No worries, happens for the best of us.
Do you think this will go live by April 21 (Tespa spring finals)? This could have a major impact on the competition.
We don’t have a final release date yet, but it won’t be that soon.
idk how long your average rework takes(~4 months maybe?), but if the devs are open to changing his role it wouldn’t be surprising if we saw something happen in the last third of the year.
I hope I did a good job.
Here’s the summary of the AMA guys: Summary of the AMA on March 6, 2019
Good bot.
To HailFall, is this your post in AMA?
the definition of fun sponge
6 points·1 day ago·edited 11 hours ago
Are there any balance changes coming for valeera? As a long time valeera main I love her to pieces but I feel forced to pick a similar build every game (sinister strike + ambush build), and she feels like she could use some tweaking.
Blade Flurry especially feels like a waste of energy in fights, and using it almost always reduces my effectiveness. 40 energy is very steep for an ability that doesn’t deal all that much damage, and doesn’t help you stick to your target like sinister strike does.
I would also like her scope of usefulness to be expanded a little. I very rarely get to pick her in draft as she’s so niche, and even in those situations where she can work, i feel a nagging feeling that I could be having a higher impact on other heroes (Like varian in the anti dive role, or most other melee assassins if you’re drafting her in a stitches comp or something to blow someone up). In my experience the most uniquely powerful thing she can really do is shut a hero like butcher or artanis down almost permanently with the insane blind uptime from level 13 onward.
Ambush build is her best right now, because it allows her to actually secure kills, and because the CDR on vanish is so important. She basically just has to spend her time waiting for imperius to land a Q or kerrigan to land a combo or something like that, then jump on the target and delete them with the team. Easily the most effective way to play her. But not really something exclusive to valeera. Death from above’s CDR means you can swap targets more effectively, run away sooner if you need to, and even ambush a second time for even more damage. Unfortunately, this doesn’t work with CC so you feel kind of forced into ambushing. Not because it is most effective, but because it gives you CDR on vanish which is just that important. Valeera really misses nightslayer. I’ll say that much.
The seal fate + sinister strike build basically relies on hunting down people who are wandering around alone late game which won’t happen if your opponents have brains, so it really falls off. The teamfight power of this isn’t strong enough. She is very bad at diving the enemy team as her damage isn’t hard to heal off, she has mediocre escape tools, and she isn’t good at switching targets mid fight. She’s more like “jump on someone, dump everything on them, and hope they die” which she again isn’t really good enough at to play her in that role. Her stun is not long enough to set up kills like other heroes can unfortunately. Being teleported BEHIND the target is often more of a curse than a blessing, as it means you’ll be in the middle of the enemy team and easy to punish (another reason why death from above’s cooldown reduction is so important, without it you can’t even attempt to make a play like this safely, but with it you can do it once in a while). Because of this, she really cannot be the one to initiate on the target, and when your tank is isolating someone you’ll get the most out of ambush build to maximize your damage.
Her anti-dive power is really limited to shutting down a single diver. Illidan, butcher, genji, and so on can be shut down, but you can only shut down one at a time. She can peel reasonably well against one hero, and that’s really it. A coordinated dive with anub, etc, genji, kara, and so on will leave you unable to really do much. She’s more of “anti one diver” than anti dive.