This game is near UNPLAYABLE

A player’s Elo rating is represented by a number which may change depending on the outcome of rated games played. After every game, the winning player takes points from the losing one. The difference between the ratings of the winner and loser determines the total number of points gained or lost after a game.

HotS is “ELO-based” and uses the rating of the teams to predict who would win, and makes changes based on win/losing.

It’d be nice you if knew what you were talking about or at least read posts instead of prattling on and reveling in your ignorances and complaints.

YA teams !!!
I still talk about SINGLE player!
HOTS ELO is pure hell 4 RND they determine your PERSONAL rank! it isnt ELO, mabye in Activision-Bllizzard marketing…

This post is a troll post, please report.

It’s not a “marketing ploy” – that’s just a bad excuse you’re faulting to remain ignorant – it’s a matter of math.

ELO uses wins and loses to influence the prediction of player ratings based on math. HotS uses a similar concept, ego it is “based” on ELO. You have now stated that you think HotS doesn’t “have ELO”. The capacity for you to not get what you want does not mean the concept has changed.

Part of why you have a bad time with this game is due to you consciously substituting the common ground shared with other players with a projected fantasy. Instead of owning up, learning things, and doing better, you work in a conflicted subspace of your imagination and then fault other people for not being able to read your mind.

Some of these players also do that very same thing, and instead of applying the “skill” they demand the game to track, they stagnate in a mired rut convincing themselves that any and everything else is to blame.

As a creature with a cerebral cortex, perhaps you should be applying your efforts to actually applying your mind over the superficial matter holding you back.

Looks like this community is getting more fragile. They need to flag things that directly relate to the topic/game. But anyway, since many of the good players have departed, there are a lot of unhappy people who can’t just play the game, they need drama badly when things don’t go perfectly in a match.