Underrated Heroes - Flying Under the Radar

While the hero pool in general feels very strong at the moment, and there are the current crop of heroes that are widely discussed in terms of being OP or first-pick/first-ban, I feel there are a large number of heroes who are incredibly powerful, but seem to be left out of the discussion on a regular basis. It could be due to the learning curve in mastering them, their reputation as being niche or easily countered, or just people forgetting they exist in the hoopla over reworked heroes.

Just for fun, go ahead and mention heroes you find strong, or possibly OP! I realize this will be fairly subjective, as we will likely never have accurate stats, but feel free to mention 3rd party stat sites if you wish. Here goes my list:

Healer - Uther. While his healing output isn’t the highest, he more than makes up for it in damage mitigation through his armor, CC, and Cleanse/D-Shield. A well-played Uther also counters many of the more dangerous enemy heroes, but he tends to be left out of the discussion due to the fact that many people do not know how to play a healer pro-actively, so believe he is weak. They only consider healing done, so assume he is low and mana-hungry.

Bruiser - Leoric. The bruiser category in general has had the greatest upheaval recently, what with the reworks to D Va and Gazlowe bringing both back into the meta. And even with his nerfs, Imperius is arguably the gold standard in terms of solid front line material. This means that a lot of good bruisers are seen as being weaker or less valuable than their kit deserves. Leo is right up there with the best in that he can bring a lot of unique options to the table, and Entomb, especially with the level 20 upgrade, is a game-changer.

Tank - Anub’arak. Yes, I am biased, as I have played him far more than most tank mains, even before last year’s mega-buff that propelled him into first-pick/ban status. There are a number of good tanks out there, and with his last two buffs, I do believe the big bug has reached the point of being top tier again. He is still seen as being strictly anti-mage (which honestly is still where he shines), but with his greatly improved EHP, he can handle AA damage when needed.

Ranged Assassin - Valla & Sylvanas. They are both staples in high ranked play, but you rarely see them discussed or contested in draft. While neither has the flashy, blow-them-all-up playstyle, both do absurd amounts of damage, and when played well are very hard to pin down and kill. They are outright indestructible when their front line is enabling them. I would rather face 20 decent Jimmys than 1 good Sylvanas.

Melee Assassin - Alarak. He keeps getting buffs, and people just don’t seem to notice. While it is true he is slower at PvE than most other heroes, if all of the enemy team is dead, it doesn’t matter. While Zeratul and Samuro get all the attention (although it is deserved, in my opinion), Alarak just quietly goes about his business, dominating team fights with aplomb.

Support - TLV. The support class is tiny, so none of them are really overlooked, but the changes to TLV have really made them strong outside of their traditional niche. I see them picked and banned on maps where they were never even considered prior to their changes. If the enemy team doesn’t draft/play to counter them, they will turn the map blue.


I may be wrong, but I think Anub is even a bit overpowered right now…! I am not in a very high rank yet (platinum), but I had 72% so far with him in a bit over a hundred games. Though admittedly this also includes some QM and Unranked.

With normal tanks or bruisers, I barely have 50 to 55.

I think he is a bit too impactful now, not just vs dual mage comps but 1 mage.

But especially if enemy has 2 casters, Anub is a death sentence to that team.


The moose hero is so underrated that he’s not even in game.

On topic, Illidan is cool.

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I do think he is overtuned, but since people don’t play him, it gets missed in the conversation. I have an absurd win rate on him this season, and my KDA is pushing 8.0, which is basically unheard of for a tank. My lifetime stats on him are the best of all the tanks I play regularly, so if other people started drafting him more often, I would say he is a candidate for a few targeted nerfs.

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I think most of the melee assassins kind of lfy under the radar for the simple fact that their counters are more obvious and thus the players have to be more unpredictable to compensate but Kerrigan Qhira Valeera etc all have some potent places if played right,
Anomaly that hard counters their existance not withstanding.

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Alarak never left the spot of good hero, remember he is hard to use so few people play it.
Probius is the most OP ranged hero at the moment. The medallion and the current bruisers made him unstoppable.

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There alot of slept on heroes. Especially those with wierd kits that dont immediately seem powerful. Some that really stand out to me and rexxar and probe. Both can completely Lockdown the solo lane, can solo camps at any stage of the game, and do tons of damage late game while still providing good utility.

Rexxar has a very low cooldown “ranged” aoe stun with a decent duration. Unleash the boars is essentially a point amd click engagement tool with massive range that roots at 20. He can create a virtually unwinnable situation on point control maps where the bear stays on point and rexxar oneshots the minions waves. Hes got very few reliable counters that can all just be banned out and some of them are unpopular heroes them selves.

Probe can do alot of similar things in lane. Drop a turret on the point after you cap it and its a ton of free damage while your opponent deals with it. All while your one shotting waves and taking towers or camps at blinding speeds. His zoning abilities are great. Anyone who walks in to any of his zones risks taking like 700 damage instantly and he can blow these up every 4 seconds or so. If your team has any kind of wombo or long cc like a sleep or bone prision then probe can follow these up with 2-3 warp rift explosions for oneshot levels of damage. Probe is fairly decent utility wise aswell. The pylon upgrades at 13 are essentially slightly weaker but permanent varian flags. null gate is very flexible. It can serve as decent peel, an engagement tool, fallow up to CC, wave clear, and as a way from probe to set up his own warp rift combos. Probe can be easier to counter then rexxar but its hard to know what probe is going to do in a game sense you can put him just about anywhere and he’ll do well.


Zarya is an underrated support. Her shields offer amazing protection against burst damage. Gravition Surge combos are strong and fascinating. She can also counter CC with her Unstoppable Competitor and Cleansing Shield. I’ve rarely seen people picking her. According to HoTS logs, she is least popular support despite her win rates being higher than Medivh.


I think that won’t long enough that I seek to play it. I have much of the heroes spot during that I could seek to have much to gameplay that I have:

  • in Ranged Assassin case Valla has been underrated but since that hero still popular.
  • in Healer case Alexstrasza has been underrated since recently update this hero have more recovered in Heroes Profile Morales possibly to last place was rarely seen people picking her.
  • in Bruiser case Chen is currently underrated hero since was rarely seen people picking him.
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Kind of sad since I was expecting a nod to Junkrat. He can root, displace and deal tons of damage. All while being dangerous from range to boot. He also has an anti dive trait that can cause issues if you talent into it.

Anub is strong but it wouldn’t surprise me if the data is misleading. I know tons of people who don’t take Anub seriously in draft. They’ll take mage sometimes even two against him. The community perception seems to be he’s not scary but that’s a costly mistake to make. I think Anub is fine as he is now. Just have to wait for people to realize he’s actually meta again and need to take him seriously.


I hate going up against a good Junkrat. As a tank, I am not allowed to stand anywhere. There are a ton of great ranged assassins at the moment, it was hard to pick one, which is why I listed two!

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Junkrat has been my under the radar assassin for awhile now. He’s just really versatile without any noticeable weaknesses. Valla and Syl are both really strong heroes to the point I find them very common. I tend to lean Junkrat because I rarely see him at all despite the fact he’s very strong hero. If I had to pick other underrated I would look at Lunara and maybe Tychus but I think he’s been rising in popularity since his changes.

I think Lunara and Tychus are good, but not overtuned or anything. Sylvanas would likely be considered OP if they hadn’t buffed the snot out of Cassia, and if Tassadar weren’t so popular.


It’s a nice discussion.

I think Anub is overall fine. He is in a similar boat to stitches, in that he isn’t that kind of a meat shield. Anti-mage? I’ve been deleted very, very much by double mage. Being just a wee bit above Tychus’ health, he certainly cannot handle triple backline either way - most tanks cannot, usually, anyway.

I’m also doing comparatively well with him, and I use him as a backline tank. Most of his abilities involve a bit of moving forward, so being in the middle of the enemy team automatically devalues him. Yes, it’s often useful harassing someone, but anyway.

With Valla & Sylvanas (and many others) I suppose the key is confidence (alongside positioning and dodging). I’m seeing Valla players obliterate enemies, while others tend to have no impact whatsoever. Even better with a level advantage on Valla’s side. I’m fairly miserable with her and admittedly I’m always a bit afraid that I’ll be deleted. It’s really sad when I don’t have my level 4 (100 attacks) complete even by level 20. (Mostly because I end up on solo lane duty, and I cannot afford to extend.)
But the hero I’m really terrible with is Sylvanas. I’m seeing a lot of other players suffering, too.

My candidates are Abathur and Nova. Often considered troll picks, Aba enables virtually any aggressive hero (much of my earlier Qhira winstreak can be attributed to a hat, but we all know about Varian, Valla, Tracer…), while a properly played Nova can farm kills.

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Anyone who is strong (you mean A tier?) would be people not on my s tier list but “strong”

Valla and sylvanas arent underrated. They are overrated

Work on your “pull out game”.
Anub is useless without you knowing when to pull out of a fight and of course as a diver you also need to know the timing when to charge someone. There are multiple styles and depending on your skill level you get away with many shenanigans. Also your main value is in CC, keep using those while your teammates burn the enemy and you’ll see wonders.

Anub’arak can be a main tank or even solo frontline in the right situations. But you aren’t meant to stay at the front on a constant basis. Get in, produce results, get out, recuperate, repeat. That’s how Anub rolls.


I don’t know why but ever since I turned quick cast on I’ve been doing alot better on Kerrigan than on Alarak, even though Alarak is by far my most played hero. Maybe it’s because the loss of sadism upon death making me play him like a wuss, I’m just not clicking with Alarak. The other melee assassins that I’ve tried I’ve done noticeably better on, including the most recent pickup Kerrigan (also reliant on a combo) with only a small number of games.


Basically what willyvereb said. Anub’arak is a bit of a hit and run tank rather than an all-in tank. He is also fantastic at damage mitigation with all of his CC and W. Unlike many tanks, the key to playing him is timing more than positioning. Save Q to interrupt or peel, rather than using it to initiate. W is fairly spammable, but will eat through mana if you take the CDR at 7, so always show up with full HP and mana. Unless you know you can get a kill or will definitely have follow-up, save E as an escape or to reposition.

Well, I did mention this discussion would be relatively subjective, and there will always be heroes that certain people can play better than average, and many that people will play, um, less optimally than average (I am the worst KT NA, hands down). While I don’t think Kerrigan is necessarily a bad hero, EU pros like Nic can do disgusting things with her, I do feel Alarak is overall stronger, and his main counter is the skill of the person playing him.


That clearly indicates Alarak’s hardest counter is me.