Vault of Guides

I have passed on the relevant links.

And when are you going to add me on Discord, scrub? Harbinger is threatening to turn me into an Arthas main.

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I have no idea how discord works i just joined!

Well, itā€™s certainly a guide.
I think heā€™s a bit heavy handed with his approach and it doesnā€™t do much to address the many things more people struggle at while using Rag.

Iā€™ve got a solid 59% winrate with him and even then itā€™s hard for me to put it exactly into words. I could have a much easier time listing reasons why people lose as Ragnaros than why you win with him.
A rag guide should first and foremost address, in depth, how to properly use Molten Core, because depending on the scenario it can range anywhere from total devastation to completely useless. Misuse can easily get you killed in diamond+ games too since people tend to watch for you activating it and know exactly where you come out.
Then it should address how you need to have a much more cautious approach with him than other bruisers, but never so much so that youā€™re afraid to fight because he still does some really nice damage.
And it needs a full thesis on why Lava Wave is stupid good and despite Smash being good in itā€™s own respect itā€™s only worth it if youā€™re using it to win every single teamfight you enter, because regardless of won or lost fights Lava Wave will be putting work in.

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Pick Leo. Split push all game by dying over 100 times underneath towers, eventually reach enemy core.

I wish this could be stickied so it donā€™t get pushed down! I like seeing guides, tips and trick about heroes, even ones I donā€™t play on because I might get them in ARAM and sometimes I just donā€™t have any ideal what talent to pick so I end up with a hodge-podge hero who could be doing more with the right talent picks.

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You should link in my chromie talent guide, but keep his more in depth one. Also if you can find my ana guide that was lost to the abyss ill edit your feedback in.

What what? Where is this legendary HotS discord?

There are a number of Discord servers that cater to HotS, Windstriders being the largest. The one I post to is fairly small, and only contains a handful of forum regulars, so it pretty quiet in comparison. Several of the people I chat with do not belong to a server, but have me added to their friends list directly.


There are a lot of things I dont agree on with that Rag guide like lavawave is bad on braxis, you can use it also offensive and that stasis is a must pick
On lower levels double lava wave is the way to go.
And a few more things

Iā€™m not gonna submit this because this is heavy influenced by his own playstyle unless he makes some changes

Fun fact, I wrote this without reading your comment :stuck_out_tongue:

Hereā€™s a guide I made on Li Ming.
You can use it or not :slight_smile:
I think I might need to add a ā€œwhen to pick Mingā€ section for later.

I could also make a Zera one, but that will have to wait.

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Not exactly a guide but this thread did help me find a starting point for Khara

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Im reading it. As a ming with a 60+ % winrate in masters. I have to say I pick orb build in 10% of my matches :stuck_out_tongue: because its sometimes safer not to dive

I like your guide so its linked

Will look into these threads.
The hero AMAā€™s and the teach me threads are a bit older. I can add then with that warning that they are a bit older. but this is dependant on if people here want it
Some outdated threads I have linked intentionally to make them update them.
If they havent been up to date I will remove them to keep a level of quality

Harb bg and shadow revisited threads :grinning:

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A good arthas is OP I should do it


can be good also in the Gamplay section.

Edit: and where is Tanking 103?


Thank you! I missed that one

Why did I got tagged? You finally approved my leoric guide?

No not yet, do the feedback I gave you then

The tanking 103 isnā€™t quite as useful as the others, in my opinion.

Edit: Apparently others know better than I!

Hum, I wouldnā€™t say that. It covered a less general consideration than the other two but it was good. It is still worth mentionning in this vault as a good teamfight can win a game.

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