Tracer is litterally unfair to play against

Exactly. Or Xul, Yrel, Aunb, Tyrael, Arthas, Mal’ganis, Johanna, Diablo, Muradin, ETC, Mei, Sonya, Artanis, Valeera, Illidan. I think with a few exceptions I don’t have a problem playing as a melee hero vs Tracer.


Even Murky can destroy Tracer, if he gets Octograb. Pufferfish+Octograb = dead.

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How to delete Tracer 101
Have both Illidan and Tyreal ult her with Judgement and Hunt.


Or just taunt Varian, he can do the same at 4. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Feel free to look up my stats. Tracer is my highest WR hero, and I’d still call her weak, since nobody even started complaining about her until she was already nerfed past her peak. I climbed up to a 67% WR with her in drafts at one point.

She’s not a hero I like to play in ranked because there’s simply better picks for a team than her at all stages of a match.

Hypermobilty heroes does not belong in this game

Tracer, lucio and zera I want gone

Why not? Just because you don’t enjoy them? We even have already answer to hyper mobility → cc. (taunt) Varian, Valeera or Uther are prime examples to counter hyper mobility heroes like the one you mentioned.

Maybe I was wrong and sorry for that, but it just felt wrong to me calling her “the weakest hero”. Just because you don’t know how to include Tracer to a good draft (me neither), doesn’t mean she is the weakest. The problem with Tracer that she is a polarised hero and people will do everything to counter her, when they see her and that makes her tough to draft.

Valeera works very well against Tracer. I only dabble with Val, but even I’ve had good success vs Tracer with her. Good Val’s though, I’ve seen them make Tracers life miserable.


Depends on build. Before Val nerfs, I was going for trait build. Combo was: Stun -> Q -> [sometimes W if I missed Q ->] E -> Tracer is dead. It was like Fenix against Colo Varian with Shattering Throw.

Even if Tracer has level advantage and survives, she is blinded. Also Val goes D or Smoke Bomb and Tracer cannot hit her anyhow, so Val just reengages from stealth for guaranteed kill. Armor provided by Smoke Bomb nullify Tracer’s bomb damage. Same thing is possible with other ult.

Also, if Tracer survives, she will try to blink away. Movement speed bonus provided by Val’s D allows her to close the gap.

Nowadays it’s harder, because Tracer can see stealthed Val and the stun is shorter, but still Tracer’s life is miserable against Val. Val player just has to mash skills faster.

Surprisingly I see lots of Valeeras in QM failing against Tracer. Apparently they have no idea how powerful Val is against Tracer.


I’ve seen the same. I remember a couple of times in QM where a Val player has actually said, “Val is useless vs Tracer” and I just had to suppress my desire to type a reply to that…

They mostly use Garrote against Tracer, that’s actually stupid in 1vs1 situation. Yes, she can’t blink or recall, but can AA while running away and Val lacks real gap-closers if not stealthed.

If Val has a followup for the silence, she can go Garrote but it’s the Cheap Shot that’s the way to go. Cheap Shot is better also with followup, because it opens up opportunity for CCchain.

Combat Readiness at Level 1 is useless against Tracer’s AA. Useless, and in fact, completely redundant.

I guess the reason why people go Garrote is because sites like Icy Veins told them to not use Cheap Shot for lockdown. Meanwhile in a lot of situations, that’s exactly what Valeera player should do. 0,75s stun may not be enough to lockdown a tank or bruiser, but it’s perfectly enough to lockdown Tracer… And often enough to kill her.

The key to solo Tracer as Val is to stip her off of ways to deal damage, that’s mostly AA. And Valeera has many, many tools to do that. Val’s stun is short, but enough to deliver full combo. If Tracer survives, she can’t AA for at least additional second. That’s first part. Majority of Tracers will run away afterwards, but confident ones will try to backlash the Val, then Val goes Smokebomb or D to avoid Melee or Bomb. If Tracer is still stupid enough to stay and fight, Val re-engages with another Stun -> Q -> E.

It’s not complex, but I imagine that’s still way more tricky then average QM Valeera player bothers to figure out. They all mindlessly go for the infamous 2,5s silent.

Before nerfs, Tracerhunt was my favorite activity in QM. I agree that old Valeera was busted to kingdom come, but some nerfs like shorter stun [hello Uther!] and higher cooldown on trait are stupid and debilitating for key strategies Valeera player can utilise.


Is it really? I don’t think so, because I consider Valeera harder to play than Tracer. Sure bad Tracer player will have no impact as well, but melee assassines are still harder than ranges overall. :stuck_out_tongue: Valeera isn’t as mobile as Tracer and needs some practice to hit her combo stuff.

That’s not completely true. Consider that Garrote is a silence and it’s pretty valueable to silence Tracer so she can’t blink or recall for that time. And Valeera also has her Q to come near Tracer, but I agree that Cheapshot is the easier option than Garrote.


She is like a hard counter to tracer if she gets to make the first move on her with a big silence. 2.5 sec silence destroy tracer cause she cant blink away or recall.

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Ironically one of Tracer’s phrases is: “They don’t see me coming”, but she is hard countered by all stealth heroes, because all of them have A) the initial attack and B) burst.

Nova might be the hardest, because she has to hit her skillshots, but she can destroy Tracer easily, if the shots are connected.

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Main point of using Cheap Shot is to create advantage in health bar, because Tracer simply can’t react. 0,75s of stun is enough to deliver full Valeera combo, and cut at least 3/4 of Tracer’s HP bar. Garrote does not guarantee, that the combo will land.

If Tracer survives the Cheap Shot -> Q -> E combo, her health bar will be far below Valeera’s. If you use Garrote, Tracer can still move and evade the rest of Valeera’s abilities. Both of Valeera’s non-stealh abilities [except Q ofc.] requires Valeera to stay static for a brief moment, and all have melee range. This moment is enough for Tracer to increase the gap. Val can close the gap with Q, but may also miss.

Also energy issues are an option. Val runs dry of energy quickly, so good Valeera player cannot allow mistakes to happen. Tracer can simply walk away. And can still AA. If you failed to land a combo, then follow her with Q, you may end up with not enough damage or energy to 100-0 her.

Still, I don’t say it’s impossible nor I say that’s a bad way to play. If one feels confident with Q, Garrote -> W -> Q [to dodge her] -> E is likely to finish Tracer in one row. I just found Cheap Shot option way more reliable and safe for Valeera.

Genjihunt is the situation where I recommend going Garrote -> W -> Q -> E. Genji may survive Cheap Shot -> Q -> E, and just dash away, but strip him off his mobility and Deflect and he’s dead in the water.

You are aware this applies to Tracer too, right?

Recall and Blink soft locked from usage is overwhelming, if I’ve seen this pattern through the whole game with a Valeera I have an actual excuse to pick Total Recall which niche as heck.

It’s not about which one you find more comfortable its about which one is more efficient, reason silence plays more dominance because Tracer is soft locked from doing anything and even Recall is borderline useless with only a meaningful 0.5 second spot progression that you’ve done through “running” away while the silence is going.

Reason Garrote is constantly the executer because Tracer heavily relies on her abilities and punishing her for trying to dive in makes her stronger (Valeera has been played as a bruiser with the concept of “Anti-dive”), you are using cheap to land the combo which is understandable but I’ve seen valeeras and a lot of OTP valeeras implied that the combo harassment is still possible while the target moving, even efficiently easier with the slow that you get on level 1.

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I actually switched to that on my build recently. It gives a lot of utility because it allows you to heal up nearby and not rely on the healer to be with you. Most of the high heal heroes are skill shots so Tracer is going to be hard to heal while kiting.

The instant 10% heal saved me quite a few times.

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I agree with the sentiment. The only way I can play against a Val on the opposing team is to not do “Tracer” things where I usually roam and pick off enemy heroes along the way. Instead I have to literally just stick with the tank and the healer and be useless for most of the game.

I tend to play Tracer more for utility rather than DPS much like the new Raynor


Why do I feel like both OP and the first reply are the same person

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I don’t think they are, but there are a few threads where it’s obvious alt accounts are talking with themselves.