This game is near UNPLAYABLE

This is right here; levels do not mean skill. They just mean someone has played the game an awful lot. They also do not mean that they are a good with every single hero in the game.

The same logic is applicable to those that have a very high level hero. While there is a chance they are outstanding with that hero, it is not a guarantee that they know what they are doing, with there being a chance they are actually quite bad with that hero but just really like playing them.

Then there is the possibility that the level 3,000 account is just recently starting to play PvP and had played PvE until recently, which means they have a ton of bad habits they need to iron out.


I mean, I don’t think high levels hold much weight, as you mention for various reasons.

However, I do think low levels, if we’re to assume the account isn’t a smurf, shows a lack of experience which is probably highly correlated with your skill.

I thought the level 100 rule they used to have was pretty good, but as the population dwindles and new acquisition of players can’t sustain healthy populations for games to be match, as well as more people creating smurfs and alt accounts, that’s not a great situation.


There is also the fact that transitioning from long term PvE (or just at all) to PvP in HotS is quite the shock. With some games tackling PvE first or playing a lot against the A.I can enhance one’s PvP experience (in some games PvE is almost mandatory before a player can play effectively against others) but HotS is not one such game. The A.I is not as coordinated as it was prior to the 2018 patch, and in the case of the Yrel A.I it is horribly bad.

With the last one I would not be surprised if experienced Yrel players body the most people transitioning from PvE to PvP game modes. The A.I is that terrible with her, to the point that she is less dangerous than a minion wave even on Elite setting.

YES SURE this game have perfect matchmaking 3 games and know how good you is :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
i dont say that lvl mean skill but 50lvl DONT play every hero, dont play ranked, have 0 skill dont KKNOW basic and pairing with 3000+ is same that kindergarden pairing with university…

And if win 1000 ranked games for you mean nothing OK
But I would rather choose players with the same number of ranked wins than “PRO” with barely two games

exactly. Despite some 1800+ hero level, you’re the same one-trick complainer that hasn’tgotten better despite doing the same thing for years.

How’s the natchmaker supposed to know that you do that :person_shrugging:


You’re both right and wrong, and “it’s complicated.”

Some of the complication is due to smurfs, you can have some highly skilled smurfs with a level 50 account in ranked, who perform far better than a 2k account that is only Silver or Bronze.

Some genuinely new players might lack some specific macro knowledge, but have a background in other MOBA’s, and are mechanically gifted, so they will be streets ahead in terms of ability, compared to a player of average skill, but high account level.

Not everything can be blamed on the MM, you seem to want to deal in absolutes, where most of the time, the issues are more complicated than “high account level = good.” This is often why (outside The Salt Mines) people request to see replays so they can examine the issue with full context.

To personalize the issue, my account is over 2k, but put me on Maiev, and I’ll play like a total scrub, switch that to Tyrande, then you better watch out!


Called it! Minky is a aimbot hacker with owls !


One thing of note is that the higher someone’s account level or hero level is, the less likely they will accept advice from others or overall changer their gameplay without there be drastic reasons to. It is a pit anyone can fall into where they “settle” into believing they have reached the apex of what they can do with a hero or they falsely believe that having a high level hero means they are good with them as I mentioned in a previous post. It is hard to accept that one has more room to improve and that they are not perfect.

Case in point, I was playing with a level 75 Sylvanas player last night where we had a friendly discussion about our favorite hero levels. I politely suggested to them not to use Haunting Wave against targets as it is her only escape and that without the level 7 and 13 talents it is just a waste of mana.

There was no further discussion on it and they kept using it off cooldown for everything, and while they played well against the Elite A.I, they ran out of mana due to excessive usage of Haunting Wave.


No skill can substitute experience

Yet I’ve seen many examples of this not being the case. I have a friend who was a veteran of DOTA and LoL, who, after about only 20 games on Zeratal, was deleting peeps left and right. I’ve seen other players who main Zeratal with 1000s of games, who didn’t play close to my friend’s ability, and my friend only continued to improved over time.

Nobody here is saying experience doesn’t count, they are saying “it depends.” That friend of mine, as skilled as they are on most heroes, in the beginning they lacked basic macro knowledge, so they would tend to fail if their team didn’t soak, or apply map pressure, etc.


Unfortunately, experience also cannot substitute for having no skill. Some of the worst players I come across (especially at my self-admittedly low skill level) are level 2000+, because those are the players who keep playing and playing without ever learning how to play. That’s a lack of adaptability.


Ok, full stop. After a 3 year break, any skills you once had, have long since left you. You’re going to be getting DESTROYED no matter what you do. HOTS is a vey competitive game. Not something you can just take 3 years off and come back, ready to rumble. You expect to do well? No sir.

The point i’m trying to make is, if you’re not going to spend time with the game in a dedicated fashion? Then you might as well just quit. Because you’re not going to have any fun getting destroyed by peeps that play all the time, and if you’re NOT going to stick around long enough to step your skills up, to where you can eventually start winning more? Then it’s just ‘lose-lose’ altogether for you, just hang it up.

Edit: Yes, i didn’t even cover the stuff about toxicity. Because there’s no point. Even without the toxicity element, you probably won’t be sticking around anyway after you get stomped enough times by the consistent player-base.

I disagree. Instead of quitting, if someone plays very rarely, they should just jump into vs AI. If they really must play a PVP mode, they can just ARAM, as most of the time the skill levels are all over the place in that mode.

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In Fact
The BIG problem with this game is that there is no personal rank there is ONLY 5 players rank, it doesn’t matter how well you play but how well the WEAKEST player in the team plays!!!
It’s a great game for 5 player groups, but VERY unfair for single player…

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A recent game has encouraged me to revisit this topic, and I come bearing a picture!

Naturally, I’ve removed personal information, but this is the profile of an Abathur player I encountered a couple of days ago.

One would have thought that 130 games played on Abathur would result in the player having some basic idea how to at least build his hero, and adapt talents to comp/map, sadly this wasn’t the case.

Our match was on BOE, our team had a Valla, Kara, Artanis and Falstad. Really not a bad comp with Abathur at all, even if a two lane map puts AB on the back foot. To cut it short, the Abathur went full mine build, only placed them in groups to try to “kill” (he didn’t get one), and never laid any mines around our camps for vision or lay mines to slow enemy rotations, etc.

As mentioned, Abathur took all mines, then UE, Bombard Strain, Volatile Mutation and Evolutionary link. Not taking any carapace talents ignored how he could have enabled our team to be quite oppressive, but nope.

This is an example of why people rightfully say account level, or hero level, does not necessarily equal skill.

I had suspected in the game that Abathur would have a low lifetime win rate, but not even I had predicted a low of 35%!


I recently had a game with a level 2,491 account who had a level 125 Tyrael and they…ugh…existed.

That is about the best way to describe it. Now, I am very unfamiliar with Tyrael, but I have seen far better Tyraels against the A.I than this player who was extremely passive and only used Smite once in a blue moon.

They didn’t die, but they sure weren’t doing anything more than smacking enemy minions, occasionally tickling a bot with their sword, and just wandering meanderlessly around. Maybe they were just having a good ol time kicking back and relaxing though, but regardless it wasn’t impressive.

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His KDA ratio is also low for an Aba player. That also says he properly die alot on him too.
My KDA on Aba is over 60 and I plays out in the open field alot on him.


Yeah, you’re right, he did die a few times, which was impressive considering he ended up with the second-lowest siege and exp on our team, only below Kara. He wasn’t playing aggressively, like Abby’s who stack mines on a camp and go and take it themselves, he was very passive.

Their HP page, showed they take that exact “build” I mentioned, in almost every game. To be clear, mine build can work, but you have to do more than stack them in bushes and hope for a kill. He also hardly bothered to hat us or minions. When he did hat us, it was always at the wrong time, when we were lanning or taking a camp, almost never in combat.

I have to agree with this. Though I suspect it’d get abused by players using heroes that do well (IE Rag high soaking delaying the game to get lots of soak)