Twin blade nerf wut?

I’m horrible sorry that I accused your mother falsely :frowning:

It’s ok. She’ll get even when she meets you in QM.

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Despite the nerfs to twins and buffs to taunt, I dont think people will take taunt.
You can tank and survive more with twins than with taunt.

To be competitive with twins, taunt should get back 0.5 sec stun on charge as a passive.

They removed the stun on charge specifically because charge + taunt was too long a disable for being point and click.
Your complaint was about taunt not being tanky enough. Shouldn’t that mean that shield wall should be buffed instead of charge?

Yeah I know. But that was after Varian was released.
Increasing HP wont make him better, 10% bonus HP makes him survive like 0.5 sec more.
The removal of armor from taunt did not help as well.

Also if you buff shield wall more, people will go crazy…
But I can imagine taunt getting some bonus on shield wall, like it reflecting part of damage.

People confuse QM Varian with Unranked / Ranked Varian.

The reason why winblades Varian was an issue is because the algorithm would put Varian in a team without any tanks.

So people would pick non-tank Varian, which caused backlash when the team lost because people naturally would assume they lost because it was no-tank versus tank. (Whether or not this is the reality is debatable.)

In the end, Smash and Winblades do have viable builds.


I really like CS for Rexxar tho. Taunt and TB don’t really allow you to beat him 1v1 like smash does.