Twin blade nerf wut?

Reduced Healing at 13 helps Varian as much as anyone else, it’s a giant F-U to at least half the bruisers Varian could find himself in lane with if he’s solo’ing and fixating it.

The banner, come on 20 seconds, and creating the theme of rallying behind a banner that’s cool
As for the Storm Talents. The shout fits Warrior theme perfectly not to mention remember that Varian is meant to be multi-class between Tank and assassin and that is something left over from that. And almost halving a teams outgoing damage as you dive in and stick to one. Yup works for me

You mixed the apples with the tomatoes…

Varian’s AA at lvl 20 with completed HKQ is 167, so it’s not a 10% AA dmg buff compared to Nexus Blades 20%. The extra 70 dps is equal to 41% increased AA dmg, but AA dmg and dps has as much in common as liter and metre.

Go on, check the dps increase of AA Heroes after they took Nexus Blades but before that, try not to compare the two to each other.

Of course the dps increase is different for varian, he has heroic strike to ramp up his numbers.

Dps heroes that don’t have heroic strike get close to a 20% increase in attack damage. The only reason it might not is that other heroes have a ton of talents that buff their attack damage, and that 20% is additive not multiplicative so it might be less than 20% if those heroes take their talents for attack damage. If they don’t it would most certainly be very close to 20% extra AA dps.

And heroes that have other talents for AA damage already scale way better than varian even without nexus blades. Varian has to rely on a level 20 talent that sucks. Heroes with nexus blades generally already have at least 1-2 talents along the way that give a substantial damage boost before 20

I tested it. Not sure how to post images like you did but here are the results:
Level 20 zeratul without nexus blades:
Level 20 zeratul with nexus blades:
(remove the dashes, I can’t include links)

Oh look it’s a 20% damage increase, what a surprise!

You know what the funny thing is? Nexus blades is the inferior option. Twilight falls is better with might of the nerazim, shadow mending is better with void prison. Zeratul’s inferior level 20 is about twice as good as varian’s twinblade upgrade at 20.

Get what I mean about hot garbage now?

Sorry for the bump, but actually how does the maths check out?

Twinblades increases attack speed from 2.5 to 2.69 attacks per second, a 7.5% increase.

Varian attack damage is let’s say X at level 20. Heroic strike gives an average of 41.7 damage per hit (since it procs every 3 hits for 125 damage). High king’s quest gives 60 damage.

So in the try mdoe test, varian’s damage is a flat number of X + 41.7 + 60 = a flat number.

How do you take a flat number, increase it by 7.5% (0.075) and get a 10% increase in damage as the result? So strange, it should be a 7.5% increase.

I suspect because in the second picture, varian didn’t hit for as long as the first picture (which makes the dps result inaccurate because there is no cooldown for the first hit so the dps number drops gradually until it plateaus)

So you’re saying that dps is based on AA damage?

A litre is a cube with all sides 1/10th of a metre.

Dps can be AA+Abilities as well.

Which means your analogy failed on that point. A litre is calculated specifically from metres, not from metres + something else.

The heck are you talking about?


A litre is defined exclusively from the metre, but you claim AA damage and dps have the same relationship.

Wait you mean in the 2 pictures you posted you casted spells too?

I thought you were trying to test the effect of the Frenzy talent, what’s the point of casting spells when you’re testing that? Am just trying to clarify what was actually tested lol. I don’t think it was very meaningful to include spells though… since Frenzy doesn’t affect spells.

BUT in any event, including spells should LOWER the difference in dps and not raise it. The dps difference should STILL not be 10%.

Something is wrong somewhere

Nope. (But tb clear, Heroic Strike is not his AA dmg, it’s spell dmg, so the dps was AA+HS purely.)

This is just an old thread and someone quoted me with a weird question.

I hit screenshot around the same time and watched the estimated numbers.

My point with that analogy was that you can’t add 1 litre to 1 metre and say you have 2 litres.

That was my point. If you didn’t understand that I indeed failed to choose a proper one, but your point looks more like nitpicking than a meaningful addition to this conversation.

14 days later. :sob:

Actually HKQ gives less damage to twinblades because it reduces his raw AA damage.

Him attacking multiple times in short order makes up for it, but that would be why the DPS increase is barely higher than 60 despite High King’s Quest giving 60 AA damage.

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75% down from 80% is in fact 6,25% less damage, not 5% :stuck_out_tongue:
It may not sound significant, but it can be the difference between a kill and a death in a lot of situations. This nerf also hinders his self-sustain. He may no longer be able to win 1 v 3 fights :stuck_out_tongue:

I would like to see high kings globe quest come down to 15 now. With the nerfs to twin blades I think it makes sense to make high kings a bit less tedious to complete.

Personally I think CS and taunt just don’t have the same value as TBs. Second wind makes TBs incredible in combat and for camps. There isn’t really any sustain/damage options that can help elevate CS or taunt in comparison.

The buffs to lion fang and its talents is a step in the right direction. The same goes for banners but those also buff twin blades…

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I am gonna have to try TB Varian in QM. Hopefully my team won’t get mad about it.

I get mad at Varians who DON’T go TB. As it was already said, it’s only bad in the forum’s imagination.

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Unless the enemy are tracer and Lunara
Then it’s bad and you should go taunt

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Well in my server, they flip s out if TB Varian is chosen. In Asia btw.

That is incorrect. MY mom picked speed.