Tons of actual trolls, how to get out of Bronze League?

I’ve recently started playing ranked and I didn’t expect what I’ve found at all.
Having played quick-match for a year I got my fair share of crap, but what I’ve seen during the last week takes the cake.
It started out pretty well and aside from the usual toxic LoL-Like athmosphere where only slurs and “plis rippirt!” are thrown instead of any kind of constructive communication, I wanted to stay in.

My stats during the games are between top and decent, but I win maybe 1 of 5 games nonetheless and while I am not a sore loser when it’s deserved, I noticed a recurring problem: Hordes of trolls, one in nearly EVERY game in bronze league.

I don’t mean people who are just toxic or bad at the game, but people who run in small circles during the entire game, actively prevent team members from getting to healing fountains by body blocking and one with the nickname “Player” I’ve seen more than once (which means that the report system is utterly useless) even managing to land a team-kill by getting a bomb from Tracer and carrying it to low health team members (with Butcher).

Obviously there’s no way to win games that way and Bronze League is full of such people, so is there ANY way to get to a higher league at all or has that ship sailed long ago?
It has reached the point of 0% fun and 100% frustration and even the chests aren’t motivation enough anymore.

I thought this game had the potential to get an at least slightly different community than what I’ve seen from LoL-Kiddies, but it seems to be just as bad now, which is a shame, since I mostly liked the game.

any guy who got his name reported enough times wil be renamed “Player”, so u don’t know if it’s the same guy unless u check more specifically hsi account (nametag, level of heroes, etc
). Regarding trolls don’t worry, between trolls and boosted players, you’ll have more trolls in higher ranks than in bronze. Report system is not so good yeah

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Do you get a lot of kills or just high numbers?

And what do you do after you secure a kill?


You play a hero that can carry and hope for the best.


If you’re a bronze player, then you’ll stay at the bronze rank.

You blame trolls and the likes for not being able to climb, but that’s nonsense, as those very same trolls are more likely to appear on the enemy team (5 randoms on enemy team, 4 randoms on yours) which means that you’re actually more likely to win from trolls/afks than lose, so if you’re more skilled than other bronze-rank players, then you will make enough of a difference to actually climb to higher ranks.

But if you actually cannot climb out of bronze then you are probably where you belong.


I’ve seen replays of friends who are in Bronze and I can’t say anything you’ve said is an exaggeration or wrong. What you do have on your side is that you’re not a troll, so that already gives you an advantage to get out of Bronze.

The other thing I’d suggest is to try to team up with some friends. I know it’s not always possible, but if you can it eliminates some random factors that can negatively impact your matches. Best of luck!


funny , i have played with that “player” before on QM and he was a troll .

Yeah, teaming up with friends is not possible since they all went back to LoL or other games.
It would certainly reduce the likelihood of trolls in the team significantly to not always go into matches alone.

You could try to make new friends ingame.

5 man or bust. 20 char

Well, my win ratio went up since I started exclusively playing a healer, because for some reason everyone only wants to play for dps and if I’m the only healer in the entire round and the other team doesn’t have one, it’s a win even with a troll.

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Well first i’d say if you are queueing solo don’t get disheartened if you lose a game the goal is just to win more than you lose, some games will be almost unwinnable due to stacks and trolls like you said but again plenty are.

Some tips to win more than you lose.

Try to draft well, don’t draft into counters, if your team lacks something essential like waveclear/camp clear try to pick a hero that can pick it up. Try to hard counter their heroes if you can e.g. if they pick deathwing pick tychus, malth or leo, if they pick a squishy diver like genji/illidan pick hard cc like uther, brightwing.

Learn to use pings, team mates dont always listen but a good amount of time they do, if someones split and its a goodd opportunity to gank ping it. if enemy team are rotating up to a solo laner ping danger, ping to defend a lane if its being pushed by camps, ping retreat from obj if its not a good idea to engage.

Try to chain cc and focus damage e.g. if your tank stuns somebody follow up with your own cc and vice versa, if you are attacking somebody even if you think it is the correct target but no one else is it, might be worth switching.

Try to fight at an advantage e.g. if you have a talent lead and even numbers generally you want to fight, if they have a numbers advantage might not be wise to engage, try and fight in areas that help you e.g. closer to your towers, in your minion waves unless you 1 v 1ing vs malth, even better if you have heroes that can move them closer to your towers e.g. diablo, artanis, maiev, muradin.

Don’t stand near dangerous bushes if you are solo, if you don’t know where enemy team s and you are soaking don’t stand close to bushes where they can rotate from or ambush you.

Just stick at it if you are not feeling it take a break, try to understand why you lost and you may be able to do something about it next time.

Good luck!


Solid advice. Better than the “if you can’t climb you belong there” nonsense.

This forum needs more people who are actually helpful instead of people who say “its your issue”


You premade and get boosted or you lose. That is all this game is nowadays. Trolls rule all the ranks diamond and down. Unless you can 1v9 every game, you better off moving on to another game.

First of all, it’s not nonsense.

OP Makes the complaint/claim that he is bronze but cannot climb due to trolls.

Implying that he is actually a higher ranked player than what his rank corresponds to, due to trolls causing him to lose.

But that is just pure hog(ger)wash.

If the OP was making a thread along the lines of “please give me advice so I can improve and get out of bronze” then there would have been a point in giving helpful advice.

But that isnt what he wants. He just wants to make the point that he is better than what his rank shows by blaming trolls.


i really dont know how people get in bronze, every time i create a new account i get in silver 4 after hitting lvl 50

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Its in the title, and it is mentioned in the post itself. OP does complain in his post and is snarky about it, but they still ask a question.

This is exactly what I’m talking about.

Literally the only part that has a question mark from the OP is this part:

The only thing the OP talks about is trolls and how he is better than everyone else (“My stats during the games are between top and decent”).

Nowhere in the entire post does he ask anything relating to how he can improve or what he can do to climb. It’s all about the trolls.

I don’t know what’s wrong with you. You either have serious reading problems or you’re some weird form of troll.

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I know what your problem is… you’d rather belittle someone than say something useful.


And you just confirmed what I suspected; you’re a troll.

The way you ignored everything I pointed out about how OP is only talking about “trolls stop him from climbing” and not about “how to improve” to make it about me without addressing any of my arguments.

Classic troll.