Wah boo boo rants and positive energy forums

I hate even reading post titles complaining while sifting for good reads in furums it blows my natural high I’m sure mods could separate em np

Any forum is inherently negative, though. It’s where people come to complain for the most part.

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That’s true. Rarely do people finish a great game and have an immediate response of “Oh boy that was fun! I oughtta’ go on the forums now and share with everybody what a tremendous experience I just had!..” They usually just queue for another match. Then that match goes horribly and they want to vent on the forums.

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Indeed, you can see this clearly just comparing the popularity of Daraks thread:

1331 posts as of writing this…to my thread…

I’m at a whopping 128 posts, which frankly has done far better than I thought when I made it!

There is always more salt to mine than sugar on a game forum.


The irony of your post


that title tho.


Sinds this is a off topic thread. Im googling the meaning of your name :cowboy_hat_face:

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So its okay if I post multiple times about playing Orphea? :sweat_smile:

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that’s illegal… reported.


Yes. Its a privacy violation🐳

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