What heroes would benefit from talents being baseline?

Maximum effort is your melee hero killer. The slow means you can stick to anyone and AA them forever. Then “The thirst” and “Your pain my gain” just killes anything that’s melee. You just have too much sustain. Nice on Braxis. But good against any melee heavy comp.

“Melee hero killer” is a stretch, FInishing Touch is better on Braxis if you are fighting a peer who won’t spend 3/4 the game retreating from you

You can nerf “must picks” and buff base kit, buff the other options on the tier, or nerf one aspect and buff others.
The 4 radius just doesn’t look right especially when the enemy is almost auto-attack range away behind you and still gets pulled into your butt. Its Mosh Pit/Face Melt sized. Its easier to land and affects a bigger area than other stuns.

Maybe as an example, smaller size and increased damage on the main target along with applying 2-3 stacks of bleed to all enemies that are hit by the stun.
If Qhira needed a base kit change to make her better, it would be decreased cooldown on Grappling Hook.

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You really think this would be enough to compensate for the current Booming Kick?


It would be a start, the current booming kick is stupid.

Hell, they could increase the knockback distance.
The radius just doesn’t make sense, and things should be intuitive.

Buffs first then you can whine about talents that are probably the only thing keeping her out of the C or D tier

With Finishing touch, they can easily leave if they want to though. AA on a slowed opponent is more consistent dps than an attack speed buff on a moving target.

That’s why Falstad gets more value from AA speed than most other heroes, because he has his own slow at all times.

If your opponent insits on duelling you though, both will work equally well. But the slow will help your teamates when you rotate. It’s also a decent self peel, and can occasionally help peel for a team mate as well. The alternative is using your E to stun. But then you’ll often die saving your teamates, so it ends in a trade rather than a peel.

Murky: Make “A Fishy Deal” baseline, as the macro game is generally why you play Murky in the first place. Buff or fix his other level 1 talents, such as Fish Eye letting the entire enemy team know where his egg is located.


At least 2 of the heavy-hitting duelists Qhira cannot beat head-on without the win condition that Finishing Touch creates (Sonya and Leoric) and on top of that

on Braxis the primary goal is beating your opponent off of the point, even if they retreat with their tails between their legs you have won, and given how small the point is it’s hard to contest the point and not be in melee range.

wrong, Finishing Touch is much more powerful in the scenario you outlined, period full stop an extra 108 damage on a six second cooldown, Qhira’s AA speed is 1 per second and Finishing Touch baseline gives her 20% increase, 20 X 6 = 120 bonus damage
before the AA speed increase and an additional 20% damage

You seriously underestiamte how long Q’s cast time is and how close an enemy has to be to get hit 3 times and you overestimate how powerful 25% in that context really is if you think this.

Wait, you should be beating Leoric. Few people beat Sonya 1v1 so that’s not a sign of a bad talent.

6 seconds. Most self peel options are over twice as long. It’s not a hard cd to manage.

I pretty much always get the 3 hits. It’s hard not to. If they’re out of Q range for the 3 hits, they’d be out of AA range anyway. So it’s a moot point.

Not sure what you mean here. You’ll have to give an example.

Maybe if you can somehow dodge literally every single use of Drain HOpe against a Leo who know’s. To use his Slow first. Otherwise good luck overpowering his healing as Qhira

As for Sonya, Thing is Qhira CAN beat Sonya with FInishing Touch which is part of my point, part of the reason she is such a great pick on Braxis.

Cast time, not Cooldown

I was responding to you saying it’s self peel, as in a good use for trying to retreat yourself, the spells cast time and the range requirement make this a dumb point to make, it can sort of work as peel for others though I don’t quite see how often a slow that small is enough to really save people

I think Arthas needs a mini rework. There’s a lot of good stuff in his kit but a lot that holds him back too.

I can’t understand anyone that would play anything but the bleed quest. It adds so much damage to her. Q build is clunky because it roots. Sure the slow and bonus damage is nice but it only affects heroes… The AA stuff isn’t that great either. The problem with it is you need to be attacking someone under 50% health. She can take talents for armor on hero hits and a stacking bonus but that only applies for consecutive hits on the same hero. Her only move speed talent is a 20 and that one has the worst win rate and pick rate. Her ability to stick is limited to skill shots until 20 as a result. Qhira is good hero in decent hands but I’ll only take the bleed quest for primary damage. I like to deal damage and get out with her over risking death.

I tired this build and few others out before commenting. The build is just okay to me. The self root is dangerous and the other talents (looking at the thirst) are not good at supporting the build. I can see how it could be good though.

I too think the stun range is pretty forgiving. Booming could use a nerf it was to be made a free talent at 16 or whenever.

The grappling hook needs more love! Just giving it some baseline way to reduce the cool down would be huge.

I’ve never even used his other level 1 talents because bribe is so important to what Murky does. This could easily be nice buff for the fish!

Oh is that a thing?
When I play him I put the egg in obvious places anyway, takes me 1.5 seconds to place it, takes them significantly longer or the use of cooldowns to kill it. As long as I don’t die within 15 seconds I just place another one.
Its like a super wisp with tower levels of vision that can tank a fair amount of damage and waste their time if they stop to kill it.

Egg Hunt is pretty bad though.
Maybe if it cut Egg placement time in half… then it would be useful for blocking skill shots at least. Maybe spawn a Pufferfish instead of slime when killed.
Can’t be bothered to rely on Bribe when anyone with half a brain doesn’t leave Murky alone, and will kill the Pufferfish, which means the main way to get value out of it is to throw it in bushes or farther back rather than in the middle of a wave.

AO Artanis kills it with one W.

Well Thrall goes oom very fast with out it and doesn’t stay in the field for long. So his mana mangement is completely out of whack or just completely terribad without it. You need the talent to fix the character not to make it better. The reduction cool down part can be removed as long as the mana part stays as baseline.

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I’ve always thought the first half of Hanzo’s Target Practice should be baseline. The range was literally the only reason I picked that talent over Simple Geometry with W build.

The problem is that you want to place the egg forward to get better respawn benefits, and get vision.
But its location gets revealed to enemies as they see that revealed state. It makes tracking down the egg too easy, and would force murky to place it further back, negating the advantage its supposed to give. Because when enemies know the egg, they are more likely to kill him.

And dont expect everyone to bomb the egg instantly, some will wait until murky died first, because that is the moment where it extends his death timer while murky wasnt aware his egg was already known.

Making the reveal not being displayed to enemies prevents them front hunting this way, and actualy requires them to discover the egg directly. And it can cause the same tactic, But if murky placed it properly (and moves it often enough) tracking down becomes difficult and a waste of effort in most cases.

Murky’s bribe.

  • I would then bring Egg shell from 13 to level 1.
  • Create a new talent at 13, slippery fish: Any damage that is equal to or greater than his max health would be dodge instead.

I’m going to remove myself from this conversation. Good luck against Leoric. Qhira has a positive win rate against him so there’s surely something you can improve.

You heal for 50% of the damage dealth with Q, and your Lvl 1 buffs that damage. It also gives you a 15% damage buff that stacks up to 150%. Normally it doesn’t stack much, but if your target is slowed…

Not sure what you mean tabout self root. If you’re talmig about Q, it would behave the samw way reguardless of which built you take.

I think they just need better choices at lvl 1. The other two talents aren’t very sexy. I can’t remember ever seeing someoe pick Fish eye.

He does deal with mana issues so having a baseline way to manage it better would help a lot. They would probably add a talent for CDR in it’s place. That could also be good for talent diversity.

Don’t you think the extra range is too safe to get just by taking the talent? Once you get the bonus range completing the quest is not that hard. It also makes his play style exceptionally safe in that build.

The build was just okay to me. I see how the heal and slow is beneficial. The problem to me is that the bonus damage only applies to heroes. The bleed quest effects all targets once completed. They adjust the level one bonus for all targets and I would definitely support the build more.

Qhira’s Q locks her in place until its returned to her. When I play Qhira I avoid using Q unless I’m sure I can land it safely without getting stunned or etc. A build around it feels a bit too risky to me. I feel the build needs more upside.