What heroes would benefit from talents being baseline?

By all means share with me how you best him in a 1v1 in lane.
PLease I’m all ears. Especially if you do it with Q build.
I know how it’s doable but the main means of doing so involves a win condition of popping the Finishing Touch attack speed buff.

I don’t know how I forgot about poor Murky seeing I play him a whole bunch. Yes make fishy deal baseline, make his level 1 talents more compelling. Although this has nothing to do with the topic at hand, please delete Egg Shell, or you could just move it to level 1 as a new talent.

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So, make an omelette? :slight_smile:

Honestly, if you’re looking for wave clear don’t go for Qhira. I think it’s better to focus on your strengths than trying to cover your weaknesses. It’s like, “Burn the impure” Imperius. He doesn’t win the lane with Wave clear. He wins by bullying the other solo, always getting both globes, and simply dealing more damage than they can deal with.

Then they’re zoned out of Xp, and your wave clear no longer matters.

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I don’t take Qhira for wave clear. I was just musing that if the Q talent on one applied the bonus damage to all targets instead of just heroes it would be more competitive to me. I think the same could go for several of her Q and AA talents honestly.

You know what’s funny? When I proposed this a long time ago for BOOMerang, most people said it was a bad idea and would unbalance the game

And now we’re actually suggesting more baseline talents lol.

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Balance is weird some times. I think it takes time to shift people perspectives on what is balanced for each hero. Every hero in this game is unique and what is good for one isn’t always good for another. I think this is a good direction for balance to be going because of how unique the heroes in this game are.

For a level 13 talent and compared to his other talents on that level, it’s just terrible, a high cholesterol omelette!

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You should see Dehaka’s Lvl 16. Where’s my power spike?

Elongated Tongue

Increase Drag range by 20%.

Tunneling Claws

Dehaka can move while Burrowed.

Pack Leader

Dehaka gains 20 Armor while in a bush and for 5 seconds after leaving.


I would think Tunneling Claws could be merged into the stealth knockback talent earlier in the tree. It’s just not very good for a 16. Pack Leader would be amazing if more maps had bushes in good spots for him. I almost always default to drag range because the other talents are not good (TC) or situational (PL).

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I’m often on tunneling Claws because the enemy often has stuff that can blow you up as soon as you come up, so I need mobility on it. But it doesn’t feel like a Lvl 16.

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I play him and yeah, you’re not going to hear any arguments from me. I don’t really want a Dehaka rework, but his talents could do with a bit of tweaking.


Safe, maybe, but that build isn’t even rewarding. Like others in this thread have said, you go W build (or maybe AA build under the right circumstances) or you don’t go Hanzo.

Besides, I think his Q build should be reworked a bit, especially Target Practice in general. I don’t think it should require individual hits on each hero, but instead 15 hits total with the first hit on each unique hero granting 3x progress.