Which is your Highest Level Hero?

Zeratul with 725 games, 133 lvl. My friend has 4171 games with vikings and same level 133, probably best viking palyer.

ah, nice,

u take diamond skin? or mirror balls?

thts one talent i can swap, currently i go with diamond skin, to get shield 25% health with teleport, also i take E talent in first level1

I tried all the talents in level1 , but settled with the E talent, thts the best to keep mana sufficient

Varrian lvl 14 :frowning: but I have many on lvl 10 :slight_smile:

For starters, wht build do you recommend?

the E build?

or Q build to get the combos right, the W+Q+E combo , still trying to get hold of it,

But i see gud alarak players go W+Q + R(charge) n E , wipes out even heroes with decent hp, like falstad or greymane, not talking abt squishy

As far as I remember, Iā€™m account level 1119:
Abathur 98
Valeera 35
Ana and KTZ close behind
Many others above level 10.
Any hero below 10 are heroes I donā€™t find and enjoyment ever playing. Some are too simplistic to improve in, while others are plain out boring.

My top four take time and dedication to understand and play to their fullest potential.

4000 gold between two players are insane to play this hero, and then you only have 1 mate to play with

Do you take the locust build at times? or the hero-sustain build, the one like carpaces (forgot how it was spelled) lol,

I bought Aba, played n took him to lvl 10, but couldnt bear the sh!t i heard from my team in most those games, and sadly, they were right, i suck at aba,

if i focus heroes, then i not getting enough xp for my team,
if i focus xp, i miss on helping heroes.

and later game, have to move down a bit (thts wht aba players do) , but i get killed always, with aba i had average 1 to 3 deaths in my game,

with aba, have to
1= keep eye on heroes healths to shield
2= keep eye for teamfights
3= keep putting mines
4= put tiny head on minions in other lane to soak
5= watch minimap at all times (especially later game when ur body is mid way in the map)

how to do all that with just 2 eyes and one brain? lol

I donā€™t quite understand the 4000 gold part.

Itā€™s my bro, he didnā€™t feel like playing HOTS anymore and we would use CG for comp, at least to do our placements.

1000 gold for Cho and 1000 gold for Gall. = 2000 gold one player
second player extra 1000+1000. = 4000 gold

that is now if you want to take turns. if you have multiple friends online and a second friend want to club in to the action its 6K gold.

hope that explains it :slight_smile:

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i hate zera, coz i play Li Ming,

can you betray your other zeratuls out there to tell me how to escape a zeratul? :smiley:

Are you speaking about when you level up you get the gold reward? Forgive me for being slow. The gold really didnā€™t come to mind.

We just liked to play this really fun and unique hero, and own games.

Its a stupid question to ask you, but wht do you think will make a good counter against you ? :smiley:

I play Li Ming, lunara doesnt trouble me a lot generally, but if caught overstepping , she gives this false hope tht you may survive while u run to the fountain, n have a sip at fountain too, and still you die, i HATE THT lol

71 Abathur for me (1223 overall)

I too am curious of what peopleā€™s overall level is along with their really high characterā€™s level! Iā€™m looking at you InPhantoM! 350 Tyrael is insane! I feel like Iā€™ve played this game way too much and yet I canā€™t even imagine coming close to 350 ever. Also wondering if boosts or playing with a full group come into play and if a concerted effort was ever put into to boosting XP to its max or something?

I think I should hav asked hero levels along with number of games played and win rate and KDA ratio :smiley: ,

tht would giv much better idea,

coz playing in a party of 5 doubles your xp almost, and a stim pack adds more

I think the thread is still kool.

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basically made it to spot the biggies,

rather than separate threads,

people can ask tips from those who hav been playing a hero for long,

has helped me so far :slight_smile:

Iā€™d say you should make a separate thread for a specific hero, to compile knowledge about that one hero. Here, itā€™ll be mixed up.

From what I noticed, if you ask for help or tips on heroes, you usually get people speaking their mind and being helpful. Which is good.

Im not him butā€¦
All Im gonna say is that backdoor Abathur is possible again :smiley:


Yup, but heres its all mixed up,
a bit of all,

n HOTS is all about being good with many, rather than the best with one

if u get banned on a hero, shudnt b the end of the world,

I faced tht when i started rank play

i played varian n kt mostly,
both got banned in bronze in the first 2 bans from either sides,

then shifted to greymane, his versatile style grabbed my attention.

now Li Ming, coz of some videos i saw, of her defending the core alone against 5,

I have managed to get mega kill 5 just once in a team fight,
but several times killing 4 :smiley: ,

still a lotttttttttt to learn , specially to master wave of force positioning n timing

True, I look at it from an organizational point of view. I pick a few heroes to cover some bases, and make threads to learn more about each one individually.