Which is your Highest Level Hero?

There is a thread where addingf a “Basic Hero Guide” section would fit just right.

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Illidan - 96 lvl
Abathur - 84 lvl

wht times do u go HUNT,
n wht times do u take the other ulti?

My roster, ft. a bunch of characters just barely about to level in prep for the Mecha Storm II event.


nice, i did tht for alarak n li ming,

i still need to get hold of alarak, want play him more,

i think my Li Ming is ok now, I have been banned first ban on Li Ming from ppl i played before with, thts a sign my Li Ming is ok lol,

but of course, im in Bronze as yet

When I choose Illidan, I always ask myself two questions:

  1. Does the enemy team have a lot of CC?
  2. Do I want to play PvE or PvP?

Metamorphosis is: teleport, heal, 1-second insensitivity

Hunt is: high mobility, stun, burst dmg.

A lot depends on the composition of both teams and on what map we play.
I can not answer you briefly. In most situations Hunt is better, but Meta has a very strong improvement at level 20 and looks better. :smiley:

yea, also if have someone to shield u like tassa or mediev or uther ulti or zarya, meta ulti wil b better, and if have aba, meta ulti on lvl 20 bcomes insane :slight_smile:

i used to go unending hatred (kil minions to icresae damage) but later i stoped,
sweeping strike offers more, specially as there are many times when u going through 2 or more heroes, boosts your damage and self sustain both :slight_smile:

Everyone knows that Illidan + Aba, or Illidan + Tass is a strong combination. What will you say to Illidan + Tyrael? Tyrael is very mobile like Illidan, Tyrael provides shields, Tyrael improves attack speed and most importantly, Tyrael has 2 very strong ult. Hunt + Judgment = kill.

Unending Hatred is a good talent, but the other two talents are better because they work from level 1.

If you score 20 points, you will get an additional 20, a total of 40. However, this is still not enough, this talent becomes strong only after getting about 60 points, around the 16th level.

There is a problem with Battered Assault that some players know that it exists and will be set up so that you will not receive this bonus. It’s a difficult talent to use.

well, im in bronze, n havent had the chance to play much
honestly, i think i learned more in past month with this forum, then wht i learned in half year of playing the game alone :slight_smile:
so tyrael wasnt even in the deepest part of my brain when i was thinking about tasa n zarya n others :slight_smile:

I set up a smurf account and went to bronze 1. I did not plan it, but I decided to take the challenge of going out and getting there.
I love Illidan and I can play it quite well, but I did not even think about playing him in low rank.

Im stuck in Bronze,

mostly because i get bored of QM, and then go ranked even though I dont have people t party up,

Mostly if i have a few frends online, with who i play ranked, then its like 60% wins and 40% losses, but i noticed if i go alone, its like 90% loses mostly

and frustrating

I had 85% WR on brown (solo). My game consisted of soak exp. I did not care about anything else, only soak exp. When I made for the team an advantage in the experience I came to TF, we won and go core, that’s all. Matches lasted after 10-15 minutes.

Many players make the mistake of blood lust. When they kill one enemy, they chase after the others. Before they catch up with it, the first one is back in the game.
There is a simple rule: if you killed an enemy player it’s great, you have an advantage, use it, play the map.

You mean, i focus a solo laner hero, and just shut my eyes from the rest, and help in obj a bit, but primary focus to just destroy one lane till the keep?

I have my Abathur maxed out. They stop at level 999. I keep wishing they would raise the hero cap so I could go back to playing my Abby again :smiley:

OH, wow.

well giv me tips, how to keep eyes everywhere,

I posted earlier…
with aba, have to
1= keep eye on heroes healths to shield
2= keep eye for teamfights
3= keep putting mines
4= put tiny head on minions in other lane to soak
5= watch minimap at all times (especially later game when ur body is mid way in the map)

how to manage all tht?

I mean, step by step,

Mostly play her on QM cuz lol she good there. I still sometimes go full Q build with either ult, but since my server has been giving me lots of Tank/Bruiser matchups so I usually go for this build:

1 - Longshot (of course)
4 - (mostly) Rapid Projection or Bribe
7 - Anti-Armor Shells for that 10 armor debuff
10 - Either ult is fine since I can make them work
13 - Psionic Efficiency for the range or Double Tap
16 - Crippling Shot
20 - Either ult upgrade or Rewind

I take speed on stealth always in level 1 talent, i dont hav to mount, also it allows me to chase or run faster once i get stealth,
and , it says it regenerates mana faster when stealth,

is tht a bad choice?

No, not really. I get why some people like picking that talent cuz eyy free mana regen on stealth and be slippery with the bonus move speed. To me, it’s a fine talent since it can work with Q build as well but I like Longshot since I can poke with W more safely.

ah ok,

coz generally, (i dnt remember the talent names, but) I went with this when i played her

1 Mana generation n stealth speed
4 Quick casting of E with lower mana cost
7 After casting abiliity basic attack does more damage
10 tripple tap
13 double pinning shot
16 nova close does 30% damage
20 tripple tap upgrade, or stealth gain quick, i think just 1 second out of damage n stealth again, not take long, tht one

i hav to go little near to pinning shot,
but mostly i could do this little combo very often
W + AA + W + AA + Q + R (if needed)

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It’s an ok build but I’d rather you switch your 16 to Crippling Shot (20 armor debuff on W for increased damage), will work great with your level 7 and 13 combo. You can also consider Explosive Rounds if the enemy tends to clump up more or waveclear if ur team doesn’t do cuz they suck lol. For 20, maybe consider picking Rewind so you can burst more.

Everything else is good as is.