Why can't players simply accept that they are bad?

I’ve played enough games of TLV to come across enough smartass’s to know, this games complicated enough that nothing comes down to plain counters, there is no equation you can plug in to determine if you can lose or win, but I do know one thing, ive come across numerous situations where some moron goes and says the games already over 10 minutes into the game and whines about me not going objective for awhile, and you wanna know something interesting, typing about how bad someone is doesn’t fing help. On top of that i’ve had the same situation where like half our team up and dies and we’re 2 levels down, and whenever no one says ‘gg’ or anything of the sorts its not that unlikely that we come back. Whereas when someone does call the game the likelyhood that the team wins drops by a ton.

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A Quit button that doesn’t punish me

They have that in LoL, maybe give that a go?


I’d rather not farm 20 minutes just to have 1 TF that decides the game.

I am willingly accept that i am good :relaxed:

Either way giving up a match is not something everyone can agree on.

Then you are playing the wrong game perhaps? At some point you have to stop complaining that a game isn’t designed entirely to your liking and find something else to play instead.

Well this goes to my point, in your posts you say you’ve made up your mind about the outcome of each match. It seems you have closed your mind to other possibilities and you’re impatient just to get the the outcome. I don’t think MOBA’s well serve that kind of mentality well.

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If you are as experienced as me or more then you should easily be able to see that your team is just not skilled/experienced and the enemy is.

Picture this: Nobody but me is soaking, they always die non-stop mid trying to dive them. meanwhile Illidan gets 1000 stacks because of the feed and nova prevents all of the attempts to split push. The enemy team got all camps, my team never even attempted one. I don’t even think they knew that they were there.

At What point can you shed your ego and admit to yourself that there is no reason to continue this charade?

Also I haven’t played LoL in 4 years. I’m sure it’s not as boring now.

I feel like this topic belongs into the salt mines more than anything else.


4:30 to 5:00 is the time when the first team gets to lvl 10 at Dia+ SL.
There’s a 67% for that team to win the game and 33% for the second to lvl 10 to win.
The best players have respectively around 75% and 50%.

Your 1% is bogus, even for gold players.


I am a Moba player, the real issue is random matchmaking with a binary ranking system that matches you on Wins and Losses without taking into account your actual skill level. It is also abused by more than half the playerbase.

The only true way to enjoy this game is to play in a 5 stack, to avoid all the garbage players. Problem is, all 5 stacks are stacked with smurfs to turn the odds in their favor. Because again, people are smart and will always want to fight with an advantage. So a new player cannot possibly ever learn or be correctly ranked because no games are even fair. See the issue?

In What Universe is 30-0 and Level 12 to 16 More than a 0-1% Chance to win?

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This wasn’t your stated argument until now, it has a lot more merit than simple conjecture that 99% of games are impossible to win. I see almost nobody on the forums make claims that the MM is working perfectly. We all know it just averages MMR for both teams in QM, so you can get Masters playing with Bronze.

I particularly don’t like that people can group 3 ranks apart in Ranked. I’m not sure what can be done about this as much of this is due (now) to a low player population.

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You’re cherry picking your own experience, which makes it a very isolated case.
I’m not.


Try reading my post again. Carefully this time. Let it sink it.


Not what I said at all…

I do.
MMR reset to start.
Then change the current MMR system to a hero based MMR. You select a hero in Draft, you get compared to overall average stats overall for the current MMR range, taking out the outliers, say 10% on both ends (smurfs and trolls). And make you gain or lose extra points based on that. BAM that took me 5 minutes to come up with. I’m sure someone smarter than me can make something better.

You’ve clearly missed my point entirely. Either you’re trolling or stupid.

My point was that EVERYONE seems to think they are not the problem. That in and of itself IS the problem. I had to add caps lock because, clearly, reading comprehension is NOT your forte.

This is not the first time someone has come to the forums to complain about everyone on their team as if they are pro players. Additionally, you’re going to have some losses and there are games where you feel entirely powerless. Nevertheless, complaining that no one else wants to afk along with you to end the game is not going to garner you much support.

If you want to afk, take the reports and move on. Why do you have to complain about others not wanting to afk in a losing match? Additionally, afking is counterintuitive. You log into the game to play the game but when the match is not going in your favor, you decide that you want to do the exact opposite of why you logged into the game in the first place.

Yes, winning is more fun than losing but I don’t understand how you log into the game, thinking you’re going to win all the time. You KNOW that matchmaking is flawed, you KNOW that the dev team is small so changes are slow if they ever come and yet, while understanding this, you still log in. Or maybe you don’t understand these things.

lol, I think we can strike that one off the record.

Honestly, you speak about ego and yet, your ego is off the charts. Then you complain about others having their own egos lol. It’s laughable at best. I don’t see how you write all this and go, “yeah, that seems reasonable and logical”.

Maybe you should take a break from huffing your own farts and come back to reality. A little introspection will go a long way.

I could go on but literally, you are the very embodiment of the thing you’re complaining about when it comes to ‘ego’.

Everyone else is wrong, you’re right. Everyone else sucks, you’re the only skilled player.

lol, get real.


Pretty close:

The MMR reset would not help you, it would just make ranked chaos for months.

I don’t see that improving overall matchmaking at all, that’s some sort of mild PBMM and not really useful in a team based game. It would just encourage and assist the one trick hero players.

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Cause they believe just cause the MMR says they are plat or diamond, they believe they are good at the game.

Then you are not rejecting it…

What’s wrong with 1 tricks? I’d MUCH rather you play only 1 hero well than be bad at everything else… You still need to win the games too, not just “farm stats” Right now you get X amount of MMR for a win. I propose we change that to 50% of that +/- adjustments based on your overall performance. Effective damage, soak, siege, camps, etc. Time spent dead, Effectiveness per death or something like that would be decent stats to use for such a system.

That was tried already. It had to be reverted within a couple days, because stats ultimately mean nothing compared to winning games.

Stats can also be farmed (except for takedowns) intentionally for more rank points.

In the end, it doesn’t matter if you had 300k siege while the average Azmo does 120k in 25 mins. Only a win matters.

Time spent dead being 0.00 is also ideal, but again this can be cheated: It might not have been a careful player, but someone who hid in a bush and avoided the AFK timer. Does he/she need that extra reward?

MMR only updates on a win or loss because ultimately that is the only thing that matters. You can win games with very bad stats too.