I don’t care I’m tilted
Than you should just go here.
I still see a few Tyrandes who manage to make 100k healing in a game. But Tyrande is mostly hero who can setup lockdowns on a single hero for her team to kill with lunar flare and she is good at giving her team vision with owl. But no she is not a healbot like some other healers are. Also her entire healing kit depends on her auto attacking for cd reduction and that means she have to go frontline a few times.
I would just like to point out that her healing output/Q CDR depends on dealing damage, not just autoattacking.
yeah despite the fact her healing is not good enough, she is more like a playmaker playing as a second healer, if the tyrande and team is good enough they can win games even if she has low healing, remember sometimes is not about the arrow, but the archer
Dat body thought…
she’s like a worse Uther, you don’t take Uther as a main healer,
you take him as a side healer with benefits.
and he heals better than Tyrande, Stuns more than Tyrande and even brings a lovely armour buff.
also has a lovely godmode ult for his allies to deal with those pyros.
Gawd. Reading this thread gives me headache.
Ooooh yes uther needs a nerf 25 armor is toooo much tyrande no longer lowers 25 armor with her mark so uther shouldn’t be able to give the same amount to his allies
She’s an assassin/healer hybrid.
What’s the problem?
(btw, if tank/assassin is bruiser, and tank/healer is paladin, what is assassin/healer?)
Assassin/healer = support?
She is the captain of CC removal.
Tyrande has a must pick 1 called elunes chosen
She is great at scouting lock downs and helping others to burst down 1 target. She requires fellow players to play a bit smarter like Kharazim. Both can do great healing but you need to work with Tyrande.
Give her some minions so she can reset her Q faster
There is also a nice tactic by not spamming both heals at the same time. You heal one target, and leave the other Q when someone is in trouble. But make sure you use that 1 stack before the Q stacks reset
i do agree i think tyrande does need a slight HP buff she is outdated in that category so is malfurion i mean for some reason Ana is more far range healing and gets more HP then both of them on top of ana being really hard to kill 1v1 late game.
so HP buff for the heroes like malfurion and tyrande seem neccasry for having to be more up close to heal anyways.
And thats the thread. Pack up and go home everyone, there is nothing worthwhile here. This was never a discussion about hero design or a request for help on improvement.
This was just a frustrated vent from one who either played as or played with a Tyrande that under performed.
Learn stutter stepping
Learn positioning
Get a good TANK player friend to party with
Go Elune Chosen at lvl1
And Darnassian Archery at lv16
You will not believe your eyes when you see the stats
I already know all those things and I’ve aeen the stats stop mansplaining
Tyrande heals just fine. It just requires you to be autoattacking all the time which other healers rarely do. She has like different method when it comes to healing. In fact, she was like priority healer pick in professional gaming before/after her rework. This explains pretty much us pepegas don’t play her properly.
Why archery? and not the other 2 at 16?
Celestial Attunement (the one tht remove stuns/silence) that is a handy one.
But for pumping up healing numbers, with Darnassian Archery she can heal more than anyone in the roster provided shes getting to AA the heroes safely behind her tank.
But of course, Celestial Attunement is the go to talent in almost all cases.