Where did the thread about forum moderators crossing the line go?

there was a thread earlier today about forum moderators crossing the line, it talked all about censorship and in it the original poster felt that the moderators were crossing the line and beginning to tread over free speech through their moderation, I tried going to it again later today and I got a 404 error when trying to access the thread and the my reply isn’t showing up in my history anymore either, was it deleted? i didn’t agree with what the original poster said but if it really did get deleted/the op didn’t delete it it’s evidence of actual censorship


Oh you haven’t even begun to see what lengths Bli$$ard will go to in shutting down criticism of it’s BS.

You’re probably on their radar now, so strap in, it’s gonna be a bumpy ride.


The thread being deleted should answer your questions regarding their position on criticism and free expression.


assuming the original poster doesn’t come out and say he deleted it, I think it may

Obviously it was moderated. Criticism of the moderators is not allowed. Sig heil.


I’m telling you guys, the HotS forum mods are a cross between autocratic censors and those “Christian Minecraft Server mod” memes. Depending on their mood, they won’t let you say “balls,” or “dang,” let alone more mature but still not obscene language like “hell” or “damn.”

Also, their mood seems to depend heavily on whether your post is critical of Blizzard, so
A) you will occasionally see posts that contain uncensored swear words left alone for 24+ hours because they support Blizz.
B) expect this post, if not the entire thread, to be deleted or edited and locked.
C) expect any posts and threads like this to be deleted or edited and locked.


It disappeared- unlike the trolls that infested it. Theyre still here, spamming away. :slight_smile:


Was just a troll/crybaby post. Glad Blizzard clean their forum a bit.


The censorship on the forums is indicative of their level of honesty regarding the maintenance of HotS itself. They admit no mistakes, they erase legitimate criticism and continue taking money. Please, don’t spend any real money on this game and preferably uninstall it. The game is now worse than ever, it just lost its director, the social system is broken to the point of absurdity and there are no signs of any change on the horizon. The only fans left are the NPC-boys that somehow feel Bzzzzd can do no wrong. People are quitting this game for good reason.


Nah, they just try to keep the forum on atleast a half-decent standard.

But spam-posting trolls in here be like
“Choke me daddy”

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This ^^^ is indicative of the NPC-boys/Bzzzzd fanboys who will offer nothing to the discussion besides perverse insults. A sad thing to behold, as the best days of this game are long gone. Oh well, perhaps we’ll see a strong BuzzCon this year? If not…ouch…

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Well you joined one day earlier than him (like me + everyone else since thats how the new forum works)


The OP’s thread was discussing actions taken against players is against the CoC which the most likely thing that caused the previous thread to be taken down.

Edit: yes they did not mention the name but they are still referencing actions taken on unnamed players.

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I read the post and a good number of replies and I saw that it was a somewhat heated but still honest criticism


i don’t have access to the original text but he wasn’t even talking about him getting banned specifically but in general about how the moderators were running the forum, by that same logic the post you just made would be a bannable offense too since it’s talking about disciplinary actions on players


It was talking about action taken against threads/comments made by players criticizing Alan in his thread which was “Deleting them” which is what happened exactly to the thread you are referencing in the title which is sooner or later your thread will fall into the same category for discussing actions taken against a topic created by a player.

Me referencing the rule does not fall into violation, you asked a question which is what happened to the thread? here’s my answer:

Discussing actions taken on players or topics is against the CoC.


they blocked my acct from posting pics or links now because i would constantly post pics showing how “great” there match making was…


what you’re essentially saying is that blizzard is allowed to censor what i’m saying when criticizing an unfair action made against one of their posters because of some rule that they wrote

the thread wasn’t even specifically talking about the alan posts, it was just in general talking about the forums, maybe he decided to write it after that but it wasn’t a direct attack on that thread

if I write down a rule and there’s a time/circumstance in which the rule is restricting something which is perfectly morally acceptable + reasonable (a valid question/criticism about something blizzard may’ve done unfairly), maybe the moral rule should be followed above the CoC rule because there’s nothing wrong I see with wanting to know why they deleted the post for no reason I’ve received yet, and the problem lies with the rule itself instead of my post

the way you’re saying “Discussing actions taken on players or topics is against the CoC.” in this context makes it sound like something straight from the book 1984, criticizing a ban leads to a ban


This rule is sadly not only Blizzard related, as theres multiple forums that does the same thing, I never was a forum mod so I can’t give a clear answer over why they do that.

But considering the mods always refrence the CoC when a thread get locked implies to me that there was something in this topic, thread or comment that caused this Mod action to happen, so i took a peak into it and tried to get what certainly the closest thing to cause that thread getting deleted.

Thanks for clarifying it was talking in general not only on that Dev post though.


from personal experience the only reason I could see so as to why they wouldn’t allow such things is that there’s already a ticket system by which you can discuss disciplinary actions + possible appeals in private, avoiding public exposure of people’s personal altercations, so the discussion would get moved from there to the ticket where it’s better discussed, what are some other forums that follow this rule because I’ve personally not seen them, as for the post I was talking about since it was just an in general criticism I don’t see what reason there would be for it to be removed and this along with other trends I’ve seen on the forums has me worried blizzard’s leaning towards a form of actual censorship on the forums