PBMM: How much do we have to pay to get it implemented?

Dear devs,

Since Janitor Leoric is getting implemented – a skin designed and paid by a HotS fan – I have a serious question:

How much do we have to pay for the implementation of the – long promised (!) - Performance Based Match Making?

I’m not talking about that joke that was announced at Blizzcon that will give us better feedback about our effort at the end of the game. I’m talking about that feature that got us hyped a year ago and promised us an improvement of the entire ranking system .

I really love this game but I’m getting tired about all those matches (the bigger part of all matches) where the players paired together as a team clearly don’t play on the same skill level and the ones playing better are punished at the end of the game by only being evaluated based on the game loss without any appreciation of their efforts to win the game. The same counts for those games where a team wins and one player clearly playing worse than his teammates gets the same amount of rank improvement than those.

I understand that wins or losses have to be the main part of a ranking system, but they should only represent around half of the whole points … while the other part represents the individual performance of the player.

Thank you!

PS: Dear readers, before bashing me about that one simply has to ‘carry’ a game and turn it into a win besides worse teammates – I’m not talking about Grand Master smurfs playing in bronze (or plat) league and clearly carrying games there. I can see that this works. I’m talking about the average player that plays only slightly better than his teammates but is ready to improve his skills by learning from being matched against also slightly better opponents and with slightly better teammates – and gets instead punished for a ‘too small’ improvement that crushes every chance to further improve his skills (theory – reading guides, watching pro matches – isn’t everything).


How much can you offer?
just add ∞ to that amount and blizzard will be pleased.


And you will still be disappoint.


According to the Blizzcon info it has been up and running the whole year in the background.

They will use it though to give tipps/info for players in regard to their perferomance in relation to similar players instead of directly affecting your MMR.


Yes, I know this, as I have written - and it’s a joke. PBMM was introduced as a system to improve the whole ranking system … not to improve the ‘mvp screen’ or somethign similar.


And they weren’t satisfied with it in that role, so they backed it off.

They have other things they are doing instead.

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They never said anything about why it wasn’t reintroduced. They just told several times it would be reintroduced ‘soon’ … and now we get something thay call the same but isn’t doing anything near the original.

The Ranking System of a game like HotS is the absolute heart of the game - nothing else should be more important. Why play the game if it doesn’t reward your efforts anything near korrectly? I played the last year hoping for the PBMM to come onlien soon … and I’m running out of patience like surely many others.


If you are playing any game just to be “rewarded” then you will always be disappointed.

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Blizzard’s handling of PBMM is nothing but utter frustration. I can’t believe after all the hype and promises we’re only getting an “enhanced message” at the end of a match.

Seeing the picture of the full hots team on reddit is even more depressing. They have quite a few people working on this game, yet so little is actually accomplished.


It was implemented all along.

No, it wasn’t. the true PBMM was implemented for a short time and than shut down again.


And this doesn’t solve any problems whatsoever.

Come on.

The ranking system as it stands rewards players for being in the right place at the right time. Your personal skill is irrelevant. Games are not won on individual heroics* but they can be lost on individual failure very easily.

(* = AH BUT WHAT ABOUT THOSE BRONZE TO MASTERS CHALLENGES HMMM??? Those are done specifically by high level players to “prove” that you can carry in this game. This is a falsehood. People at 5k MMR can “carry” out of 250 MMR because their actual skill is nowhere near the skill of their opponents. We’ve already been shown that the system just throws you with people who are “reasonably close” to your MMR and says “good luck”. You cannot carry people who are relatively close to your skill level. It is impossible.)

If you have someone on your team who refuses to group up, gets ganked while its 19-20 and all you needed was to stay together for 30 more seconds to have a chance to win, you lose and that person loses almost the exact same amount of rank points as you.

This is not fair. You punish players for the mistakes of others and dilute the ladder with people who got where they are because of the actions of another player.

This is not a professional team sport where you win together and lose together. Your MMR is individualized, but this is a team game. If you’re in team league group queue, that’s one thing. Other than that, my MMR and rank should not be adversely affected because either I had to be carried or I had to try and carry someone else.

If someone is objectively the worst player on the team, they deserve to lose more for losses and gain less for wins, and I’d almost go so far as to say you should lose rank on a win if you spent the entire game feeding and negatively impacting your team. If someone is objectively the best player on the team, they deserve to lose less for losses and gain more for wins.

The system as it stands is broken. It punishes good players for poor matchmaking and rewards bad players for getting lucky. It’s frustrating, doesn’t reflect actual skill and part of an old philosophy that doesn’t work in this type of game. It needs to change.


While I agree with most of what you said, many important plays cannot be determinated by numbers alone: a good tank bodyblocking, a close heal, a well placed CC at the right time and so on.
While on the other side an afker that solo lane probably will get top siege damage but will also lead to his team defeat, in the end.

As you said it’s a team game: the team with the best players will win, sometimes it’s your team while sometimes it’s the enemy one. A personal evaluation based only on statistics isn’t something that will properly work for a moba but for sure the current MMS has to improve by a lot.

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Yeah, and it’s their job to rework the PBMM in this case and offer a better version of it … not a worse one that does nothing.

(And at leats in lower leagues a stat analysing ranking system improvement would work … it doesn’t has to be perfect … a little better than the present would be enough for a start)

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Since the new system will be strictly MMR based, Technically it is implemented.

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No, because the MMR ajustments only considers if you have lost or won the game … not how you played individually.

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No it isn’t. Game was always MMR based… and remains that way. PBMM is not there to do anything but be an “educational tool” as Blizzard said the other day.

Blizzard has no idea how to sort out potato players from people who actually know how to play. Thats pretty much what they admitted this week because otherwise a long standing and MAIN issue of this game would have had a solution presented this week. They spend about 80% of their time talking about the new hero. Glossed over some other stuff no one cared about or even wanted. Left about 2 minutes for a Q&A in the deep dive.


Cause the same people who work on skins work in matchmaking??


Has this anything to do with my original post? No. But obviously Blizz has now taken to implement things ppl pay for … and I’m ready to pay for a better rankign system … has nothing to do with the ppl working on skins.

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my suggestion is you need to take a permanent vacation.

as much as you complain about everything (maps, having to unlock heroes, matching…etc.) i think you need to consider if its actually worth your time playing something you dont really like.

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