For the record Twin Blades still has a very healthy win rate, if not the highest. Taunt is obvs useless in a lot of situations. People just need to learn to think critically for themselves and not grief at every minor meme infraction from 2016. Also for the record, have been trolled in QM for not peeling well enough as a Varian, which is hilarious just as a concept and speaks to OP’s original gripe.
Butcher says “hi.”
But I agree that Varian can be problematic in terms of what the person playing him actually wanted to play vs. what the team turns out to need. At least by categorizing him as a bruiser under the new system some of those problems have dissipated in QM, but it does nothing for draft.
I don’t think Taunt is as bad as people say, but you just can’t jump into battle and expect Taunt to be efficient. Its just good to punish people who overextend. However I do not think Varian should be the only tank. In QM there’s not much anyone can do though, sadly.
I go taunt 24/7 in my five stack and just meme on everyone we fight. More than half my games I pull top damage taken / dealt / and hover around 30k healing.
People either underestimate this hero or are just to use to fighting TB that they forget he can tank N spank.
What talents do you use?
I don’t think it’s bad, but if there isn’t followup damage it doesn’t get as much value, thus it isn’t the auto-pick talent that so many make it out to be. In an off-tank role, yes, Taunt is good, but there are situations where it just doesn’t get good value or actually secure kills. I go Taunt if my team needs it, but that decision usually comes after observing how the enemy and my team behaves.
Sorry was at work before,
LV1 - 2 always
lv4 - Taunt (because that’s literally the build)
lv7 - 3 always ( because you can bait people so hard when you solo and suddenly heal for 1k late game)
lv10 - 2 UNLESS the have a KT or KTZ…but if they are just bad then I say screw it
lv13 - 1: if they have high HP targets - 2: if the healers are just being a pain - 3: if they have high shield based targets and I want to meme them and watch them cry ( I did this to an arcon Tass the other night and it was just great because he gets hit for 85% in one rotation)
lv16 - I just ask my team what they feel is needed because I die about 1-2 times every 3 games so I couldn’t care less, its really for them.
lv 20 - I always go 1 because the utility to taunting a person endlessly is just priceless but it depends on personally preference. 1 just fits my play style
Hope this helps.
That’s where I agree with you. Your teammates need to work with you if they are gonna beg you to go Taunt instead of Twin Blades or Smash. But I still think Taunt is a bit underrated. When it works well, it works really well. When it doesn’t, because of lack of teamwork, at least you’re tanky.
I should try that out. More often than not my team in SL almost demands that I go Taunt and then don’t do a bunch of damage so we end up losing because we can’t win team fights. Thanks man.
Keep In mind I have a very hype aggressive play style and I don’t die often. That helps my numbes a lot but with that build you can stomp a good amount of people. I wish you the best of luck.
I understand your pain lol
Try to understand their pain, by not using necromancy.
Why did this get necro’d there was already another thread lol.
Because his comment was posted 1 hour and 51 minutes before that thread even existed.
MB. I really just wanted to link the threads