You miss a ranked queue, you get thrown into quickplay with the worst players of the game, who report you because in their humble opinion, “you’re throwing” or whatever because they don’t have a clue, then gets you suspended… This game, of all my 20+ year of gaming has THE, WORST, COMMUNITY and the worst dev management I have ever seen.
Do you need an emergency hug?
Maybe … play ranked when you have no distractions and a stable internet connection?
Things like this are always funny for me. It’s 2022. Didn’t the net become a common thing worldwide after 2000?
Weren’t online games becoming more and more common after 2000?
So still today, a mentioned 20+ year of “expertise” probably consists a big percentage of singleplayer/offline games, yet they talk about community.
It’s just… I think the premise is just dishonest and ill-thought-out so it sounds bigger, harsher.
And I -and ppl I know- was in leaver queue yet no suspension. I suspect some left out details (probably about frequency and toxicity).
Would love to hear what other mobas you have played other then Hots to make that statement.
Also getting suspended takes a lot to get that far so I bet you are leaving some inportant details about yourself out.
This game is uber trash only about Tassadar rework, but most other things are great.
What other MOBAs have you played to come to that ridiculous conclusion?
I have played LOL for 5 years, getting to Masters in both LOL and HOTS and I can tell you with certainty; the toxicity in LOL is exponentially higher than in HOTS.
So if you don’t like this game, Jack, then why are you on a forum of a game you call “uber trash”? Do you have a fetish for things you don’t like?
I see what you did there.
I don’t regret saying that and you know that.
You don’t need it to be online for it to have a community. Look at the star wars community, they’re just movies. Idk how a movie can be “online”, besides being watchable online, but it definitely isn’t a multiplayer movie (requiring more than one person to watch), yet, its still a community. A community, in this context, is just a group of people who are all fans of the same thing. Heck, comicon was around since the 70’s, and “online” probably wasn’t even a thought back then.
Nah, Uber trashed itself all on its own.
It’s the year 2020, no one uses the word “uber” anymore!
Nothing to add. This is the state of this game in a nutshell.
They can’t even fix a simple launcher bug in months.
Its not that they can’t, because they can… they just haven’t. They’ve been taking their employees to In-N-Out every day celebrating that Microsoft is taking over in 2023.
Ehh, game is only terrible when people try to play it like it’s an open world single-player RPG.
When that isn’t happening it’s a pretty good game for it being a MOBA.
Hey now this game isn’t trash
KTZ is only one of 70+ heroes
I live for these posts rofl. I can’t believe they can’t feel the cringe coming from their screen as they post topics like this. And the people that pipe up like “I’m here for ya, brrrotherrrrr!!!” are the cherries on top.
5/5 deliciously embarrassing post I loved it