The moose hero idea

Thanks @Ironymus for the idea.

Inspired by my moose friend Baxter.

Trait-Forest Beast
Ever 3rd basic attack deals additional damage and stubs for 0.25 sec
Q-Bellowing call Mana:35 CD 5 sec
Shout loudly, slowing enemies and empowering allies near you
W-Forest charge Mana 65 CD-7 sec
Dash a medium distance, stunning and applying a DoT to enemies hit
E-Antler strike Mana:40 CD-12 sec
Activate to have your next 2 basic attacks deal increased damage and reduce Cooldown
R1: Rut Mana 85 CD:60 sec
Taunt an enemy and give them a damage debuff
R2: Forest Ragev Mana: 75 CD: 75 sec
Gain enraged, with a damage aura and increase aa speed and damage.