Please buff kerrigan

She needs it. She’s been undertuned for a while now.


I agree , like nova , her last batch of nerfs were unecessary.
As a melee hero she will and should always be undertuned though , she broke the game everytime she got tuned too high.


What about baseline crysalid?


No she hasn’t. Her winrate has always been very healthy (better than healthy in fact, it’s in the top quarter of heroes most of the time)

And before you say “oh those statistsics websites can’t be trusted…” it’s true the stats are not always great but it’s better than the alternative which is to trust your feelings on it.

Or if you want the opinion of the best hots players, I think kerrigan has always been reasonably mid-tier amongst high level streamers


that can b really good…

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Try sidestepping

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i think slightly increasing her baseline ravage damage or her shield generation would be nice, but Kerrigan is pretty much balanced IMO, the main issue with Kerrigan is her combo is predictable and easily dodgeable 90% of the time, a good tip of Kerrigan players would be since people are trying to always dodge the combo they have to zig zag when moving mean it gives your team time to CC/damage them.

If the whole reason Kerrigan is weak is because her combo is trash then she needs another rework to change how the combo works and wont be so combo reliant, if all she needs is damage buffs/ survivability go with my early suggestion of shield gain and or/ ravage damage.


I like this idea, or she could earn and unlock it somehow like Jaina does for Iceblock.


Well, they could do it almost like the sc2 mission chrysalis was from. Make it unlock say, 12 minutes into the match


I would like 10 minutes like in agent of the swarm.

Lmao says the person who created the last 10 whine threads about zeratul.

Try a bit harder bro, you’re a meme on here for a reason.

Why don’t you get out of silver first, then we can talk about sidestepping or not rofl, I’m sure kerrigans at your level of play don’t even know how to combo properly (including you) giving you the impression kerrigan is bad (pro tip for you, kerrigan’s stuns can be used to follow up on tank stuns not just her own pull, bet you didn’t know that, you’re welcome bro)


I do agree with you but you also have to admit that her winrate at the top was (is?) maintained by some ex pros and some brutal one tricks.

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That’s why the Kerri player need to play smart now to hit one. As a lvl 124 Kerri player i know that since alot of players i have played vs just facehug me or sidestep alot to make me waste it. Its only bad players who run in straight lines to let her combo them. Clever players will try to avoid getting comboed by shutter/sidestepping when she engage them. The trick now is to predict were they will go 1sec ahead of time.

Im glad your not in charge off the dev team with that many changes you want to heroes just because someone feels undertuned. She needs some talent tweaks thats all


Kerrigan can turn this into an advantage. The pure presence of the combo is enough to force the enemy to constantly play around it. While they do that, AA away.


I think it would be better to rework Kerrigan and make her less combo dependent.


It was the case each time her winrate peaked.
They could try making her combo dependant but have her combo easier to land

Bookmarked for next time you whine about Hanzo.


Id like to see her rebuilt in a way where her entire kit or existence isn’t reliant and built around landing her combo.

I like that she’s a combo character but I’d like her individual abilities to be more useful on their own and able to be combo’d in different ways and in different order. And then you are rewarded handsomely when you do land all her abilities in correct order.

Hmm, somehow I do really good everytime I play her, although I do admit I rarely see her played these days.

Can you be more specific about what parts of her are weak?