Tons of actual trolls, how to get out of Bronze League?

I think what he’s trying to say is that there could be more positivity in this forum.

Is the OP asking for help, no. You’re right he’s just complaining.

But there are times where a lot of the answers are that whole “it’s your problem, not the game’s” is the response. Is it the correct one? Most of the time, yes, because people say stupid things cause them to suck when I’m reality it’s just their skill.

But idk I just think that he has a point about being more positive. Said horribly, and argued horribly, but I think that instead of saying someone just isn’t good, maybe we should try to help them. Now if they say “I already know all that it’s the trolls that make me lose” well then they’re not worth taking to. This OP is one of those where you can’t really help, but I think just a change in how we think, to try be helpful first instead of just putting someone down is a healthy way to think.

Like I said, this OP isn’t allowing for advice to be given, and you’re right, but Xerakos, as horribly as he put it, has the right idea… but maybe doesn’t quite get that you can’t help people who don’t want to be helped and would rather just complain.

Idk how I’m not banned yet on the forums since my in game account is banned but go figure lol


No, I genuinely thought the troll problem is bronze exclusive, since I started out in silver, then drew a few bad comps due to some communication errors on both parts and then got stuck. I couldn’t imagine it’s a problem in all ranks, but that seems to be the case according to most people here, which is unfortunate.

Thanks to the one helpful poster btw.

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PvE alone will get you out of bronze. That’s why there are so many gold Gazlowes, Zagaras, Azmodans, etc.

Plat forward is when it becomes more about map awareness, landing skillshots, and team coordination.

There are Trolls at all ranks…

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If you think I’m a troll for disagreeing with you then that’s your thing. You did the same thing by ignoring the fact I said that this forum needs more helpful people. The fact you ignored that and decided to focus solely on what you quoted shows you did the same thing.

Look, I get what you’re saying about the OP not really allowing us to help because of it, but that doesn’t change that we can be helpful instead of just putting people down. With your posts you proved my point by defending yourself so hard, probably because you are one of those people who love belittling others, instead of trying to be constructive. I don’t know why you got so worked up and offended, but that’s not my issue.

Then the people who make those threads and go directly in the defensive when people give them help need to open more up. There are too many threads were OP just look for yes men while ignoring people who actually give out help becasue its too hard to change his own ways.

Narha already hit the nail here. He only complain about the trolls. But he never ask the most important question that many here would properly give him all the help he needed.

What can I do to get better so my chance of climbing gets higher. But no he is more focused on what is stopping him from climbing insteed of looking inward and check what he can do to improve himself so his chances gets higher.

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I agree with you. There are a lot of people who just want others to agree with them even though they aren’t willing to actually address the real issue. I get that. And maybe this thread was not the perfect example of that.

I realize that now, but I didn’t appreciate Narha attacking me and getting defensive about half of what I said. They called me a troll for ignoring parts of their posts while they did the same thing, yet I’m the troll for doing it and they aren’t? That’s so hypocritical and while they were right about OP not really opening themselves to help, it doesn’t take away from the fact people should look first to be helpful, not destructive. If all someone is going to do is say something to make themselves seem smart or belittle others, why even say anything at all.

I get that these threads get annoying but replying to them just gives them attention. So by replying, you’re just giving them more time in the light.

Actually my first post was constructive to begin with, in it’s own way, because I did make the point that one can climb if one has the skills to climb, saying that trolls shouldn’t be keeping you down and that skills and ability matter.

You then belittled me by saying that I’m speaking nonsense and that the forum needs more “actually helpful people”

How come it’s okay for YOU to belittle me?

And for the record the forum has plenty of helpful and nice people, as most of the people who frequent these forums are actually very nice and really want to give advice and be helpful. It’s just that there is little room to be helpful and nice because most threads start off negative with no point like “ded game” “delete x hero” “trolls ruin everything” that all boil down to people just wanting to complain and have someone agree with them like they’re talking to an IRL friend that just agrees with everything. Like when people complain about the weather or a bad day at work. They don’t want logic or reason, they just want to say "awww, you’re so right, poor you,

Threads where people genuinely ask for advice like “Teach me how to x hero” or such usually get filled up very quickly by advice from lots of people. However these threads don’t live long as there is a limit to how much can be said; often times when I find these threads, any advice I could give has already been said by someone else, so there’s no reason to post. So they get 20-30 replies, the OP is (supposedly) satisfied and the thread fades into the shadows.

Try to use the search function and search for “Help me” or “teach me” and you’ll find plenty of threads where people are very helpful.

There are even plenty of guides on the forum from the numerous nice people on the forum.

I personally don’t see the point in writing long paragraphs of useful, helpful advice for someone who 99% of the time wont listen as they just wanted to blame everything on trolls. In a way, that’s not even being helpful as it’s not what the OP asked for and he might get mad from that too since according to him, he doesn’t need to improve to climb, he needs less trolls.

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So many assumptions.

You put as much effort into that post as you do when you try to climb I guess.

I didn’t mean to belittle you. I realize that now and I’m sorry. The purpose for writing that initially wasn’t to do that. It was just to see more constructiveness, and how I think it would do good. The post above mine was pretty constructive and it made me feel like writing it that’s all.

I understand what you are saying. I didn’t mean to come off as rude. And I’m definitely not trying to troll you. But I think it would be better to just ignore these types of threads since the people, who like you said, don’t really care and just want to vent. There’s a thread for venting already and bringing attention to threads like these just give them what they want, attention. Sometimes its better to say nothing, than something.

Point proven. Of all the things Narha and I discussed you just think we are assuming? That’s all you took out of that? Prove it to us that you actually want constructive criticism, better yet, make threads in the future that show you want to improve, because blaming your losses solely on trolls isn’t going to make the issue go away. Get better yourself and you’ll see yourself climb.

I do want to see more positivity here, that’s not ever going to change in my mind. I was wrong about this specific thread. Narha was right, you just came here to complain and throw the blame somewhere else. Look inwards and you’ll find that there are things you need to fix before you can blame others.

I was in bronze 3 when I started playing and I’m moving back and forth between Silver 1 and Gold 5. If you truly don’t belong in Bronze you’ll climb, but the more time you spend complaining about others, the less you’ll improve. The more you try to improve your own gameplay, the more you’ll see yourself climb.


Thank you for the apology.

And I’m sorry for calling you a troll.

I agree, but an early post to point out the illogical aspect of blaming trolls goes a long way. They’ll either acknowledge the truth (un-bloody-likely) or ignore it, in both cases that should be the end of the thread.

Makes sense, and should be yeah… but that’s not the case here was it? :sweat_smile:

Because a certain someone else than the OP decided to call it nonsense :smiley:

Ha. Ha. :expressionless:

Jeez the absolute unnecessary drama that occured of this is mind boggling. Glad you all hug it out but come on, just why???

That’s a pretty dramatic post for someone questioning why things would get dramatic >_>

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Your gas lighting as reply isn’t promising but sure, we agree to disagree.

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Not really sure what you mean, but sure.

The thing about statistics and averages is that they apply to absolutely no one. Players themselves are the data points that are used to calculate the average, not the average itself. Each player’s experience will be different.

For every player that has a great bronze experience with almost no trolls, there’ll be someone who gets all the trolls on his team. Some will have 75/25 good games/troll games, some 35/65, but you’d be hard up to find even one player who’s exactly average. Your argument is actually not that a given individual player will have an advantage because of the 4-5 chance for trolls, but that overall more players will get lucky and have fewer trolls than will get matched abnormally often with trolls.

The OP could be one of those unfortunate data points on the “unlucky” side that are necessary to create the average.

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What’s most important is to just keep playing. If the OP is really as good as they say they should be able to climb when things aren’t against them. Not everybody in bronze is a troll and some work really hard to get out but just aren’t able to make up the disadvantage a feeder gives their team.

No one is locked at a percentage since each game is a coin flip. Some games will have them and some will not. They just need to make sure that the games where there aren’t trolls, they capitalize. If they really don’t belong in bronze, they should win since their team cooperates and their higher skill gives their team the edge.

If they lose a match when their aren’t trolls on their team then either the enemy team was just better or they aren’t as good as they say they are.

The only way to climb is to be persistent. Reporting trolls is important too so that there’s a chance they get banned or suspended, the more trolls that get banned, the less of them should be in your matches.