This game is near UNPLAYABLE

You’d think that a dying game with a small, dedicated player base would have less trolls, but unfortunately you’d be wrong. Hopping into a quick play match, there is a 80 to 90% chance that you will be playing with some of the most disgustingly toxic players gaming has ever seen. I’ve played League of Legends for 13 years and this game has a significantly worse player base by miles. The consistency of people who queue with the sole purpose of ruining the game for other people is staggering.

Somebody on your team died? Better call them a racial slur then sit in base and type all game. Wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning? Run it down mid at the start of the game.

I’ve been playing a fair amount after a 3 year break, and I feel like I’m about ready to just hang it up and find something else. Verbal toxicity doesn’t bother me, but for a new/low level player (which are in many quick play games) whose first experience is being bombarded with slurs and told to kill themselves by their level 300+ teammates while they run it down mid IN QUICK PLAY would probably be enough to turn most people away from the game.


Yea the community is really bad on this game IMO. People who think they are really good that insult at the first sign of difficulty or staight up toxic trolls is common. If the game was getting updates I’d be more troubled by the prospect of quitting but honestly I quit this game off and on b/c only nostalgia brings me back. The community could be on permablock and I wouldn’t care less.

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I would recommend making a list where you count the numbers of games you Play and aone were you count the numbers of games were atleast one Toxic statment was made 20 games should be enough though the more games the more accurate it is gonna be. As Humans tend to remeber bad things (e.g. the matches with Trolls) better than the good things thus overvaluing the Bad.
If toxicity is bothering you can Turn of chat (I don’t remeber the / command anymore)
Against trolls you can click the score screen after the match and click on whisper and wait until the status of the troll goes to “in game” or offline and then start queing again.
Hero (e.g. Murky) played may effect your experience
While Time and Server make it more (in case of playing on usual Work time) or less likely to run into the same ppl again.
Obviosly this isn’t going to solve the problem but maybe help a bit
Also if you want to vent this is the Thread:


Ya I just played my second ever game of ranked with Deckard, got MVP and during the game our mage kept whining I wasn’t healing him properly. Low IQ people always emote first and think later, if at all. So rest assured you’re not alone in your experience.


I think it’s just fragile ego and the usual blaming everyone else that you see on the forums quite a bit as well.

Yes there are plenty of people with a bad attitude but I have a hard time believeing it’s any (much) worse than other similar games.


Morden generations are lost souls. Thats why.


I wouldn’t assume that, or rather, I’d say it’s more complicated. My feeling is a multiplayer game with fewer active users, the trolls tend to stand out more than when a game is healthy and actively being developed.

A reason for this is the mechanisms in place that once would have alleviated these issues, such as matching players of a similar MMR, no longer function as intended.

For example, QM, has to use more MMR averaging to create matches, due to the low player base. This is why you will almost instantly see “expanding QM parameters” for example. In the past, if you had a high MMR, you wouldn’t encounter players who throw games often, as they would have a much lower MMR than you would, as MMR averaging was less likely.

The same goes for Ranked, when we had Hero League, you couldn’t group with friends that were a lower or higher rank. As there wasn’t the population to support both Team League and HL, compromises were made, so we ended up with the system we have now, that can be abused by smurfing, etc., and rainbow matches are more likely than in the past.

As my account is 2k, so it is rare for me to be matched with new accounts in QM, ARAM is a different matter. In ARAM, I’m often matched with players who are on “new” accounts, but more often than not, they are smurf accounts. In particular, many of these players a toxic smurfs, players who create an account for the sole purpose to troll on.

That isn’t all supposition on my part, I’ve witnessed many “new” players say in chat that they are a smurf, and they plan to AFK or other disruptive and toxic behavior. In my B-Tag thread, you can see many examples of this, with low level accounts with Tag’s like “Imgonafeed”, “banned4times”, you get the gist.

I’m not dismissing your concerns at all, I now avoid playing in ARAM, as it’s more common for me to encounter players like this in that mode as the MMR rules there are very loose. Many of the problems you point to, are just symptoms of Hots decline.

Even someone with a moderate IQ would not be citing their appearance on the MVP screen as having a strong (or any) correlation with their skill or even performance. Just jump on heroes such as Azmodan, Nazeebo, and you will land that MVP spot for the majority of your games, win or lose.

The MVP screen is mostly meaningless as a tool to judge performance and skill.


And people wonder why I stay in vs ai. I played precisely 3 placement matches for league back when it first came out. First 2 matches were fine, cause we won. The third one, god forbid we start losing. Let the blame game begin, and worse. Went back to vs ai and never looked back.


I agree, but I can’t help but ask… who raised them? Are the parents not to blame for not properly teaching their children how to be good hearted, decent human beings?


A team based game with a matchmaking like this is an error by design. In LoL you get what earned yourself beside the main objectives. In HOTS a single potato will ruin your game.

Beside that the fanboys always considered LoL as the toxic game and HOTS being so fineee. In reality the LoL reporting works as intended and the HOTS system does mostly nothing.

Stick to LoL, HOTS is as dead as Blizzard. The people who could change something are gone, developers and players.

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Every generation is made of lost souls. Every generation’s music is worse than the last. Every new media is more evil than the last. Every modern comedy is dumber than the old stuff. Every generation is softer, slower, weaker, whatever.

No, every generation is the exact same thing, it’s just you’re living in the now so you notice the bad that you didn’t when you were younger.


Some pretty strong words and bold claims there. Can you back it up with replays? The worse the better.

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electronic media.

We age-restrict certain substances, like alcohol, because the body has crippling difficulty processing the toxins without sufficient development.

Similar chemical complications can arise from stimulations from movies, games, etc but people are less keen to consider the effects of m-rated content on their children compared to number muncher or math blaster. While one can’t not raise their children with electronics around, for some people, it’s too much of too much that they bake their brain in dopamine and not only don’t learn delayed gratification, social skills, or engage other portions of their body, but they’re also not being taught ‘common decency’ because there really isn’t “common sense” with direct examples. They develop addictions and lash-out with tantrums and withdrawal when they don’t get ‘what they want’ as they don’t learn sufficient impulse control while also being overstimulated.

kinda. There is more spotlight on particular ailments simply due to more awareness via social media, but there is a greater concentration of instant gratification that prevents people from learning patience and empathy. Text messages, streaming media, online services have replaced letters, waiting in line, or social interaction with other people. And the few instances that remain of these moments, people may fall out of their gourd and think something phrased like “right of way” (driving) to thus mean they can go right away without observing what’s happening.

Generational qualms persist, and echo similar disagreement, but it isn’t exactly without cause when each subsequent generation gets new ways to curb the waiting times they used to have in the previous one.

The MVP screen is meaningless only when I’m not MVP. When I’m MVP, the MVP is the benchmark all players should strive to emulate. Not voting for me on the MVP screen results in a reduction of social credit.

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LoL is far from perfect. It got its own toxic community that does exactly the same. So what is your point ? Even with a surrender botton LoL is still far more toxic then Hots.

And dont forget your account can get hacked aswell and credit information stolen.

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I think your post is a bit dismissive of the real differences in every generation. Every generation is also not a monolith. But there definitely is a tendency for the olds to blame the new.

Was reading some comments from a video about Jan6, and saw one that said something like, back in my day, we were taught civics, to feel superior about themselves for not having raided the White House. And it’s like, 1) people from your generation participated and 2) civics is still being taught

But let’s be real, the young aren’t playin HOTS. It’s a game for the olds. It’s literally a game that is predicated on playing on your nostalgia of characters you grew up playing.

Do you think there were young and old fedbois mixed in the crowd or mostly middle aged?

That is a deep, dark hole you are peeking down. Short answer is the break down of the nuclear family, influx of validation through various mediums such as social media, shifts towards politics and social trends in schools instead of learning things useful in life, break down of social interactions due to social media as well as electronics, and no repercussions for bad behavior.


“O tempora, o mores!” - Cicero

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Hoku with a Sonya avatar and not Artanis…

Yet another signpost that we are indeed living in the dark timeline.

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