Here’s an idea: take the first line of that post, and use that as reasoning to not post a bunch of “turds” at other people.
The whole notion of you falling back into lines in caps, rambling about [me?] ‘defending’ blizz and all this other ‘crap’ is you literally projecting stuff you want people to have posted in the first place for a tl/dr so you to feel warm and cozy in your echo chamber, to which, you then go out of your way to stroke your compatriots with the same projecting.
Hi: I answered a question. It’s not ‘defending blizz’ as I was pointing out a simple aspect of ‘reality’ and not going “zomg how dare you, they do the best and aren’t wrong and the game is better” like you want to imply I posted cuz, surprise-surprise, you seem to have read little by way of anything of my post. Great double-standard there, thanks
Posting self-righteous rants in caps doesn’t magically make your feedback, concerns, or whatever better; tossing out mindless labels to suit your echo-chamber victimized rhetoric is just the same sort of tripe you claim ‘diehard defenders’ do. You toss out the label at people that don’t fit your description, act out in the way of people you’d bemoan, and then somehow ignore you evidently ‘didn’t’ just shove a ‘plate of turds’ at someone else?
How charming.
Blizz devs experiment with ‘failed’ ideas all the time here — common talent pool, artifacts, generics, rewind, base-line armor, stealth, and so on. This is just another in the line of events. More day-one dumpster fires like how many other reworks now? (-- That one is rhetorical cuz the extent of some thing being as ‘bad’ here is subjective to what people notice, and deride to their personal tastes.)
Its kinda funny you respond later down with “exp changes nobody asked for” as that clearly indicates you haven’t noticed all the feedback, like this topic, of people requesting changes and posting solutions regarding the ‘snowball concerns’ of the past year or so – though its no small surprise you’d fall on to the 'nobody asked for this" bit as that’s a commonality of the “people who don’t agree with me are whiteknighting” tropes. Ha, labels!
Your response is more of a ‘backfire’ lashback of projecting more fiction than connection to anything given, and its the sort of notion ‘people’ (collective assumptive to claim a group instead of just individuals) associate with the lesser-skilled players (hi bronze tropes)
My particular replies aren’t about “zomg I gotta save blizz” (cuz I don’t do that) and are rather an influence in my lack of faith in the usual sort of players that come to the boards to complain in manners that usually indicate their issues are self-inflicted ones. Cuz ya know, posting in caps is just so wonderfully assicated with say, irate players that just look to blame anyone else that isn’t themselves for any in-game events that don’t catch their fancy.
So my apologies that your argument and concerns gave the impression of a particular sort in need of clarification on some observations they potentially hadn’t considered.
But ya know, the added bonus of the irony of my typing all this out to clarify that.