Tracer is litterally unfair to play against

It would be fun to 1v1 the OP.
I’m betting they don’t know Jaina’s Blizzard’s circumference is equal to Tracer’s auto attack range.
Just be taking Frost Armor and Numbing Blast as usual…

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Only Ana has skill shot healing. If we’re talking Utility, “Pulse Generator” gives you both a blink charge, and 25% healing. So I’ve always preferred it.

Yes, they who shall not be named.


Ana’s heals are quite strong.
Uther also has skill shot healing.

But you’re right, I got the term wrong, I meant focused which requires the person to click on my character while I am jumping around. As opposed to say Lili which just holds “Q” or Lucio which is area heal.

Regardless though, for me at least Tracer’s the most fun to play (unless Valeera is around). I just don’t get those sweet solo penta-kills that could go to WTF YouTube. Or do Draft (since she’s so easily countered now)

Pinning shot, basic attack, snipe, basic attack == DEAD Tracer when there’s a level gap. Just wait for the recall and blink to be drained. At least that’s how I would get countered by a reasonable Nova.

My counter to that would be to always be aware of Nova’s position and try to roam outside. However, Nova + Valeera on opposing team == sad times.

Blizzard should actually make a PvE mode called Tracer hunt. Have buffed up AI Tracers on the enemy team and count how many kills you can do. Now that I just typed that, it would be an interesting Custom game mode.

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Indeed that’s what I meant, when I said, “if the shots are connected”. Hitting Tracer with Snipe isn’t easy. :stuck_out_tongue:

Tracer is a hero that is usually played so ineffectively that I generally ignore her. When played well by an enemy team member, she is a complete nightmare. I, personally, love how a really good Tracer player is just as surprising as unpredictable as in the lore. Not all heroes have that extra pinnacle they can go to.

If you do pinning shot, getting the snipe is actually easy. You have 0.5 seconds to move your cursor over to her which is more than enough time.