonna end in 3 minutes anyway and if you hold on for more then 3 minutes then it’s not as much of a stomp as you think

that said I know this isn’t how you are talking to them, I read your OP I know for a fact this is not how you phrased it.

I feel that this can apply to most games tbh.

Siege is a classic example of a farmable stat, you can push that number extremely high by only attacking minions all game.

Hero damage is very easy to pad by auto-attacking their Stitches constantly, after which he just Devours it back. Sure a Lucio can get 100k damage this way, but it’s completely irrelevant damage.

Healing numbers are very easy to pad to extreme numbers too, healing allies all game even when they are at 97% hp etc.


And still people are using this arguements against you: “I have more X than you, you suck” - it feels depressing…