Will there be an offline version with LAN-play when it died?

Well, it’s obvious that the servers won’t be up forever and the end-time atmosphere especially since the latest acquisition is noticeable.
So will it be possible to play HotS when it goes down?
The A.I. is there and implementing Direct IP Lan play shouldn’t be too hard, but I fear that it will just be gone, which would be a shame.

Another im stuck in bronze game is ded guy
How original…


Obviously not.

Maybe as SC mod idk


That’s not even what this post is about.


You must be new here but every bronze person keeps repeating
" HoTs Is DeAd"

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It’s not just bronze players who say that. I get where you’re coming from, but I’m going to give the OP the benefit of the doubt. Many people love Hots and the largest playerbase is in VS AI, so I’d understand why many would worry that the game would go offline.


Not new here, but you’re drawing conclusions that aren’t even there.

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Do your homework chipmunk

Good thing he didn’t even come close to mention it, so please don’t just throw several ad homines and other falacies in a row x.x

All games come to an end at some point, he is just asking if it would be possible to keep playing the game in lan with friends.


Go read a dictionary and find the word generalization.

Ow you really hurt me there.

I would like that option. You can also play dead games like Diablo 1 over LAN with friends.

If the official option never happens, I’m sure modders like Spazzo965 can make it possible to emulate a HotS server so 10 friends could play on it together for a Custom or SL/TL match.

Fortunately we aren’t at that point yet though as EU/US still have vibrant healthy communities. It’s just the small servers that are dying/dead.


Glomgold, I respect you as a member of this community, but calling out what you perceive to be an example of poor behaviour and then calling other people in this community “chipmunk” because they didn’t agree with you rather undermines your position.


for what its worth im diamond ( i dont see the relevance though ) and think this game is slowly dying, the decay has accelerated in the last year or so and is not the classic teams fault but a complete lack of funding causing the game to be a broken mess with little to no updates

i play in brazil. this server is also a total mess and you cannot sometimes find matches even after an hour because almost nobody is left playing

do i want to play it in lan with forum people, reddit users if the eu and usa servers also grind down to a halt? yes


The good news is that Blizzard has a habit of keeping servers up for all their old games.

The real question is what will happen once Microsoft takes over.


Hots is dead is a meme but the same people who says Hots is dead is the same people who spend time playing this so called dead game everyday.

Ironic is it not ?

Failed attempt at trolling. Try harder.

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Not sure if they will or not. Old Blizzard was very intent on “keeping the lights on” for all their products.

But Microsoft… not so much. With old games on consoles they’ve done better than the rest on XBox with backwards compatibility, but their MO in the PC gaming market has been to cut and run. Hopefully that changes.


Other games have had servers die and someone starts hosting their own server. I’m not sure how the game works and whether Bliz will allow someone to hijack it and/or whether someone who loves the game enough cares to do it.

I don’t see why they couldn’t. There are SO many non-official WoW servers out there. Whoever runs those could probably run HOTS as well. I know the Warhammer Online community did it for that game when Sony (I think?) shut their official servers down.

I don’t think it’s dead and never said that. I’m just concerned about Microsoft shutting it down because it probably doesn’t make enough money, but suit yourself in your little world where everyone can be judged in seconds.

Me too. I’ve never played much online and got persuaded into this game by people who unfortunately went back to LoL, but I grew up with home-made Intranet and LAN-Parties and it would be nice to preserve it that way.

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