What do you think about me?

As someone who only knows you through forums and a game i won against you. (Gonna bring that up alot from now on btw)

You are a well thinking player who has a strategical steady sense of playstyle.
You are also like a mushroom… a funguy Badumtiss
On the forums, with your fun replies and memes all over.

Also on a more serious note, you have a mindset which you clearly show on the forums with your opinions that shows intelligence.

As someone who doesn’t know you, you come out with a impression from a forumsperspective atleast.



Asking people online of what they think about you is similar to asking to be roasted/bullied. Trolls and dumb people use the internet, and will say anything to pollute your mind with their trash thoughts. It is much better to ask this question to the real people you know and care about you - family, friends, schoolmates, etc.

And now, what do I think about you?

I’ll be honest, you’re just another person in the internet, as how I also see others here in the forums and other websites.

The question I’ll be answering is, what do I like about you? I like the fact you love Tass and is willing to make tons of threads and start a crusade if the rework turns into shiz. I enjoy your artworks, Tass memes, and some of your jokes. I enjoy your playful banter with Sami here in the forums. (You sure you guys aren’t in love or something???)

Continue on with your art, read some more, always remember you have Sami and friends with you, and life live to the fullest.


i wouldn’t expect honest answers here


What do you think of me
Gid gut :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I like you DrLogan. Your Tassadar drawings are adorable.


I like you :+1:
Your in amongst the people in the forum that make it what it is now and bring life of funny memes .

I have alot of respect for you as well and would love to play a game against you , then some games as an ally ! I was to see first hand how dangerous your tassadar plays can be !

On a more personal level , you seem to have alot of self doubts or uncertancies , you are still loved by most people ( except samisha , which seems to be a love hate relationship :laughing: )

Overall , im sure you’d be the kind of person/friend id love to go in a pub with , chill and have a beer lol :+1:


i’m not going to say you’re cool i like you bla bla bla no matter what happens bla bla bla you’re always funny etc… since you want honesty well here’s what i really think about you most of the times.

some times i feel like you’re a good person/friend and i enjoy talking to you but then i realize after it that i’m not really sure anymore if you’re really that person or not cause of this reason you’re not always the same most of the times you act like a weird person that i don’t know who you’re anymore and such a creep. yes i said creep wasn’t a typo.

it’s complicated when it comes to that i have mixed feelings about that to the point of i don’t know if i want to be friend’s with you or not cause you piss me off a lot often despite me helping you or not you don’t appreciate anything and act like you did all that by your self giving credits to people that helped you less etc. and i find you an ungrateful person most of the time.

i hate you more than i like you. so there you got my honest answer



2 dislikes (yes I counted sami)


Good to draw everything hots related. Maybe you can draw some non-hots related stuff too.


I don’t know you that much, but I think you’re awesome <3

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Do you like some exercise morals only when it is convenient to you or all times?

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Joke answer: Your Tassadar isn’t level 999. NOOB.

Serious answer: I think it is has died down a bit, but all the memes it feels like you are one of the frequent posters of responding to stuff. I don’t like that.
But, that probably has to do with the only forum I used before this was a very technical one… So memes pretty much didn’t happen.

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Serious answer–this looks like a desperate subconscious cry for help. As someone who has been depressed before (and is currently on a down swing right now), I’m so sorry. If you want to talk, pm me on discord or something. You are one of the few people I enjoy seeing in the fourm here so yeah, should I stop talking now etc bleh.


“Leaving him On a Good note Ahead of Nipping out some of his kit…”

I think you’re a pretty cool guy :stuck_out_tongue:


TBH don’t think to hard about what others think about you, and be yourself.

Except when making memes about me, that’s a no.


Those pathetic ego trips… close that topic plz.


Simple yet effective tutorial to close that topic yourself:


Hope this helps you have a nice and warm forum browsing, I am always here to help anyone who is having issues no matter what. :hugs:


To me you are the Tassadar meme guy who likes to draw on the forums. I don’t think of you as anything bad you give me no real reason to think of you in a bad way.


Kid some things are not about ego. Have a bit of scars on you and you know what I mean
tho I dont wish it upon you


Can you make sure he gets mvp a bit less tho? Its really anoying. Everytime I do good logan takes it away