Just to see how many 100+ 200+ hero players are there.
Can be a good thread for newbies to ask tips
Ignore me, My highest is Li Ming, only lvl47 lol
Just to see how many 100+ 200+ hero players are there.
Can be a good thread for newbies to ask tips
Ignore me, My highest is Li Ming, only lvl47 lol
Tassadar 91 lvl.
Artanis lvl 162 on my main and 145 on my smurf. Hope to see some ETC pros here!!
Nice, I tried playing artanis,
I hav got the grasp of swapping, even while moving towards n shootinng prism, for longer swap,
or moving away n shooting prism (tht i did when im right behind tower n one guy trying to hit towers, swapped him inside, wall was up, so he died
But I cant get the shields up quick enough. i Mean i see good artanis play staying in the middle of 3 ppl for a loooong time without dying, my artanis dies quickly
Level 182 on Artanis.
nice, so, you also tell me,
how to stay alive longer?
should focus more on autoattacks, and not use blade dash?
i usually go on , (dont remember each talents, but)
reduce shield cd when shield is on + increase shield duration 1second
and i take tripple tap, i assume those 3 hits r counted as 3 autoattacks, as autoattacking lowers shields cooldown?
I feel like Triple Strike is a bit of a trap talent, unless you are going full PvE build for a map like BoE. Most of the time, the most dangerous heroes on the enemy team will be a mage, so I like to take Phase Bulwark at 13. If you are good with shield uptime, that 50% ability damage reduction is absolutely a life saver.
In general, you always want to be AAing something, anything, it doesn’t have to be a hero. Smacking a wall to get your trait back up is perfectly fine, if that is the only thing in reach. Although Q is very good for reducing the trait CDR, it is really only effective for that if you are hitting multiple heroes, and sometimes it is better to save it for a combo, juking a skill shot, or breaking something like a Leoric Drain Hope or Azmo laser.
One of the things that makes Artanis my favorite hero is the fact that his talents are very flexible, and there are a ton of interesting synergies between them. For example, if they have blinds, mobility, or tend to clump a lot, going with Q talents is perfectly viable, and Templar’s Zeal + Force of Will can mean your shields are almost always up.
Lunara 380. A few high level lunara’s on the forums I believe
*Fall of his chair!!
103 Kerrigan, but I’ve stopped playing her after her rework (sadly).
wait, i dnt remembr the titles,templar zeal, and force of will, which ones r they? sorry to sound noobish, but well, im learning here
Nova at 98.
Ye, I don’t play much Valla now but I still do love her and will forever be my first Hero.
Templar’s Zeal at 13 is where you reduce the CD on your Q when your shield activates, and Force of Will at 16 is where your basic abilities reduce the CD on your shield. So your Qs generate more shields, and your shields generate more Qs. It’s a fairly fun build to play.
ah ok , will check tht out,
artanis couples with many heroes well,
i saw a youtube where stitches and artanis busted chromie 3 times same way,
stiches pull her from right under her tower till the middle (between enemy n ally towers, mid lane) , and artanis standing at ally towers would Q n E to swap her under ally towers lol
in less than 2 seconds chromie , from her tower moves to other towers n died, was hillarious
Holy peck…
What builds do you use?
Not sure what exactly lv. I’m right now but almost lv. 350 for Tyrael.
Not considered myself a pro, just a fan & veteran
Fenix at level 30 or maybe 31. I honestly don’t get how people have such a high level on a single hero. Id be curious what people’s overall levels are at to have a single hero in the triple digits in level. I think I’m at a decently high level at 816 but have no hero higher than 30 or 31 and only one hero at that level.
Li Li at 205 right now. Yes my q button still works fine.
215ish or so chen! both looking forward to and dreading the rework. and to answer your question: no, i have no life.
Measly lvl 67 Lunara; with Tyrande, Ana, Auriel and Orphea on 50+ following.