Upcoming XP Changes

Here’s an idea: take the first line of that post, and use that as reasoning to not post a bunch of “turds” at other people.

The whole notion of you falling back into lines in caps, rambling about [me?] ‘defending’ blizz and all this other ‘crap’ is you literally projecting stuff you want people to have posted in the first place for a tl/dr so you to feel warm and cozy in your echo chamber, to which, you then go out of your way to stroke your compatriots with the same projecting.

Hi: I answered a question. It’s not ‘defending blizz’ as I was pointing out a simple aspect of ‘reality’ and not going “zomg how dare you, they do the best and aren’t wrong and the game is better” like you want to imply I posted cuz, surprise-surprise, you seem to have read little by way of anything of my post. Great double-standard there, thanks :smiley:

Posting self-righteous rants in caps doesn’t magically make your feedback, concerns, or whatever better; tossing out mindless labels to suit your echo-chamber victimized rhetoric is just the same sort of tripe you claim ‘diehard defenders’ do. You toss out the label at people that don’t fit your description, act out in the way of people you’d bemoan, and then somehow ignore you evidently ‘didn’t’ just shove a ‘plate of turds’ at someone else?

How charming. :+1:

Blizz devs experiment with ‘failed’ ideas all the time here — common talent pool, artifacts, generics, rewind, base-line armor, stealth, and so on. This is just another in the line of events. More day-one dumpster fires like how many other reworks now? (-- That one is rhetorical cuz the extent of some thing being as ‘bad’ here is subjective to what people notice, and deride to their personal tastes.)

Its kinda funny you respond later down with “exp changes nobody asked for” as that clearly indicates you haven’t noticed all the feedback, like this topic, of people requesting changes and posting solutions regarding the ‘snowball concerns’ of the past year or so – though its no small surprise you’d fall on to the 'nobody asked for this" bit as that’s a commonality of the “people who don’t agree with me are whiteknighting” tropes. Ha, labels! :wink:

Your response is more of a ‘backfire’ lashback of projecting more fiction than connection to anything given, and its the sort of notion ‘people’ (collective assumptive to claim a group instead of just individuals) associate with the lesser-skilled players (hi bronze tropes)

My particular replies aren’t about “zomg I gotta save blizz” (cuz I don’t do that) and are rather an influence in my lack of faith in the usual sort of players that come to the boards to complain in manners that usually indicate their issues are self-inflicted ones. Cuz ya know, posting in caps is just so wonderfully assicated with say, irate players that just look to blame anyone else that isn’t themselves for any in-game events that don’t catch their fancy.

So my apologies that your argument and concerns gave the impression of a particular sort in need of clarification on some observations they potentially hadn’t considered.

But ya know, the added bonus of the irony of my typing all this out to clarify that.

I really tried to read your noise, but I got this far and had to save myself.

Sounds like projecting to me.

The look on your face right now is probably priceless.

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to a certain extent. However many higher skilled players have noted the potential strategies that would surround the game after a change like this and many were right.

[quote=“Aldrius-1324, post:99, topic:8794”]
For my money, I like the concept of forts & keeps not giving XP. I think XP should primarily come from player kills and soaking minions. I think that makes a lot of sense and encourages good laning.
[/quote] yea but the actual implementation actually rewards teams for losing forts because they can soak more safely, punishing good players for taking down structures. that part isn’t really subjective either.

the problem isn’t just the existence of early catapults, it’s that the team with no fort is going to keep up in exp for playing bad (aka letting their structures die) while the team destroying the structures will not be able to push their advantage very hard.

Stuff like this encourages bad players to not get better and also incentivizes better players to just go play a different game where their skill is rewarded instead. HOTS is already losing players so this definitely doesn’t help.


You need to remember a development team can’t fully see what the community will think of it till its fully out there. To them everything will seem fine to them and working better. I fall into this trap when I’m at work as a programmer as well. I make something. Test it. Use it myself for a little bit but when the users start to get a hold of things that’s when things need to be changed again.

its a hard cycle to play as a programmer trying to appease the end users. The fact that bliz decided to say something this early on in terms of the PTR is rare and should be accounted for. I’m not saying bliz has fully done everything right before but they are trying.

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The fundamental issue is that the game is currently F2P and there are matchmaking algorithms in place to maximize play time to maximize purchases. 2.0 was a casino update, not a gameplay update. The types of gamers that remain are fans of the casino and are not that great at the game. The game is changing to suit them, so suit the grind model.

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The last year rework that “made early game matters” and created snowball potential was deliberate. This is something that esport wanted.

If they go back to old hots xp system, it’s probably because:

  1. Esports hasn’t grow in the last year (any news for next season HGC anyone?)
  2. Playerbase hasn’t grow in the last year (any popular full-time streamer still play this game beside pro?)

But this has to do with soaking properly. If you’re letting the opponent soak more safelty… stop pushing the lane. Allied minions aren’t targetable, so you can’t do what other MOBAs do in this respect to deny XP but it’s really not that difficult to just soak.

I don’t have a ton of experience with the new system because the PTR is such an awful testing environment, but it sounds like it’s workable at least?

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You continue to eliminate specialists - it was my favourite class where i had over 56%winrate (and below 51/50 rest). unique, sneaky playstyles - all gone and those xp changes is the next step in this bad way (as for me). rip azmo, nazeebo, sylvana, zagara…


wtf are you including Zagara in there? She’s as good if not better than she has ever been.


You’re either a liar or you testing team needs training. If you tested like you said you were, the game wouldn’t be worse after you tinker with it.
You wouldn’t need to “balance” malganis less than a month after release.
F’ing TWICE.

I put my money on liar.


As I haven’t had the opportunity to test these changes for myself on the PTR I will pass no judgements. But as Raze said above, this time last year we had changes which for a few weeks made the game almost unplayable.

Considering many people return during holidays, can we please not give them yet another negative experience and yet another reason to quit. This game lives only if it has an active and healthy game population, please don’t drive people away with game-play changes you lack confidence in.


o i tought u meant more exp as in go towards ur character level no one buys booost i thought u meant that … shame

if it takes literal months than why do so many reworks and hero releases come out on launch as unbalanced and broken messes?

glad to hear.


I need something new.
Old things are very boring.

One thing I will credit, coming back to Live after the testing ptr. First thing I notice a huge difference between the snowballing effect an anti snowball.
It works.

Maybe I suck at understanding reading.
Will we see these current ptr exp changes go live with these next update? Y/n

The sheer amount of Dunning-Kruger in these comments is incredible though.

it’s good they are listening, it’s bad they tested this for months and thought it was good. Wonder what kind of echo chamber they’ve got going over there during their development cycles.


I wasn’t and wouldn’t ever be.

I get that you, and similar detractors to my posts associate ‘walls’ with “zomg I gottaguregurguerv” sort of typing – i would venture a guess you assume that because you do it, as I do note aspects I call inconsistent impulse – but I’m composed and, if anythng, bored in writing mediums. I’m not the sort that gets riled at comments, or hyped about games or insulted over stuff; there isn’t a point to that for me, and I think it’s silly peopple aren’t the same themselves in a medium that can easily be more composed in writing.

People getting worked up over in person, or voice, sure whatever, passiosn run from the moment cuz it is an at the moment thing. But people dont’ apply composure to reading, or writing to processes replies before they make then (I couldn’t get through this) and there is literally no reason to not do so in writing just by way of length.

