Tracer is litterally unfair to play against

Exactly and both usually dies fast, when focused. Tracer even faster than Ilidan. One of the big weaknesses for the aba comp is that it’s one less body to be concerned to focus. It’s similar to Gall.

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Is she op? No. She was, when her bomb was dealing more then half of HP bar of typical squishy. Old Tracer was just diving from nowhere to drop the bomb and Recall. I’m sooo glad that it’s no longer a thing.

Is she annoying? Ye. Skilled Tracer in QM can abuse lack of counters and focus to hell. I keep seeing good Tracer winning in 1vs3 if the opportunity is favourable for her.

But does she require adjustments? I don’t think so. I hate playing against her because her design is just not fun to play against [unless I go Valeera], but on the other hand majority of Tracer players retreat with butt kicked after 3-4 AAs. She is fun, fun, fun to lane against, when I go Fenix.

I think her very design contradicts the very philosophy of hero design in HotS, but on the other hand she’s already in, and has her niche. The QM issue of Tracer is frequent lack of counters, but same goes for every other diver.

Wanna go Tracerhunt? Go worgen Greymane.

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Once they nerf Pulse Generator from 25% max HP to 20% and buff Leeching Round somehow, she’ll be balanced.

Most Tracer complains comes from qm players that cant control who they play with or againts. Its like saying Cho’Gall is OP since most people who abuse him in qm are 5 stack players who take him together with Auriel or Alex. But when draft comes in he crippls cause you need two slots to draft him and even if you do enemy team just counter it with % dmg or someone who can isolate him from the team aka Maiev, Stitches or Anub.

Some heroes are just busted in qm but weak in draft. Tracer/Aba comp only shines againts qm team or draft teams that are weak.

Now I have seen some CCL tournements and they tend to ban heroes like Lucio, Chromie and Garrosh. Even Cho got banned once on a 2 lane map cause two lane maps are his best maps.

Even Kerrigan and Junkrat got picked more in those tournements.


You complain about handicapped Tracer after rework, who lost Tassadar’s shield, got her dmg nerfed because her baseline sustain (what is little af)…

How bad can you be?


I pick Pulse generator because it’s the only good talent at that tier. I personally care more about the blink charge, but the life gain is nice too.

Leeching rounds” is one of the worse talents in the game, and “Is that a healthpack” is useless if you have a healer. So it’s an easy choice.

Honestly, even in QM. As long as you can deal damage, you can deal with Tracer. Ppl in QM push their luck a lot. If I see you hitting my towers at 50% health. You’re not going back home.

Right now, ppl pick Zeratul and Valeera a lot to deal with Valla. Which makes Tracer games dangerous.


Zeratul can just be downright oppresive to tracers.

There isnt any other way to put it. If you have even an half decent zeratul vs a tracer , that tracer is going to have a very bad game .

Sure lvl 1 zeratul vs lvl 1 tracer shes going to win this 10/10 times… But the closer it gets to 16 and 20 …the more the odds of tracer winning just evaporates into the void.


Just like Genji. His only way of dealing with Zera is basicly spend his X-Strike ult just to get away from him.

Oh you dash away. I can just vorpal blade back to you.


Sure it’s less effective with a healer, but it allows you to be more independent, so you could help the solo laner to clear waves on lane. But “Leeching rounds” is just bad. Or maybe it’s just my personal habit, because I am a tank/bruiser main…

If I rotate to help the solo, or another team mate, I’m unlikely to take damage during a gank. The targets will usually be busy running for their life.

Leeching rounds basically asks you to engage something when you’re close to death in order to gain health. Since the base healing itself is low, giving you a % of it doesn’t do much. It’s better than the original version of the talent, but still bad.

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you clearly havent played against an average good samuro…

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You’re right I haven’t. I spend most of that game dead :slight_smile:

I remember some thread a long time ago where people were complaining about Tracer. Sami being very acquainted with Tracer pointed this same thing out, just hit her. So many people you simply just run from her, they don’t even try to fight back, not even AA.

Yes some heroes are more vulnerable to Tracer like some casters as their spells might be on CD and/or hard to even land on Tracer. You still though have AA damage, even with a hero like Jaina or KT, perhaps you won’t kill the Tracer, but there is a chance you can get her to back off and not kill you, or you can do enough damage to her that your team can easily kill her off.

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Ye, running away from Tracer helps you nothing. Better just try and stand your ground and attack her and hope you get backup. You can even try and bait out her recall if she overcommits.


Any hero can be literally unfair to pay agaisnt. Spread this ancient knowledge around.


Some heroes are just more unfair to play againts no matter who plays them.


L2p issue. You need tanks to zone or lock her down. Also AA heroes are the best against her as their auto attacks melt her.

Get Raynor or Zul and focus your AA when she’s in range. She’s good against lone heroes where she can stick on or escaping heroes or mages as they rely on skill shots.

Most mages can have AA talents that will annoy Tracer. A Q build Tassadar is an easy mark for her, but AA build Tass actually becomes a threat. And I won’t even mention Orphea, her AA hits like a truck and heal her.

This is QM, so they might not have access to CC. And Raynor is very managable now as Tracer, since they reduced his damage.


Tracer is really annoying to play against as a melee character. In a 1v1 most ranged assassins can force her to retreat but can’t secure a kill on her. The only real way to kill her is to stun her and burst her down but that’s a counter to literally every assassin.

Except you’re (taunt) Varian, Zeratul or Samuro for example.