Where's Performance based match-making?

Care to read forum rules before you just dig a death thread up from the ground lol.

If you want to talk about it make your own thread.

Impressive right? 2 years later…

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Cath would have fainted if she saw this.


Don’t you love it when someone summons the necromancer just to fit their agenda?

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PBMM was the most fun I ever had in the game. Did I play well but the match wasnt close and we lost? I lost less points. Theres a DC or a troll so we lost but I played well? I lost way less points than that person.

Removing PBMM was horrible and it was the only thing in the game that actually felt like personal skill meant something.

They should definitely have an algorithm that checks the APM and general behavior of starter accounts. They should easily be able to weed out smurfs and match them vs. high levels. I think they used to this, but the MM gets worse and worse as the population drops.

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OP, you just described my current season journey from D1 to D5.

Firstpick instalocking Valeeras blaming the team, feeding people blaming the team, assassin mains with less siege and damage than healer, afking people tilted after first lost fight, etc etc…

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PPBM has been flush down in the toilet.

Now just play with yours friends or try to make the best of this bad matchmaking and MMR ranked system.

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The irony of this thread is, the people who think they should be placed at a higher rank under PBMM are the same people who don’t understand the game well enough to know why PBMM wouldn’t work, and that very same lack of game understanding is crippling their rank


PBMM? Oh that thing that boosted whole generations of trash to ranks too high for them.

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Yeah I don’t think PBMM is currently implemented. Many times I do really well with camp timings, team fights, making plays, and doing things I know make an impact, yet I still get the normal amount of rank points for wins, sometimes even less.

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It was never fully implemented in the first place…

They tried it for few days, but it broke the MM totally.
They turned it right off and probably scraped the whole concept.
And no, I dont believe they are using it in the background.

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PBMM went to Bermuda! I’m HOH…

As we fly into the mystery
The film comes on and the Earth recedes
Several hours out, twenty minutes south of Bermuda
The communication’s gone, something has to be so wrong…

2 years…

even if your allies are terrible, if you actually go and watch the replay of one of your games, you’ll no doubt find something you could have done differently to win. like, maybe you overextended just a tiny bit somewhere and died, and you being dead led to your other ally doing something stupid, and then before you know it you’re suffering staggered deaths all game. if you just had a LITTLE bit better positioning, maybe you would have been alive to prevent your ally from dying. it’s these little things that separate high ranked players from low ranked ones.

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That’s why I said currently. I didn’t know if it was ever used in the past.

What sucks about not having it though is that even though you performed well, you lose rank points because of other idiots.

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This is my main issue.

Guy prepicked Illidan.
Half of the team went crazy in the draft, cuz illi had 30% winrate this season.
Constant complains, tilted people.

We won easily.

But that was an exception. Usually the tilted afk/nonparticipating people are burden which is impossible to carry.