What do you think about me?

I saw that often. You’re always here to give pleasure to Bli².


watches"how to close a topic" tutorial
“Pineapple pizza good”

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My job here is done.

Now back to the actual topic.


Your only answer is “My job is done here” ?!

Such a blow.


I think DrLogan is a good poster and a good player. I also enjoy DrLogan’s art.


You seem to have invested a lot in this forum community. Your contributions (and those of other very core members) have created positivity and a friendly environment. This forum would likely be just salt threads without posters like you, because new posters who tried to be positive would burn-out and leave.

So, sincerely, thank you for all of that, but your question in this thread has a bad feeling to it. It leaves me with two theories:

  • You are feeling very insecure, and are either not getting your needs met by significant relationships in your life, or went though a bad situation with one of them. You are reaching out to the community you spend a lot of time with here, but the problem is there are a lot of random people (like me) who don’t actually know you. Our opinions don’t mean much (so you can dismiss mine if it’s wrong). Someone who really knows you, not just what you post on a forum, is the only person who can give you a helpful answer. Posting a personal question, like this one, opens you up to a lot of garbage on the internet. I don’t think it’s healthy.


  • You are looking to be praised, in a way that would feed your ego. Everyone likes to be praised, but to solicit/ask directly for it is a red flag/warning sign to people. It loses it’s value if it’s forced, and is only truly meaningful if it comes up naturally.

I have a deep interest in mental health, and specifically as it applies to personal relationships. I wrote what I did, because I genuinely care. I apologize if I offended you by being wrong in how I interpreted your post. That is very possible because I don’t really know you, and I think there is a slight language barrier making it difficult to fully understand your question. I hope that you can receive answers to your questions from people who are important to you and care about you.

Looking forward to your normal posts after you figure this out.


You seem to have a bad case of USI. I think that because you literally made a thread entitled “What do you think about me?” on a forum dedicated to discussion of something that’s not you.

I would answer but, would you really care? :frowning:

Anyways. I like you. No, not like that. It’s not that I DON’T like you like that it’s just that… Uggh.

You seem like a good person, and that means much. :slight_smile: I’d like to play with you.

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You remind me of Luna Lovegood, entirely on your own wavelength. Many will not understand, they do not need to. Your uniqueness makes you irreplaceable, so just keep chasing stars.


When you’re questioning yourself, seeking opinions from those around you can often be helpful and revealing. You obviously know this, which is why you asked the question, but opinions others may offer you is not always useful, or accurate and I think less so from the forum users like me who have not ever met or talked to you in person.

Why do you feel the need for a critical eye? It’s hard to tell, but it seems you have something specific bothering you that might be best posed to your real life friends and family for feedback and self evaluation.

What I know of you from the forum is you are a determined and dedicated person, this is reflected in your one man crusade to elevate our great Tassadar. This side of your personalty is also on display in honing your skill to rise to Master rank this season.

You add a great deal of value to the forums, not just your humor, but you share your wisdom freely with hero guides and general observations. This seems to come from a place that isn’t selfish, you seem generous and polite. xx


The helll with everything… You got a POSITIVE vote from the blues :smiley:
one blue vote = 100 normal votes so chill :slight_smile:


thts the most stupidest thing i ever heard from u :roll_eyes:


Remember =

Reworks are MOSTLY worse than Previous version :wink:

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To me, you’re just someone who posts on this forum.

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Your name and profile picture confuses me regarding your gender lmao.

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Its really simple, people should stop overthink what others think about them constantly as they make different type of threads.

You can contribute to the community positively without even receiving the same amount of praise from the last, as long as you’re satisfied with your own work, you can keep going doing more of it.

Similar to how I make different guides or posting “sourced” news.

If you are intentionally worried, don’t, this is not healthy for you at all and this coming from someone with experience that almost caused me anxiety to some extent.

6 - 8 months ago I stopped acting like that and and I just barely cared much about being the “know it all most posts on the forums” type of guy and just went being myself, with that I stopped asking the constant question of “What do others think about me?” after every comment or topic made and started asking “What do I think about myself? (not MySelf)” and “Am I satisfied with myself? (not MySelf)” type of questions.

This is why I became more surreal with heroes I despise to play against or I find absolutely “unfun” (yes I know subjective) to play against, my absolute nuclear hatred to Hammer and Fenix the tincan, you probably read some of them around.

As was said, worrying about what others think about you will only hurt you mentally, and you as one posting should just simple asked if YOU are satisfied with what you are posting, not how OTHERS.


  1. be your ACTUAL self, this place barely reaches Cancel Culture so you don’t have lock down opinions that make the public think differently about you
  2. this is a forum, all forums always expected to have negatives and positives and this comes to the community for how they see these.
  3. doing one negative does not remove all the positives they have done in the past
  4. i hate hammer and fenix
  5. keep calm and post 𝕞𝕖𝕞𝕖𝕤

i sent you one… still no response… i’m waiting, because i want to share it here, but you don’t like if you are the part of this kind of contects. I mean part of a meme.
i sent you in the blizz account. if you hadn’t see it yet, then you will find it there.

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Holy fck. I stared at this for 10s . My friday brain just didnt proces the word meme


I finally understand how the patch notes were specific to Logan.


What do you think about Mei?

Then he/she picked a good name, mystery can be a nice thing and it invites questions. See:

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I think im gonna start a new one and instead I we