If it is the dark timeline, how’d you find, let alone read, the signpost
Look if you think this game is going to change, don’t count on it. I mean there may have been more grown up players back when it was live, but from the fact that it has been dead since the end of 2020 (other than hero balances) I doubt they’re ever coming back.
So unless you just don’t mind playing a dead game with childish players that do nothing but throw a fit the whole match or leave within the first few seconds it’s best to just uninstall. I gave up on waiting for it to get better a long time ago.
Always carry a flashlight in your pocket.
I remember playing against a Hoku using Sonya a bit before I took my last break about 6 months ago.
No idea if it was the forums Hoku or not and I doubt they would remember anything about it even if it was.
This just reminded me of it because I recognised their names from the forums.
well, too bad that topic requesting one for the game went south from a typo then
It might have been? I have been playing her quite a bit for a while now, since in NGS they keep banning my Blaze (grrr…), and as much as I still adore my Hierarch, he is not quite as versatile as the barbarian. I know I ran into Volun in QM a while ago, but that time I was on Artanis.
Besides, I am about to start a third playthrough of Diablo 4 as a barb, so they have been kind of on my mind. I am sure I will switch back to the big protoss before too long.
I’d have been called either Bigcrig or Helnova, I was Leo and it was on either Cursed Hollow or Garden of Terror. I remember ‘you’ seemed to be mainly focusing on double soaking, I can’t remember too much else though was a while ago.
Do you mainly play quick match? I feel as though it was ranked. Is NGS the league that Phaseshifter plays in as well?
I’m confused, I think I’ve lost the plot somewhere (maybe never had a grasp on it), I’m not feeling well today.
I did play against the real Hoku twice, when they were on Artanis. I told Hoku about it already, but the game she beat me and my team was quite funny.
Furthermore, I gave my team a heads-up that Hoku is a beast on Artanis, they didn’t listen and got swapped to the Antarctic, told them so.
If it was a large map, and I was Sonya, I probably would be mostly double soaking and taking camps. Depending on the state of the map and location and number of tribs, I might push in the offlane, or show up to fight. I don’t remember the match, but if it were that long ago, it isn’t surprising. I often have trouble remembering what I had for breakfast, much less something that happened 6 months ago!
I play literally every mode, from AI to SL. The only mode I haven’t played at all recently is Unranked Draft, which is sad, because I always had fun doing that. Most of it depends on whether I am queuing with friends, and what they want to do. I have a number of friends who only play one mode, for various reasons. I have one friend who only likes to ARAM, because “Every time I play QM, the other team has all my hard counters.” It isn’t really true, but since that’s the way they feel, I just smile, nod, and queue for ARAM.
And yes, Phaseshifter is in NGS, as well as waterlong. It really made HotS a whole new game for me. I still enjoy non-NGS things, but to play the game the way it was designed to be played, draft mode with full teams of equal skill, is just so satisfying. NGS is large enough that it is fairly easy to balance the divisions, although there will be outliers every season. The division my team was in was insanely close, with only 4 points separating the top 4 teams, where the total points tends to be in the high 20s. The final standings weren’t known until the very last match of the season was played!
NGS also has a fairly active community, both in Discord and in game. One thing I have noticed is that when I play SL either with my team, or with a mix of people from various teams, we often get matched up with other teams or mixed-player teams. If I solo or duo queue, I do see other randoms, and very few NGS players. To me, this suggests that the matchmaker really is trying to match group sizes whenever possible, and to at least try to keep the skill levels equal.
If anyone is interested in checking out the amateur scene, NGS is a great place to start!
It is something i’d be interested in but I can’t commit to playing hots at x time on x date regularly in life at the moment. If the games still alive in a few years or we get hots 2 maybe!
A lot of people have that issue, which is completely understandable. There are a number of people who don’t play in the NGS, but do follow it, either on the Discord (you do not have to be on a team to join the Discord), the website, or watching the broadcasts of matches on Twitch or YouTube. While it may not be the same level of competition as what Khaldor casts, it does have its own charm.
We have a number of people who cast NGS games regularly, so you can see a variety of skill levels and casting styles. Some series are casted live, and sometimes a caster will pick up replays and go through those. Although NGS is in the off-season at the moment, things will be picking up when the next season starts in January/February.
Here is an example of some thrilling gameplay!
(OK, so maybe not so thrilling. It amused me, though.)
But there really are exciting moments to watch in every one of the series.
There was one time I think Phase posted an NGS cast and the caster had a serious case of uptalk. Drove me insane. Felt like she was asking us questions all the time if what she was commenting actually happened.
I am pretty sure I know who you were watching. There are a couple of regular casters who are, let’s just say, an acquired taste. Krushinator, King Andrew, and TheLimeBus are all talented communicators with strong game knowledge. They are the ones I typically watch when scouting or just to enjoy spectating.
there was a topic requesting flashlights be added, but they had the wrong vowel so shinanigans ensued.
I thought you had commented on that one before it was deleted, but maybe I’m recalling the correct avatar, but not the right user
Oh, that’s all quite funny, and now I’m quite certain what you’re talking about, even if I can’t name it here.
I did miss that particular thread, it must have been yanked before I ever saw it.
They should consider shutting down HOTS tbh. I don’t think I’ve had a good match in 10+ games. Lot of leavers, afkers, trolls and generally stacked teams/uneven matches. People going 2-10 with their Illidan or Kerrigan/facetanking the enemy DPS then going “gg” or “wow they are good!”. Reminds me of rock paper scissors since it’s just random how much nonsense you get on your team.
That’s a fairly selfish mentality. If you don’t like it, that is fine, but why hurt people who do enjoy it?
So they can focus more server power on games that aren’t dead. HOTS isn’t being supported with decent content anyway. 10 of the same made the game worse and made people quit. Thats why the matches are so low quality now. Just trolls and temp newer players who quit when they see how bad the game is. The truth hurts.
Servers are cheap and abundant. Again, why do you think it is fair to hurt many people who enjoy the game, just because you don’t have fun? I play in an amateur league that fields over 100 teams in seasons that occur twice a year. These matches are far from being “low quality”. Just go ahead and quit, but stop trying to imply that your experience is the only one.
You really didn’t learn anything after your shut down HOTS to divert more resources to Diablo4 thread did you?