Underrated Heroes - Flying Under the Radar

My 44% win rate on him would suggest that his hardest counter is me!


You donā€™t see a lot of probiuses and when I hear GMs talk about him they only mention that there is a select few people who are insanely good with the hero and otherwise itā€™s like a lochness monster sighting. Some even say heā€™s not good. But Iā€™m not complaining, I like that heā€™s going under the radar like that. Being underestimated by the general population is an advantage in and of itself.

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In my opinion 4:
1- Sylvanas
2- Orphea
3- Qhira
4- Chromie

Niche situations:
1- Zagara early game
2- Valeera vs divers

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Illidan, artanis, and Azmodan.

I agree with everything, except that I would rather fight against 1 good Sylvanas than 20 Jimmys. Imagine 20 Hyperions. :rofl:

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Facing 20 of any heroes would not be fun.

20 tychuses demolition derby

1 Grav-o-Bomb followed by a full Jaina rotation = Jimmys delenda est.

The Sylvanas would just trinket and E the heck out of there. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yeah the best Raynors just have good game sense and mechanics. A good Sylvanas is meanwhile a chess mistress who can do way more things than Raynor even if she has easier counters.

Anyways, a definitely underrated healer is Whitemane. Seriously, as much as many people have fond memories with a good Whitemane player, sheā€™s hardly brought up. Whitemane has issues and also a seemingly high barrier of entry. She also struggles to have a good niche. Yet sheā€™s powerful and the uncrowned queen of burst healing. If you got an aggressive team or want some measures to protect a vulnerable backliner then Whitemane is one of the greatest. She has no CC but the combination of damage reduction and massive healing burst means she could do a lot.

Iā€™d say the rework made Whitemane stronger than ever. I donā€™t like to play her compared to before but her anti-burst quality is more than worthy to include her. Many healers have damage reduction talents, some get it way earlier than her. Whyā€™s Whitemane special? Because she can cast it every 6 seconds during teamfights. Pity the Frail CDR allows you to realistically cut down about 6-8 seconds from your cooldown so you only have a few seconds of downtime between casts. You can of course dive Whitemane or disrupt her but since our main weapon is a 3-second self-root you can bet that most Whitemanes are positioned well. Besides even if you disrupt her Inquisition she can have it up faster than your own CC you cast to counter her. So long she isnā€™t out of position Whitemane can be quite darn oppressive.


Given brightwing seems to fly only ~1 meter above the ground, I donā€™t believe any radar system would be able to pick her up.

Thatā€™s totally what this topic is about rightā€¦ :stuck_out_tongue:


Tassadar also floats around that amount.


I would add Tyrande to the list. After playinge her for a time again, I can only imagine how powerful she can be in a good Team. She has Stun baseline, a Damage boost baseline with her trait, she can heal enough that the team can stay for long in a fight. She has two great ults (the only healer with global healing and one of the biggest zoning tools).
But if the team sucks to follow up on her trait/Lunar flair to delete the target or runs out of her range when she tries to heal, she canā€™t help the team effectively.


Itā€™s more on her current status after series of nerfs and talent tier switches to shift her power. She used to be S-tier in her current incarnation prior to nefing those aspects and then leaving her in this odd place. At lower mid levels she also suffers from the fact she needs to be aggressive yet her team cannot really cover for that to benefit from the CDR. Especially in ARAM I saw a ton of Tyrande players who could only use Q once in the blue moon. Thatā€™s why sheā€™s kinda forgotten. Sheā€™s still good and a decent Tyrande could be very difficult to face but I also see Tyrande players who can barely output third the healing of their opposition.


Iā€™m biased sure, but a good Mephisto can wreck an entire team. Yet he seems underplayed and not often complained about with very few balance adjustments since release (thank the Hells!).


I wish Tyrande would get a bit more variety in the Builds. There are some talents that are literally must picks for example Eluneā€™s chosen on Level 4

Adc: Lunara
Valla and Sylv are solid, but I see them pretty much constantly. I say Lunara because she has some solid talent diversity, amazing waveclear, two solid ult choices, and can be ridiculously hard to catch, especially with leaping strike.

But wait thereā€™s more! Wisp means providing vision to your team in crucial spots. Lunara is weak to burst? Spell shield. Also, most forgotten part. Lunara has a cleanse on a 30 second cooldown.

Tank: Blaze
Good waveclear, option for unstoppable. Ways to reduce damage of ADC, and mages. But really, that AoE stun is nothing to mess with. Land that sucker on some people and then watch your mages just melt them.

Blaze also does well as a bruiser and solo laner.

Bruiser: Malthael
More than just a tank killer guys. Good at macro, good at laning, takes camps, can teamfight really well. Imperius can only teamfight.

Mage: Mephisto
He is difficult, and you canā€™t just go fling stuff at people and get lucky with a hit that takes half their hp. But wow. Good mephistoā€™sā€¦ Durance of hate is nasty.

Healer: Whitemane.
Dear raven lord the healing. Kinda team dependent cause she has very low cc and is vulnerable to dives. Also doesnā€™t deal well with poke. But do a hard engage and just win.



I know she is a first ban/pick in high leagues but in lowers ranks she is totally ignored.

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Canā€™t argue with that. Slippery little devil isnā€™t she. :wink:


I disagree with some of your list. Though imo youā€™re spot on with uther and anubarak.

Alarak is pretty mediocre and most of the good alarak players that ive seen lately dont get back the value that they put into mastering him. I dont think heā€™s bad by any means.

Valla, yes in the right comps i agree. Though as a generalist shes still not great and i see people over picking her. Sylvanas yes but she actually requires skill to play so hard for her to be picked more often.

Leoric: meh. After 20 a good leoric can win but pre 16 hes meh.

Leoric can carry hard at lvl 4
He is incredible tanky , the best escape as a bruiser. and when you kill him he is back very soon, this wins most fights. He can drop a 50% slow (if talented) and both of his ults are great

Im suprised he is still balanced

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