Where's Performance based match-making?

I’m sick and tired of league play. Here’s my story.

  1. Get ranked in Gold 3 for some really solid placement matches.
  2. Lose ranked matches to Gold 5 as a result of troll picks, toxic players, intentional feeders, etc.
  3. Grind back up to Gold 3 through some miracle of god.
  4. Go on a 3-13 streak, dropped to Silver 1.
  5. Continue to lose games because of toxic players, feeders, intentional troll picks, or my new personal favorite - people who make a troll pick and then disconnect as the match starts forcing an AI-induced auto-loss (icing on the cake is when they come back and spew toxic garbage in chat while we’re losing, like it’s the team’s fault).

I thought performance based match making was supposed to be making it into the game? My 50% win-rate is only 50% because ~half the teams I play against come equipped with a toxic player. The reporting system is 100% ineffective, as I typically get paired with the same player(s) the very next match.

I really don’t understand what I’m doing wrong in-game to get paired with people who behave with such vitriol towards other people. I don’t understand why the team I’m on has to get crippled by an intentional feeder. I don’t understand why Blizzard thinks a 50% win rate, where 50% of the matches are good communicative people and the other 50% are toxic trolls, makes for a fun competitive scene.

This isn’t fun. At all. If the losses felt close at all I wouldn’t have an argument, because they’d actually be GOOD games. Instead it’s curb stomps one way or the other all because someone wants to ape out behind their keyboard.

Anyone else experiencing this or is MM in Hero league “working as intended”?


There was a bug that turned into silence

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i have a similar story. trolling is out of control, i put it around 50% of games I have played this season. games are meaningless and frustrating.


Yo, Blizz said it’s been running in the background.

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They did say they have a pbmm that is currently working in the background, not sure if implemented or up for a 2019 release.

Alot of people that are stuck around your level have this common misconception that you’re only losing because of your teammates, sorry to say but it’s not why you arent climbing. More often than not the enemy team have the same type of players, you’re just not having a big enough impact on the game to be winning more than losing meaning you probably belong at this rank.

You should worry less about your team and start focusing on yourself and learn how to get better, this is the only way you will consistently climb.


responses like this are just annoying. I dropped 4 ranks recently over 30 games. game after game i had trolls in my team that afk’d or purposely just trolled the team. after each game i brush it off and tell myself the law of averages will kick in and i will get my share off good allies but it didn’t…



Or at leats not what the ‘real’ PBMM was supposed to be. The real PBMM would have been an improvement of the ranking system … and it got deactivated because of some unexplainable bugs that hadn’t much to do with the PBMM itself. The running “PBMM” is nothing else than an improvement of the MVP screen and doesn’t affect the gameplay at all.

For all that want to read more to this topic … I recently wrote somethign similar and had discussions there allready.


The fact that you still blame your team over a hundred games is annoying.

It has been proven many times by master players that you can climb from bronze>diamond with 80%+ winrate. Master players arent some rare naturally gifted players, they just know the basics of the game which is exactly what you should be working on; the very basics.

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Yeah, but we are not talking about smurf goods that want to prove something by climbing from the bottom to the top.
We are talking about casuals that are only slightly improving every game / week and are getting punished by mistakes earlyer in the gaming carrier and for ‘too slow’ improvement. Not everyone is able or wants to play 24/7 to prove their ego … but they still deserve to get some reward for their effort - even if it’s only a +10 in point ajustment or something like this.



15 characters.

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Don’t you have a phone? PBMM is coming to your mobile device so you can look at your thumbs while you play!


Pbmm had a glitch. It based your skill off of the hero you used. So if you played valla they judged you based on vallas. But then they found out all the people who play to much all play the same heroes. So they got split between leagues.

Also you will never advance league no matter how good you are u less you play 8 plus games a day. It is less a skill ranking and more of a mark of shame.

There are other games in the BattleNet and Steam apps. Just take a little break.
Just don’t take a break from playing video games.

Stay connected.

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Yeah, it’s totally my fault some ape picked Illidan and fed 7 times in the first 6:30 of a ranked match.

It’s totally my fault some ape picked Tassadar as solo support and wasted the entire teams time.

It’s totally my fault someone picks Genji into Varian “for teh lulz”

I’m the one not playing well.

It is impossible for ANY player to have a significant impact on their team when engagements are constantly 4v5, the enemy team has a 20000% draft advantage because some tilted pig comes in and decides they’re going to ruin a match for someone.

The simple fact of the matter is - Mr. Bronze League bushwacker - Match making is complete garbage. The reporting system is absolutely worthless, just as your comments are.


Higher tier players have both skill and teamwork. If you’re a great team player how do you climb? I’ll admit my easiest wins came playing support, but those games I had very good teammates that coordinated and moved together. That allowed me to maximize my kit.

Having even one teammate that doesn’t know how to group up or engage with the team can cost you. There are tons of players in gold (where I play) that completely ignore merc camps, no matter how much you ping. If your not playing a hero that can take camps then you very well could just lose the game because your teammate that’s playing a hero that can wont.

All this is without bringing up the sheer number of toxic players throwing games in the lower tiers. Climbing from the lower ranks means being really stingy with hero picks. Instead of picking to back up your team or counter the enemy (like you might in higher tiers) you need to exclusively pick heroes that allow you to do those important macro plays every game.

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Blizzard made it sound like PBMM was going to be great…most people bought into that concept. When it failed they said it had a glitch and the glazed over the details. If you read between the lines its much more than a simple glitch…

Now it was never going to make anyone more skilled over night. However, it was supposed to limit the impact of players outside your control under performing. Therefore, the promise was that you would then move a rank more individually suited to you skill level… ‘yeah, yeah, whatever Bliz’.

My issue, its that they don’t even have the coconuts to be more open with the community on this one. It was supposed to be a hug deal and it has become the longest joke in HOTS short history.

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yes, they announced it has been running in the backround collecting information for a while. they said they would try this earlier in like one of the ranked play announcments, so its not like its a surprising thing.

as i recall they are now implementing PBM as more of an educational tool rather than reimplementing it into matchmaking. which just goes back to what i have said before. the thing was broken from the start. with what information is actually available its not really possible for them to make a viable performance based matching system that affects your rank. however, making it an informative tool to let you know how well you are doing can be almost as good since you can improve your own play.

Yes pretty much story of my life. I am 100% solo player. Since wow has nothing to offer i decided to give hots another chance. I was rank1 in pre season (well who doesnt), in first season i got placed in plat3 and climbed to diamond1 untill i got extremely bored with game.
Now i have encountered same pattern in both hero and team league. Seems my previous achievements bear no effect so i was placed in silver1. First 30-35 games (including placement games) i have well above 60% win rate, but then something changes, it turns into lose - lose - lose - lose - win by miracle - lose - lose. So there is indeed something shady in matchmaking going on, i can’t believe exactly same pattern twice is pure coincidence.

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Seeing this post from 2018 and nothing has changed! Where people with a KDA score of 2 or lower are matched with 4 or higher. Same with winrates, where very low winrate players (lower than 45%) are matched with very high winrate players (70%). How is this even possible? When are matches on ranked going to be even and based on KDA score??

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KDA ratio is an absurd metric to rank players by. Azmodan and Abathur players who main these heroes can easily have 30.0 lifetime KDA or more while ignoring 90% of the match. Horrible reason to necrobump a 2018 topic.

There are very few (no) singular statistics that prove player skill. Except maybe win rate over hundreds and hundreds of games (but even then, 50,1% vs masters is much more valuable and harder to obtain than 59% vs Silvers).