Upcoming XP Changes

And the point of a system normalizing itself (as it has talen Blizzard’s system YEARS to do is) to have those low skill players with each other. IT DOES happen and I know this because I’ve climbed on my main over the years.

There shouldn’t be any excuse or supplements made to encourage that ongoing game setup. At some point the trash players should be with their own.

I simply don’t accept that “everyone plays with low skill players” … no that’s now how a system should be working at all. And by the way, the system was a bit more uniform before Blizzard started banning players left/right over BS.
A gold player used to actually be good. Same with plat/diamond/master. Nowadays a bunch of bronze players are boosted there in those same ranks.

Lastly low skill players… in this “XP case” is bronze/silver/gold and some plat. The Xp changes would just create boosted players from those ranks upward into others. That’s not a good thing.


We all know you’re crying about how the game will get harder now that you can’t hide behind a snowball. You say there’s less strategy involved even though with the upcoming changes you HAVE to carefully think about what you and your team will do or it’ll bite you back.

This game is going to become harder for you and for people like you who don’t know how to play the way this and other MOBA games were intended as.

Except you’re wrong, in just about everything you stated.

This game didn’t have such an issue from Alpha until 2.0. That’s roughly 2-3 YEARS of having rare snowballs. When Alan came onboard the team, he took the game into a horrible direction that awarded snowballs and took away skill and strategy.

The health of this game is toxic at best. This caters to people like you who have no skill.


lol I have no idea what gives you that idea. I prefer a fair fight.

No I’m right. The people who stay mid all game and do nothing but FIGHT AND DIE all game are the low skill. That’s YOU.

I do everything in game, I rotate, I do team fights, I soak lanes, I get camps, I do everything… but some players like yourself have no ability to “change lanes” or “switch up their game play style” they just do one thing and one thing only FEED ALL GAME AND THATS ALL.


We completely agree. Not sure if you recognize that there are forced wins and losses though with the matchmaker pairing skilled players and potatoes though.


Look up “Activision Matchmaking Patents 2017” and you’ll see why the matchmaking puts noob accounts with experienced players. It is literally a patented form of matchmaking that drives microtransactions.


But you don’t, because you keep on complaining about how you’ll lose the lead if you start losing team fights due to lack of skill.

What? No, I’m not saying that.

Amazing, everything you said is wrong, again.

Mid game wasn’t much of an issue until they started implementing quests and a way to get a quick jump thanks to the massive xp gained from getting towers early game. Back when I started playing, we would have to focus on map rotation, laning, and carefully planning on when or how to take mercs in order to push.

This current gameplay absolutely caters to people like you and Dash, where you hide behind a good team and snowball into a win.

The new changes will destroy you guys because now you actually gotta pay attention to every aspect of the game.

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I’m sorry but I don’t take posts of silver/gold players very seriously at all. You have no idea how a game is carried. Go fly a kite or better yet go back into QM and go feed mid all game all day. Thats’ what you are good at. Good day sir.

Lol, this coming from a no body who thinks they know how to play this game and are literally crying about how the xp changes is going to make the game more fair to both teams, with a higher change for either to make a come back.

Low level/ LOW IQ player ^^^^^ who assumes I’m the Zagara type of player who does nothing but lane the entire game while everyone else fights.

The sooner you Blizzard can figure out how to get your players sorted out the better. We are playing different games and to that end… please get rid of the huge skill disparity when matching players in QM too. If Im going to wait 40 minutes for a match thats the least you can do for me/us.

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Looks like you’re deflecting a lot. I can’t wait for these changes to come up so you can be placed on where you belong, Bronze 5.

since most maps are objective based, ie Volskaya , if you lost the 2nd objective, the come back mechanics were horrible. they tried balancing the Pacific Rim robot, but it was still too snow-bally.

the exp changes will have a positive affect on pro play, because now there will be a chance for a comeback, where as before teams could just turtle and win by attrition.

the 3rd wave catapult was a means to reward taking down forts, but I don’t think blizzard accounted for multiple forts getting taken down, and how the losing team can just soak up all the waves and catch up passively.

I am sure they will find a way to fix this. they always have and always will

LOL you have NO idea who/what you are talking about. But at your skill level I can totally understand. You are on ignore now buddy :slight_smile:

That’s why we test these, even if it’s general knowledge that it is bad. It’s important to see why they are bad, and pin point the problems.

In fact I encourage every player. Bronze to GM pro to test it for themselves and get a glimpse of what they make of it.

Let’s be real, the “playtesting” was 1 guy playing with 9 bots. It’s a stretch for me to believe they have 10 people on the dev team, let alone ones who also play the game.


I just think its kinda strange they even care to do any changes given the skill based system which doesn’t actually match on skill/knowledge and experience. Until that sort of thing is done much more consistently and uniformly (no rainbow matches), then all these changes don’t matter at all.

The snowballs arise out of skill/game based knowledge and even boil down to what some casual players think is a fun game for them (they want to hang out in mid or “KILL BIG THINGS WITH RED NAME PLATES” and that is all. They don’t care about winning the game and not even concerned about that . That is the only reason snowballs happen. You can’t fix that… you can’t fix stupid. You shouldn’t even try to fix that. Snowballing is only attached to the skill based matchmaker if there is any such matchmaker out there. I know QM lost it… it never had it to begin with but now … if it even had any sort of skill based algorithm built in… its gone now. Other game modes still have the issue even if they are supposedly skill based.

I think Blizzard is trying to have their cake at eat it too here. They want shorter games and more wins for low skill/new players.

There were less snowballs back then because the matchmaker wasn’t nearly as volatile as it is now… putting a 2700+ player and a 700 mmr player on the same team didn’t happen nearly as much as it does now. Also the designs to make games shorter… all of that came into play in how a snowball happens… but still it arises out of skill… players ability to prioritize what they should be doing at all times. Some of us have have that ability and a lot don’t. Some people are incapable of doing multiple things at once. Some players are super laser focused on one thing only… and others are so map blind its not funny.
These XP changes fix none of those things.

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The glaring issue of expecting their fan base to not be whiny little … ? That one you mean.