Where did the thread about forum moderators crossing the line go?

The report system in this game is a god damn joke.

Trying to speak to a GM about the rules and what counts as a CoC voilation is an even bigger joke.

They had one email that someone posted that said “If something is offensive or not, depends on how the reporting person takes it, what you say to one person might be fine, but another might have an issue with it”. Something like that.

So in other words, Blizzard is trying to make HOTS some mega huge bluehaired soyboy safe place were no one can say anything that isnt 100% positive to anyone.

It is a damn shame, Blizzard used to push the edges in digital media – but now – they wont even let Tychus have a cigar. It is a shame how low Blizzard has fallen.


This could be correct, it seems they want to avoid as much as public drama as possible especially in a forum environment.

Steam Forums seems to have this application where “Openly Argue with a Moderator” seems to include arguing and creating topics to argue against Moderator’s actions against users who also violated something from their Rules & Community Guidelines.

Smoking is bad

But shooting people with big guns is ok.

Add `` around a link, multiple users have been doing this for months on the Overwatch forums and nothing happened to them.

Where all feedback that doesn’t agree with their stance goes, into the abyss.

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(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

Disagreeing with mods isnt a problem.

Discussing bans is as its against the rules.

Freedom of speech doesnt spply here, if it did, we would be able to ask pie recipes here.

These forums are a tool for discussing the game and only the game.

I want to address something here. That was one guy defending their right to do whatever they want because censorship is only when the Government does it.

But guess what? It seems like tech companies like facebook, twitter, and even Blizzard are treating like 1984 by George Orwell as manual and you defend that kind of behavior, this is how it starts. It’s because people don’t stand up against it.

The mods should not be crossing the lane, they shouldn’t be policing speech. There is zero reason for it. We’re mostly adults here. Stop treating like us children. Thanks.

Gonna copy and paste my own thread.

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the reason you can’t ask for pie recipes here is because it’s not directly related to the game (even though I don’t think you’d get banned anyways since it’s’ not a big deal), discussing poor or potentially unfair moderation on the forum shouldn’t be removed for the same reason as pie recipes since it’s still related to the game/discussion of the game

if there’s an actual rule that disallows you from discussing bans in the context of just talking about general forum policies then there’s a problem with the rule itself and it’s allowing for censorship

I’m happy to see people are waking up to the censorship going on and blatantly calling it out. That’s what is necessary…honesty.

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“I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it”
Evelyn Beatrice Hall

Are you for real? These forums are 99% NPCs whining about the game.

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There’s nothing wrong with censorship or moderating or tayloring a zone for a certain purpose. It happens every day in legitimate, widely accepted ways. You can’t get hired at Amazon and go eat the product or pretend you run the place.

And before any analogy here gets twisted and misunderstood, at the core of it, people are asking for unmitigated freedom of action. It’s not just going on about free speech or free action. It’s people getting tired of following rules, like they are unwilling to grow up and live in an adult world.

Let me tell you about a bit of irony

back in the day, on the old WarCraft III General Discussion Forums, there were trolls too back then, complaining about moderation and trolling about. GHETTO_OVERLORD, was something of a ringleader it seemed. Fun guy. The trolliest of trolls back when trolls were better designed than they are today.

Eventually he found a way to copy the forums or make one that looked like it, only he was in charge of it, and it had more features like colored text. Even he had to eventually moderate his own forums and become the fuz so to speak. He was a lot more loose with what was allowed, but there had to be some rules.

He had his own site too for blogging about game stuff. Those forums had rules too. Loose but ruled.

Imagine if

Imagine if you were to remove all authority across the world. Cops and government people wouldn’t disppear, but let’s say they lost all power. everyone instantly no longer recognized their authority, even those who were in charged no longer saw themselves as in charge or elected.

You’d have chaos. Anyone could do anything! But then what happens? People want security. They want some hope and some protection. So neighborhoods band together. Street vs Street. You find who you can trust so you do not die and can take care of each other, right?

And eventually, among the tribes, you’d want representatives to lead each other and communicate with other tribes so resources can be managed correctly and so forth. Rules would be made and enforced according to the voice of the people. From chaos would come order.

These forums

There are those on these forums who’d rather pull down the power and do whatever they want. They do not want to be ruled. That’s their problem. If you want to make threads where you’re just spitting and cursing with nothing reasonable to say but that you’re raging mad and so’n’so screwed up, you shouldn’t be posting.

These are the general discussion forums for HOTS. As questions, debate, call for nerfs if you want and explain yourselves. The rules are to manage this area, just like rules manage anywhere else in the world. There’s nothing wrong with that.


I mean, they’ve flat out said criticizing moderation gets the thread deleted and you possibly suspended… why are people surprised when it happens?

If you want to blast the Hots Forums moderation with relative impunity, go to Reddit and see if you can get anyone there to care.

Forum Moderator Note: Discussing disciplinary actions is against the Code of Conduct. As such, this thread will now be locked.