Where's the counter play?

Any tips on dealing with Qhira on ranged assassins?

Qhira is definitely quite a powerful addition. The best techniques I’ve found to dealing with her are characters who can cleanse either themselves or their allies, as it instantly ends her swing ability. Try to keep allies between yourself and the Qhira, and use terrain to your advantage if you can (as her E engage has a much shorter range than her Grappling Hook). Try not to stack up, as her heal comes mainly from her Q hitting multiple enemies, and she is vulnerable while in her Q animation, so try to time disruption or burst attacks when she goes for a Q.

I imagine she will get a nerf here soon. I’m hoping she’ll get a nerf to her tier 3 talents (survivability talents) and they remove her on hit micro-stun from her E, making it have less ability for Qhira to just stop enemy channels easily and effectively.

she is a little op IMO but heres a few things you can do against her. if you’ve got quick access to crowd control save it for interrupting her Q as that is where most of her damage comes from and is how she stacks her bleed so quickly. Knock backs are particularly effective as once she uses her grapple she will have a hard time getting back on to you. Cleanse is somewhat effective but most cleanses have a long cool down so i wouldn’t rely on them to much.

If you dont have any CC or cleanse theres still a few things you can do.
First is to watch the mini map and do your best to keep track of where she is, Ohira is really good at ganking so if you think shes coming for you, you want to back up a bit.
If shes already on you the most important thing is to not run directly away from her. Nearly all of her attacks are skill shots so moving in a straight line will make it very easy for her to hit you. If possible you want to either spiral away from her or do lots of zigzags. If you can get her to miss her E or most of her Q you’ll have a much better chance of escaping as she stands still while casting both of these abilities. And then always be ready to dodge her ult and do your best to recall in unpredictable places, the cool down of final strike (the execute with super range) is only 40 seconds so its safe to assume that she is always going to try and hit you with it.
When she latches on to you with her E (the spin around thing) you want to either run towards your tank or someone with good peel if its safe to do so, run past a gate or in to your forts as they can help you escape, or go behind a wall so she cant kick you in to her team.
Finally, its always possible but do your best to keep a healthy teammate or a wall in between you and her, have your team help you get bruiser camps as her clear speed is kinda mediocre and do your best to keep your team positive, people are less likely to dodge things if they are upset.

All that being said tho, she sucks to fight against and I hope they take away her CC or give her some meaningful weakness because “poke” is definitely not it if she can engage on you from poke range. :expressionless: