Varian needs to be put in the assassin pool in QM games because 90% of people who pick varian dont go shield. They go colossal or twin blade. So its pretty stupid when 1 team gets a real tank like stitches and the other team gets a varian who goes twin blade. There isnt 1 tank on each team like there should be.
Varian Taunt build is perfectly viable in QM, but most of the people that play him in QM don’t know how to play him. I’m more or less “accidentally” maining Varian atm, and I weep when I see Varians in QM or Unranked because I just know that it’s going to be Twin Blades. Ranked is only half as bad. He’s definitely a bruiser though.
Taunt is very dependent on the team following up for the kill. You are likely to get a bad team in QM. If team doesn’t follow on taunt, you will contribute more with the other ults. I only play taunt in QM when i have a premade.
Twin blades can off tank decently, unless against some hyper mobile hero. Cs is the real issue here.
It’s the other way around most of the time.
The team not being coordinated to followup on a Taunt
The team not having the burst or damage to follow up on a taunt
The enemy team warrior getting blown up by Collosus Smash negates the need for Taunt
The enemy team warrior without much peels (Blaze) being forced to watch helplessly as Twin Blades murder his backline.
I agree that Varian kinda ate the curb as a Multi-class, and Kharazim is the more successful Multiclass hero that isn’t classified as such but I don’t quite know how to fix him any better than he currently is.
The real issue here is that hes in the “TANK” category and most people dont pick tank talents in QM, in fact most go twin blades and then 1 team has no tank and the other does. this severly gimps most QM teams.
Kharazim is a surprisingly good multiclass hero…they should reclassify him.
Taunt is follow up dependent for kills but it’s also great for peel if your backline is getting bursted by someone like Artanis. Whenever I find myself in a QM comp where I can’t lock someone down for a kill, I just use taunt to peel while my backline either widdles down the tank or destroys their dive.
He will be group into bruiser class when the class role rework kick in.
The peel sucks in comparison to what other tanks can bring. I get it you like taunt, but outside of coordinated play he is just a punching bag. You will always get more value out of tb or cs unless you somehow suck with them. Taunt is somewhat more forgiving for bad positioning i guess. Taunt was fine on its own before they nerfed overpower damage. Back then you could kill a squishy by yourself. Now you can’t do it anymore, you are 100% reliant on team damage…
I partially disagree. While his peel sucks in comparison to other tanks, he can go Warbringer and use charge to peel if they don’t have 2 mages. I’ll admit not common, but not dismiss-able either.
I agree with Moonshadow, in uncoordinated teams, Taunt is his least useful build, and he can get a lot more value out of TB or CS.
And TB Varian can be quite tanky, even if he has no actual peel to make him a real tank
Hell, I even lost one vs AI game (quite ashamed of that, but I was a support, and there wasn’t anything I could do about it), where our Varian went Taunt, but my team couldn’t follow it up…
he is in the bruiser role.
The roles have changed, but the UI has not been fully changed to reflect that.
this is why when there are not enough warriors/healers… You see bonus EXP for ETC, but not for Varian. And for Li Li, but not Tassadar.
When I do see QM Varians pick up Twin Blades and someone goes, “aww shucks, tank went twin blades. Rip” I always say we can try to make it work.
I’d prefer a well played Twin Blades over a mediocre Taunt.
Either way, Varian WAS considered a bruiser but the undid the changes after they undid the comp enforcements.
This is not true. Varian is considered a Tank in the QM matchmaker right now. He was classified as a Bruiser but that change was undone when they walked back the composition changes.
Twin Blades is an awesome build if you can get a lead. It can also be as useless as an unfed Butcher if you get behind.
I’m currently learning Varian and he is pretty decent as a main tank with his taunt build. A little vulnerable to stuns.
Arms build is still a mystery to me.
Please inform me where in this statement (or post) it states that Varian is treated as a tank now. Instead of a bruiser.
The post even clearly states Tank, Healer, Ranged Assassin hence the roles are working as intended.
If you have Blizzard stating otherwise please provide a cite.
Varian used to be classified as either bruiser or tank. In both cases forum got flooded with whine.
Varian used to be assassin and guess what? He murdered all assassins composition 10/10 the moment the competent Varian player switched to Taunt.
What is the definition of real tank anyways? I mean, even Anubarak is “tank” knowing that he has low HP among other tanks.
I’ve always seen Anub as an anti caster tank thanks to his beefy spell armor, massive disruption abilities and escapes/engages. Much like Johanna feels like the anti auto attack tank.
No, it isn’t. Queue as Varian and you will be matched against a tank every single time.
Just because Blizzard didn’t explicitly state they reversed Varian’s role again doesn’t mean they didn’t.
Expanding at 30 seconds instead of 300 seconds is a thing now, but you can’t even argue that it doesn’t do this because you can empirically observe it at the 30 second mark.
Varian, as of December 30th 2018 (today) will be matched against tanks.