I played a few quick match today with a Varian in my team, lost every one of them. I think the problem was we didn’t have a tank in our team, while the enemy team always had one. Nothing new in this, I guess everyone in this game already encountered this situation. Varians will be Varians.
My problem is with matchmaking, because it’s counting them as tank. But let’s face it: NO ONE WILL EVER play them as a tank. No one. So please, rework this matchmaking and never put them in solo tank position. Thank you for reading.
Taunt Varian is still a bruiser
Then the balance is even worst than I thought.
I’m sorry to hear about your loses. I hope you won’t get more.
This is the main reason we will not get any more multi class heroes. When he did not count as a tank, one team can have no tank while the other had a varian that counted as dps could go tank. When he does count as one, people that wanted to play dps will be unhappy they got to tank and their party will be unhappy if they do not. They opted for the classification that had a greater then 50% chance for both sides to have a tank.
It would also be hard to put him consistently in a situation where he is teamed with a tank against a tank because there tends to be a shortage of non dps classes. The only way to fix multiclass in QM MM would be for people to be forced to choose their role on character selection and be locked out of the other options during game.
Put them into a team where there is another Varian in enemy team then.
I have Varians who have to deal with real tanks as a solo bruiser. Yea its broken as hell.
I play all my games as taunt ,do you know how i lose? With griefing ktz with 17k dmg and jaina with 29k dmg and yes i over damage them, have less death and i try to taunt when their rotations are up unless for peels.
The one prior was starring a valla with a zeratul ganker who were losing solo lane against diablo and us bottom having trouble clearing waves with kt among us…
I can’t blame people for not wanting to tank for such trash and if i knew better i wouldn’t either.
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Yeah, that’s why I don’t like tanking or healing. I don’t mind playing those roles but it sucks to be a bulwark for a team with water guns.
I ALWAYS get some trash dps whenever I play tank or healer and then I have to spend the entire match protecting them when their living status doesn’t have much of an impact on the game.
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raises hand
I play against Taunt almost exclusively when I queue as him.
I prefer Smash, but usually it is only an option if I’m in a group.
TB is pretty garbage anyways.
Making him not count as a tank—well. If you want to give me free wins playing Varian, sure I guess?
This reminds me of a Li Ming who was our solo complaining that I left lane on immortals maps early on…
AFTER, I ganked the siege camp, killing their solo (Artanis iirc) and stealing the camp.
I get complaining/etc if it failed…
But complaining after it worked, uh… okay…
Problem I having going taunt Varian (I normal do though) is all the other “tanks” get the bonus but I get nothing for tanking… Makes me not want to play him unless i kno wi can go another build… But thats just me
People also complained to Blizzard about mirror comps in the past, so the system tries to prevent that for the most part.
According to hotslogs, TB has the highest win rate in every rank and every game mode. Taunt always has the lowest by a very significant margin.
Now I’ve had great games and crappy games as every version of Varian, but QM is generally unreliable and TB can sometimes carry games. He has the camp clear and wave clear the others are missing, self sustain and wins 1v1s.
In the least coordinated form of play, it’s not surprising to me that people pick the most independent build (that also happens to be the highest win rate).
THAT is the main issue with Varian. As someone who plays Varian quite a bit I understand those who do not like to tank because if your team doesn’t capitalize on the Taunts, it can get really frustrating. It is not fun to pick Varian thinking you are gonna be able to Smash or go TB and then have to tank because QM doesn’t match another tank with you, but that’s part of playing Varian. When you play as Varian, your obligation, as well as everyone else’s, is to pick a build that helps the team the most based on the circumstances. A lot of people don’t understand that. Heck, I didn’t understand that until recently. I used to be those Varian players that think “I can tank with Twin Blades” and then die 3 seconds in the team fight and leave the rest of the team without a “tank” lol
It’s funny how nobody ever complains about seeing a hero playing badly in multiple games on the opponent side. This is mostly a matter of bad luck and that Varian is on free rotation this week. You probably just had the bad luck of a lot of players who don’t usually play as him on your team. I won against quite a few Genji, Orphea, Junkrat, and Maiev this week. Not because I’m an amazing player, or that these heroes are bad, but that they are on free rotation.
stop complaining about QM, no one is playing Varian to be a tank, they want to use twin swords and charge around in circles, they want to have “Fun” not play the game smart and support there time. QM is about doing whatever you want and hopefully getting the win
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The game is all about playing smart. The game almost requires you to analyze and think smart. If they are learning the hero then that’s fine, but if they are just going Smash or Twin Blades because they are more “fun” than tanking, then that’s not cool. 4 other teammates of a Varian want to have fun too, but its not fun when Varian just does whatever he wants and causes the whole team to lose. Since when was losing “fun”?
Twinblades isn’t WINblades.
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“Husaa’ku Wryna’a gen durosta nuhk”
Sry, was trying to sound Valiryan with a statement like: “Down with the house of Wrynn”, which might serve this thread’s purpose