- Creating posts or threads to discuss disciplinary actions taken against a player, including chat logs and email correspondence between a player and a Game Master (GM)
- Creating posts or threads to discuss disciplinary actions taken against a character or account on the forums
having this rule is what then lead to the people who spoke about the discipline/moderation getting their threads locked when all it was essentially merely criticism or expression of opinion
“… compare the basis of your concern for “freedom to speech” or rather, “censorship” to murder.”
i was not attempting to make a direct comparison comparing to murder, i was using murder in a hyperbolic sense through an hypothetical situation to emphasize/illustrate a point, if you say “i’m so hungry i could eat a horse” you’re probably not talking about eating an actual horse but want to emphasize something through hyperbole
“willfully declaring yourself to impose that your standards are better…”
i am not trying to impose personal standards, i am trying to urgently insist or suggest upon standards that allow for 100% freedom of speech and fair treatment towards all fair posts on the forums, which i feel would be better than standards that don’t allow them, putting emphasis on an argument does not mean i am imposing them on anyone nor could i even if i wanted to
“…than the people that have essentially devised a contract for the things at hand”
lawmakers aren’t perfect all the time and can sometimes write laws which may lead to abuses despite having been the ones that wrote them, it’s occurred many times throughout history as well as it has with the development of the game, the developers have made mistakes/bugs many times and do their best to make up for it, i am trying to indicate a possible flaw in the CoC and using 4 examples of abuses of one of it’s rules
" if posters have concerns regarding their select case, then there are supposed to be outlets for it…"
that is yet another issue, as far as i know there is no method of appeal for what you perceive to be an unjust lock on the forums, trying to make a forum thread discussing it (see the ones i cited) lead to them getting lock/deleted, even when a specific example was monetarily mentioned in order to emphasize a point rather than being the main topic of the thread, essentially if you saw a thread get censored/or you felt was unjustly locked or banned you can neither say nor appeal anything about it (which is what happened with me)
“So first clue, don’t admit to specifics or copy/paste emails…”
if you’re talking about this thread i am linking the other threads to use as an example so people know what i am talking about, just as you linked/quoted the “Read before posting” as an example to illustrate what you were talking about, if you’re talking about the other threads they did not copy/paste emails or what have you as an example, they referenced or talked about things as a part of their point, (just as how you and i referenced other things for what we talked about by mentioning previous posts), it is difficult to illustrate this when half of them are locked but the other people who did read them would probably attest to that
“I mean I’ve pointed out instances of how the basis of your conduct and argument is needlessly persisting in willful ignorance, but do you literally not know how to use the quote features?”
it’s not about being more or less ignorant towards the CoC, it doesn’t matter how many times i read the rule, if i compare the 4 posts and the CoC side by side i see a potential flaw in the CoC rather than inherent in the posts, if they were to allow such posts to be removed, the nature of the posts were not things like spam bots, off-topic threads, viruses, or inherently harmful things which deserve to actually be deleted, they were basically discussions threads similar to this one (which is why i changed the title this time so it wouldn’t get locked right away) and had no reason to be removed, these types of threads should be allowed since they’er enabling healthy discussion of forum policy which is related enough to the game/forum to belong on the forum
“'its human morality when I say so, but not a violation of my ‘moral’s when I’m literally denouncing my morals to cherry-pick parts to suit me on different levels’”
i don’t know what you’re trying to say with this, i’m saying it’s a humanly moral thing to stand up for another person that is treated unfairly which is what i saw another another moderator to to multiple posters so that’s what i did, i don’t know when i denounced my own morals or cherry picked anything to suit me since a large part of the post is for their sake as well, please be specific
“The CoC is ‘literally’ a moral code for the board”
as i said earlier, we shouldn’t be treating the CoC as a moral code, but a civil code, codes which are meant to maintain order rather than be the ultimate source of what is morally correct, moral and civil codes are separate from one another, i feel like the CoC would be contradicting the former if it allows for future threads to be locked in the same manner, and if it does i will choose one over the other and not shut up about because it doesn’t help the forum be any better
“Given you don’t see ‘obvious’ issues with the topics that were so locked, yea, that might be hard for you,”
the first thread i made at the start of the whole fiasco was called “why was the thread about moderators crossing the line locked?”, i was not trying to remain in willful ignorance at all, but was directly asking as to what (according to the CoC) would’ve been wrong with the post to merit it’s removal or maybe there was a legitimate reason behind it, this would indicate that my stance is not trying to come from someone being purposefully blind/willfully ignorant towards the CoC but actually from one who was trying to understand it and give it a chance, since i am trying to ask/understand it,
the original post was actually fairly objective
the issue came to play when almost every thread after that even talking about it would get almost immediately removed and i don’t feel that it was at all, if i have an opinion to voice on the CoC where or how can i do it? or if i saw a moderator censor someone/something or lock unfairly am i allowed to talk about it? these are things that i do not seem to be allowed to do and i don’t feel it’s right at all and can just led to censorship, as it did with the threads that i was talking about
“Most of the tripe you’re posting is about projecting and hypothetical yields that are vastly different cuz, surprise, surprise, this is a private domain, and businesses have the ‘right’ to create those. In your mess of ignorance, you’re essentially trying to assert your ‘rights’ are greater than others, therefore, contrary to the term of agreement you made, you want to take ‘rights’ away from others.”
as i said earlier “…having forum moderation allowing that may be within their rights but it doesn’t stop the forums from becoming a worse place or less moral", it’s not about whether or not the forums as a private domain can do whatever they want and censor people based upon their rights, it’s that them having the right to do that doesn’t make the actions any better, censorship is still immoral and just lead to a bad forum
the hots developers can make the game so that every character starts with 1 hp and you’re attacks only damage minions because it’s their game and they can design it as they please, just like a private domain can censor or have rules enabling censorship, but it doesn’t mean that the game would be made to be any more fun if it were designed, or that the forum doesn’t turn into a worse place if they do, which is what i’m arguing, not as a matter of rights (neither mine or theirs) but as a matter of letting the forum be an actual good place that allows there to be 100% freedom of speech through the usage of those rights, which is a good way to use them (and i don’t see why you wouldn’t want it)
the reason i’m spending the time on this instead of other things is because this is stuff that actually matters, censorship is a serious sin and trying to address/discuss it matters more than playing the game again for the umpteenth time or making a post about mal’ganis being overpowered or something which is just about video games