Twin blade nerf wut?

Local dweller discovers memeblade isn’t a meme after all, more news at 10.


Somebody on the forums said that TB is a meme and basically throwing. Thus, it must be bad and everyone should feel bad for picking it.


guys meme blade bad, updoot button on the right :point_right::arrow_lower_right:

Diablo and garrosh were at 48% winrate and still got nerfed same for nova.
Why would lolblades escape?

This is the most recent Winblades I had in SL. I’d have another one if the enemy wouldn’t pick Cho’Gall on Hanamura, leading to me picking CS against them and their full squish team here:

And my ranked stats with him:


this is insanely interesting :smiley:

will see when i get time, may b tonight :smiley:

Ye and put that together with aba hat and attack speed buff and no one can kill him.

We barely play Varian on KR server (Storm league). We do care about the fact they kind of brought his twin blade down. For me, I don’t know if 5% is a lot though. I am sure it was a necessary patch and I will accept it.

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“Support talents” Wut?

Bruh have you seen the kind of damage you can do as Twin Blades or Colossus while under the effects of the Dalaran Banner? Making that one reliable once maybe even twice every team fight is one heck of a buff and honestly helps him scale much better into the late game.

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lmao as if that nerf gonna stop people from playing twin blades. once you go twin blades you never go back…


You don’t understand power budget do you.

Varian gets at best 30% of the benefit from that banner talent himself, since there would be 4 other teammates benefitting from the banner, particularly mages who would benefit significantly more than varian himself (so assuming the mage gets 50% and the other assassin gets 20% and even assuming the tank and healer don’t benefit from the spellpower banner at all)

That necessarily means that either the banner sucks for varian himself and is therefore a team utility tool, or the banner’s effects on varian alone is strong, in which case the banner is just flat out broken because the total team impact is multiple times the effect on varian.

You gotta choose one. Which is it? (If I were you, I’d choose understanding basic MOBA concepts before posting)

Wait wait wait let me get this straight

You are seriously complaining because Varian Wrynn, High King of the Alliance, man who died to save his people at the Broken Shore. Has a talent tier dedicated to a support styled power in the form of a banner. A banner that has the theme of rallying your team behind it!?

Huh? You confuse me


Dude I thought you were arguing about banner giving varian a ton of damage. Now you’re arguing varian’s theme, which is it you want to talk about?

I don’t know much about varian’s theme honestly (although I would have thought splitting shalamayne into 2 is a super iconic moment and wielding 2 blades into battle is pretty iconic too).

But varian’s level 13, 16 and 20 talents are almost all team utility oriented (healing reduction, team banner, and team banner again or demoralising shout).

You could pick frenzy which is the twinblades upgrade but that talent is absolute hot garbage (that is for another thread though I don’t want to argue about that).

Anyway I don’t think most people pick varian so they can follow their team around supporting their team with a banner. That fits a support playstyle more, nothing wrong with that at all but it’s probably not the reason people pick varian at all

Lvl 13:

  • anti heal (doesn’t support the team, hinders the enemy, not the same)
  • anti shield (dmg and enem hindering)
  • %-based dmg

Lvl 16:

  • banners, all support your allies, true

Lvl 20:

  • heroic upgrades, none supports your allies (winblades upgrade is not trash)
  • dmg debuff for the enemy (common “support” among Tanks and Bruisers)
  • banner upgrade (so one lvl 20 which truly about supporting a bit, just like how other Tanks and Bruisers have Storm Shields or other similarly supportive abilities)

Your issue?

Tldr: lvl 13 increases your killing potential, lvl 16 is team support(one which increases your dmg), lvl 20 is tanky/bruisery business or dmg boost.

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Taunt is still my favorite way to play Varian but at the same time its my least favorite. I love having the ability to lock a hero down and delete them but I hate it when I taunt someone, and they focus someone else. :rage:

Twin Blades is really fun too but I think that people just pick it not really giving a crap about the comp which can be bad for your team. Twin Blades doesn’t suck and I doubt it will suck after this tweak. Its powerful if you use it right, but if you need a main tank and you choose Twin Blades with the wrong comp, you’re asking to get rekt.

All of Varian’s build are great, if used right. They didn’t buff his other builds because that would make him really tough to play against, if he wasn’t already, in the right hands.

Ofcourse but thats a great player picks a fight. But if he is wrecking the solo lane. Their team is in trouble

This just seems like a personal issue.
20% AOE armor? Sure!
Nanoboost? Want extra spell power with it? <3

That twinblades talent gives 7.5% attacks per second increase and 10% movespeed increase (on top of a base 130% movespeed so its actually approximately 7% movespeed increase).

Sorry but 7.5% attackspeed and a 7% movespeed (that requires hitting stuff) qualifies as trash. It’s the same thing as chen’s stormstout secret recipe which got moved to level 1 and buffed 3 times and still sucks. If this hot garbage of a talent were moved to level 1, it would have to be buffed 3 times to compete with overpower or high king’s quest. No one is going to pick 7.5% attack speed for a talent, not even a level 1 talent.

Most games as twinblade varian you basically go anti-heal at 13 which supports the team (yea hinders the enemy bla bla, whatever, you get the idea), a banner talent, and at level 20 you choose between 2 support talents or a talent that is hot garbage.

I’d explain further why the twinblades upgrade is absolute trash but there have already been a number of reddit threads on this testing that talent out, go read them (interesting tip, when hitting the test dummy before and after picking the twinblades talent, you can barely even tell your attack speed has increased. Another interesting tip, you need to hit an enemy hero about 12-13 times consecutively to get 1 extra hit of value from that attack speed increase, and no one lets you hit them 13 times lmao)

dumb players : varian is overperforming
also dumb players: tb varian s*ucks
as a usual varian player those genius dont know anyting about varian
and the nerf sucks of course because they nerf varian like 2 times just in a short time, and nerf again, sad

Since your selfsustain as Winblades also tied to AAs and you have cdr by AAs on your trait’s extra spell dmg, it’s more than just AA speed buff and movespeed buff. It increases the value from HKQ, Heroic, Second WInd and all lvl 13s except Juggernaut.
A small buff to almost everything you have and do.

You get a lot of value from that even 1v1, since the Heroes who might be able to dual you rely on selfheals which you cut in half for eternity.

Care to link one? (inb4 you tell me “jUsT gOoGle iT”… If it’s that easy, it’s no time for you either, so pls be so incredibly nice to put this little effort into the discussion :slight_smile: )

It gives around 70 extra dps and that’s just one of the (potential) bonuses of that talent. So it’s good in my books.


Well based on your test mode results, that’s about a 10% increase in attack damage.

You know, for all you’re typing about how it benefits HKQ, heroic, second wind and all level 13s, you know as well as I do that most of that is just fluff.

Twinblades varian keeps the healing reduction debuff up all the time, the attack speed increase doesn’t matter. It only benefits second wind if you hit a target continuously for more than 13 times (that’s the number of hits you need to get 1 more hit off on a target). So after hitting a target 13 times in a row, you get an extra 1% hp from second wind congratulations. Completely irrelevant. The only thing relevant is the 10% damage increase (and that 10% number just gets lower and lower by the way, when varian levels up past 20, because high king’s quest damage doesn’t scale)

I must say though, I expected the dps increase to be less than 10%.

With a 10% increase in attack damage and a 7% increase in movespeed, I’d say this talent is about half as good as nexus blades (which gives 20% damage and 20% slow)

I still maintain that this talent is an absolute pile of garbage although from your test mode results, it seems to be a little bit better than I thought. It gives about half the value of nexus blades, and nexus blades is a pretty bad talent.

Let me give you examples of real level 20 talents that aren’t hot garbage:

  1. Gazlowe mecha lord, 100% bonus attack damage, 25 permanent armour
  2. Fenix singularity charge, 100% attack speed or 1.25 range depending on weapon
  3. Illidan demonic form, 20% attack speed, 50% reduction to all CC effects
  4. Yrel seraphim, 2 seconds unstoppable on a 10 second cooldown
  5. Chen energizing brew, bonus 20% hp and 20% damage
  6. Tyrael, 50% attack speed upon casting any ability
  7. Valla gets 50% attack speed at max hatred (by the second hit, valla already has more attack speed bonus than varian)
  8. Tyrande gets 20% attack speed and reduces enemy hero damage by up to 40% with her auto attacks.

Now let me give you examples of attack speed talents of bruisers and assassins that aren’t hot garbage (remember varian’s bonus is 7.5%), copy pasted from reddit threads:

  1. artanis gets 30% attack speed at 16 (and his attacks slows enemies by 20%)
  2. leoric gets 50% attack speed at level 20 if he completes his 16 quest (and he gets a 20% bonus instantly at level 16)
  3. imperius gets 40% attack speed at level 16 (and 25% movement speed too)
  4. sonya gets 25% damage at level 16 (and attacks reduce cooldown of ancient spear)
  5. rexxar gets 125% attack speed at level 13 (you can keep the buff up indefinitely)
  6. dehaka gains 50% attack speed at level 13 (can reach 60% with max essence)
  7. zuljin gets 40% attack speed at level 7 with trait on
  8. Hanzo gets 50% attack speed at level 1 (but will lose stacks on death)

You know, level 20 is kinda the talent tier where stuff gets insane. Alarak and junkrat get a second heroic. Muradin one-shots squishies with rewind. Johanna’s level 20 are busted beyond belief. Uther and malthael get buybacks.

And you’re telling me a talent that is half a nexus blades isn’t a steaming pile of garbage? As I said, that talent would be bad EVEN AT LEVEL 1. It would be inferior to high king’s quest or overpower.

I’ll put it this way and there is no way I can put it simpler. There probably isn’t another storm tier talent on another bruiser or tank that is worse than this level 20 talent. Well maybe there might be 1 or 2 REALLY BAD ones. But it’d be close and the talent would have to be REALLY BAD to compete.

I don’t really want to argue anymore though. I think my point is very clear by now and there will always be people picking the trap talents thinking they’re good. Nothing I can say will ever change anyone’s opinion, so whatever.