Was that game QM or SL?
It was QM, when I was sorting the player’s modes, aside from a couple of AI games, they had never played any other mode at all.
Ah k. IMHO that’s the problem with the “QM philosophy”… Players play what they want.
In this case they wanted to play Mine ABA no matter what! Still happens in draft to but I think if they never had a QM mode there’d be alot more “fillers”
Today’s situation: my team is losing quite a bit, we don’t have any fort anymore. Enemy have 2 fort top 2 fort down and 1 fort mid…All 5 enemy is death I do several ping to mid fort and core and go delete mid fort… Mid is clear and enemy still death… my team do useless camp in 2 fort lanes… .0 go help mid, after 5 min my team lose sure…
How stack beginners can i win the game??? I simply do NOT want to play with people who have a 0-1 rank game when I have won 1000!!!
/thx matchmaking 50% winratio garbage patented…/
That is not the matchmakers fault. That is just bad decision making from your team.
I just don’t get it, though. Snooping that Abby’s account on HP, they take the same build 99% of the time. I would feel so miserable playing hundreds of games on a specific hero, and only pulling a 44% winrate.
At the very least, I would experiment with different builds, or look up guides to try to improve my performance. I understand, each to their own, but I have heroes that I play terribly in PVP games, but I love the hero or play style, so I instead just play them in VS AI, rather than make life miserable for a team of players in a PVP mode.
Still, that is not the worst one trick player I’ve encountered. Somewhere buried in the Salt Mines thread, I linked the profile of a Nazeebo who had close to a thousand games on Naz, and only a winrate in the 20s or 30s.
Fortunately it’s rare to be matched with players like this, but they do make me wonder why they persist, let alone, like that Abathur, claim their losses are only due to “the team letting them down.”
Eye roll emoji
Yeah I don’t get it.
I like to fill and I think it’s probably the one thing that maybe is an advantage in going from QM to SL; Learning to adapt to weird situations.
I also don’t like to play the same hero 2 games in a row so I can’t understand one tricks let only one builds
NO it is fault matchmaking that pairing 0 win ranked player (lvl60) with experienced veteran with 1000 win ranked games… sorry i hate every game if in my team is people without know basic, go atack full life tank becouse is better target than 1HP core, no ping for leaver bot in base, it it is not about good or bad sklill it is about basic knowledge.
I’m not saying that players should be assigned only according to level, but the number of games played should be a considerable weight of the matchmaker and only after that look for a similar skill
the more games a player has played, the more opportunities they have to move their mmr away from the starting value.
If a ‘well played’ player is getting matched with ‘new’ players, then their mmr has not deviated enough away from the starting point and they are being weighted as the equivalent of a player that isn’t improving.
The capacity to have played a lot of games doesn’t mean a player knows ‘the basics’. For example, it should be a ‘basic’ thing that people understand how ELO-based systems work if people are going to complain about matchmakers for years on end by repeating more of the same over and over again.
That is again not the MM fault but bad players overall. The MM dont control how trash your team is or how badly they play. That is only controlled by the player themself.
I’ll never just blindly defend the MM, as being perfect, as of course it isn’t. Considering all the random factors, like map, hero selection, player skill, player psychology (will this be the one game a player deliberately throws?), etc., the MM actually manages to do a decent job for the most part.
None of this is helped when there are fewer players to match, which is a sad reality that, apparently many, won’t even consider when they are complaining.
This post is a troll post, please report.
Reminds me I was paired with the same Sylvanas onetrick with only 1.2 KDA over 10.000+ games twice in a few days.
And from the way he played it was clear why his KDA was that low.
Yeah, I have some sympathy. I’ve openly groaned at some truly dreadful players more than a couple of times recently only to find out they were all genuinely new players. In an ideal world, we wouldn’t be matched in a game together. I guess on the bright side, new players are still playing lol.
But even when the game was at its most populated, the system can only work with what it is given. There will inevitably be lulls, and that perfect person that would have been a good fit for a match might have logged off or just got queued into another game. It can’t magically create that perfect person.
And even when matches are “fair”, one side will still lose. That’s why when people in the past here have complained how bad the matchmaker is, I’ve got a CS degree, I can program one that’s more competent, it’s so cringe.
Well I’ll start with this. The word “toxic” gets thrown around way to easily with today’s youth. Sometimes people are just offering constructive criticism or actually trying to help those people learn to play the game.
The bigger issue is the fact that Blizzard throws new players into games with level 300 plus accounts. I get that the game is essentially dead and no longer being worked on but it really hurts teams chances of having fun competitive matches.
It’s near impossible to carry a new player against a team with 5 actual decent players. It just doesn’t work. I was in a game where our healer was a brand new Tyrande and she only did 16k healing and the other team got 160k healing by the time the game ended. Needles to say we lost that game and we recommended that she go watch some videos on how to play the game since Blizzard has nothing built into the game to help these players get any better. A matter of fact the game gives you those bogus random stats at the end of games to make you think you’re doing a great job regardless.
A serious matchmaking issue piled on top of throwing new players into games they should not be in leads only to disaster.
The system knows who the bad, ok, good, etc, players are. It can EASILY tell the champions from the chumps by various system data, how well they do in their matches, usual number of deaths, usual damage rate, etc.
One of the ways the system tries to be, “balanced”, is the more you win and higher your win-rate gets? The system will begin selecting intervals, where it intentionally matches you with crappy players. It does this for (2) reasons:
1- The first one is obvious, to bring your win-rate down. You might be safe if you play exclusively in a 5-stack but, the moment you try to go solo, the system is gonna stick you in the trenches with the LOSERS. No matter how good you are, their mediocrity will drag you down, and your win-rate with it.
2- As a kind of teaching tool. The thought process is by sticking these Good/experienced players with the bums, the bums are more likely to pick up a thing or two and learn from this guy.
It is not a coincidence how many Excellent players out there cannot escape that 50% win-rate if their lives depended on it. And like i alluded to in my first point, the only way to not be at the mercy of the matching system, the ONLY WAY to rise above that 50%…play exclusively in a 5-stack.
Edit: When it comes to Solo play, the only way i’ve found to handle it when the system is determined to stick you with the slop? Take a break. On the days when the system has you in the doghouse, just take a break and come back later. IF you log-on next time and have another horrid match? Breaktime. Rinse and repeat till you’re out of it.
Don’t just keep playing and let the losses rack up.
Let me guess, was this a Syl who mostly played with their old kit and would cheese macro with their trait?
He would mostly afk lane and push as much he could even when he got ganked. Rinse/repeat
And no he used master skin on her.
Did he use Haunting Wave because it has a cooldown? I always love seeing Sylvanas players do that, especially right before they would need the skill to get out of a bad spot.
HOTS does not have any ELO
they don’t rate players how well they do in the game or anything like that, you only gain/lose rank points if you win or lose even if you are the best player out of all 10 if your RND team loses you lose points… if you win you earn points sama that your AFK 0 play teammate