The Problem Isn't Matchmaking

Why do men fight?
What do they want?

If you won’t be a bad player you’d know, that 11 death is the reason why you lost.

The most likely scenario was that you engaged alone or too early, you died, and your team decided that since you made it a 4v5 for them, they rather not fight. Leading to lower dmg and heal numbers on their side than it could be if they could particioate in a non-disadvantagous 5v5 teamfight.
Nice statpadding tho… :slight_smile:

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It is all situational, and yes, if you play certain picks really well, you can have a bigger than average impact on the game. However, the biggest ways to influence the results are teaming with other highly skilled players, or getting everyone to coordinate. Which is why a lot of master and GM smurfs duo while smurfing, or start games by telling everyone they are a master/GM player and to get in coms for calls. Actually being able to make solo carry plays depends largely on teammates either setting things up for you, or, you setting things up for them. If your team is incompetent, neither of those things happens.

This thread is proof that the game is working as intended, and because it is, nobody has stuck around long enough to use the forums, or play the game for that matter.

HotS is designed for entry level Moba casuals, and simultaneously for coordinated team play. This is just plain bad design.

You are an idiot yes man that literally can not comprehend criticism, because you don’t understand the basic premise that forms the basis of the criticism.

lol, now I think you are trolling. You can’t actually be serious with that statement.

What? Seriously, what? We are talking about 20-30 minute matches with no carryover between matches, no storyline at all, and you want to talk about “community” like there is something to build a community around.

Ah yes “you are psychologically immature” the argument of idiot yes men whenever valid criticism is voiced. I know how to play, and get this I spent 5 years working customer service in a call center, and made bonus based on how well I handled issues. I know how to talk to people, but when I am the only one in coms, and I need to explain everything from how to play each character to game basics like soaking in real time to a bunch of incompetent players whose first reaction at the barest whiff of a suggestion that they are playing wrong is “you are the same rank as us, ignored”, then there is not much point of even trying to communicate. Now, I was always in coms, every match, most matches I was the only one in coms the entire match, and that was after asking people to get in coms in lobby.

This is actually all you needed to say. I am a gamer, and this is a game designed for casuals, not gamers.

Ego trip much?

Wahhahahahahahahaha. So, I only played maybe 60 games of ranked SC2. I didn’t look up units or their counters, basic play strats, what maps were in rotation or how to play them, and I have an apm of 70, and after about 3 or 4 warm up matches, I went straight into ranked 1v1. I placed plat 3, I got bored not much later after winning more than 60% of my matches and climbing to diamond. Please tell me more about how I don’t have the emotional capacity to play Starcraft.

In fact this illustrates the exact point I used to make about HotS matchmaking. Because HotS and SC2 use same basic w/l ranking system. For 1v1 it works great because it is directly measuring each players skill based on the result. However, for any other type of match it does not. Which is why a few months after I climbed to diamond with a 60%+ win rate in 1v1’s I decided to try 2v2’s…and placed silver, where i struggled, and could not win even 50% of my matches. I had teammates leave multiple times after losing one fight, when I had kept the opposing team from getting a single expo up until that point and we had 3+. So my rank was being directly affected by the ability of my teammates, the same as in HotS.

You apparently don’t understand that the only way to see the changes you want to see within a system is by being a part of that system.

The irony of this is hilarious. Since you made all kinds of negative assumptions about me, none of which are correct, and yet you want to claim I lack empathy and understanding.

Ahh, so many assumptions, none of which are right…lol. I love posts like yours, because I get a good laugh out of them. You are right though, I get pissed when people do stupid things. Also, HotS is pretty low requirements as far as mechanical skill. In fact i miss most of my few skill shots that do miss, because I cycle my skills too fast and because of global CD’s the target has moved before the skillshot is used. That said, I might miss 3-5 skillshots a match.

You would be no doubt shocked to learn Chess is one of my favorite board games of all time and I am about as good as an amateur can get at it without putting serious time into the game. You would also no doubt be surprised to learn I spent quite a lot of time playing browser based strategy games that are played essentially in real time on a massive scale, and not only was I always given leadership roles because of my ability to communicate everything from basic game play to advanced strategies clearly, but I was also one of the most dominant players because of my ability to read people and situations, and predict actions, making me one of the most lethal and feared players in the game. Oh, and I am 32, lol

It is a game for casuals who think they know a whole lot they have no clue about. Like yourself who clearly has no clue about me or my capabilities, and yet made all kinds of statements based on incorrect assumptions. Just like the other players of this game that make all kinds of incorrect assumptions and then play like crap based on them

Not going to respond as in depth to the rest of these replies…but I will hit some highlights.

Yeah, maybe a year ago. One of the last times I tried to play a ranked game I waited in queue for over an hour as a gold player without it finding a match…think about it

it actually has everything to do with design. Hots is a polished turd. It looks nice and plays nice, but the core design is badly flawed. You can;t make a game hyper casual and require high levels of coordination between players… because casual players don’t coordinate.

Kind of hard to pad hero damage, without actually participating in fights. Practically impossible to pad both hero damage and siege without doing a crap ton of actual work since it requires two different things to be done.

Brilliant deduction Sherlock. Why do you think that I was pissed I was out healing an Ana as a bruiser? I was doing more self sustain for myself than my main healer was doing for the entire team.

Oh I am sure. I made some plays that should have resulted in an easy snowball victory for us, but couldn’t get a heal, and my team liked to focus the tank if they focused anything at all. Usually they would back off and poke, while I brought the other team down myself, and somehow I was almost never the first to die, because they would have that one guy that decided to engage at melee range as a ranged dps.

No, read what I said. I was upset that I was taking engages at 3v3 or even 4v3 and my team would split, backoff, rush in as ranged, or otherwise misplay, lending nothing to the fight, making it effectively a 1v3.

Are you on crack? Where did I mention 11 deaths was good, ever? I pointed out that I died 11 times, which meant i spent a lot of time dead, still out tanked the tank, out healed the main healer, and out dpsed all the dps in game. I put my team ahead on every engage. They couldn’t capitalize on it. They were literally so bad, they couldn’t figure out how to focus squishes while I took all the fire.

I love how the assumption is that somehow it is my fault, that my ridiculously high stats don’t matter and are meaningless and if I had just played better maybe my team would have won. No, I had been the only thing keeping us in the game for as long as I did. The game was doomed before it began because I was the only player that had any level of skill on my team. i can’t remember if it was that game or one of the other last few matches I played, but I had a player on the opposing team whisper me post game saying he was sorry I got screwed by matchmaking, because he recognized I was more effective than the rest of my team combined.

Orrr, I died 11 times because I covered my squishies, peeling because the tank wouldn’t, wasn’t getting healed, and half my teammates would die right away and the other half would run leaving me alone in what was a teamfight.

Tell you guys what. Since it is so easy to stat pad, take any bruiser, into a random solo queue ranked game and out heal a main healer, out tank all the main tanks, out siege your teams dps, and out hero damage all the dps. Doesn’t matter how many deaths you get, and you can even try it in bronze if you want. Let me know when you have done so, then come back and tell me how easy it was for me to “pad my stats”. Until you do that, you are just speaking from ignorance, and making assumptions you have no factual basis for. My bet is even if you tried, you can’t do it without having seriously bad teammates and playing like a beast.

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Link a replay then. Let us see who did what.
I’m a Master ranked player, I gladly help to analyse the game.

I’m pretty sure I can say that most of us did (I did, that’s for sure).

And I’m curious, with which Bruiser you did this exact example?

Lol, I uninstalled the game after making my OP a month ago, not going to reinstall to get one replay to find somewhere to host it so I can link it to you. Also, rank is damn near meaningless, I have had enough games thrown by master and GM players on smurfs, that I long ago realized a lot of them can’t play more than a few select heroes with quality teammates and are absolutely lost when it comes to anything else.

Well, you clearly still play the game, so why not link your replay? Also, you admit you were stat padding that whole game? Stat padding is a thing, but my argument is that to get such clearly outrageous stats, you can’t just pad them.

I did it with the easiest one to do it with of course. Leoric. I still shouldn’t have been able to out hero damage an opposing Guld’an when I was on a badly losing team, while also outhealing an Ana.

Now I will admit I misplayed once or twice that match, because I either mistimed my escape, or got stunned just before my ult. But those things resulted in death with no stat gains. Plenty of time for my team to fall back, lane, and beat my siege damage, which they never were able to do. It could be argued that every death was a misplay because I kept expecting my team to be a level of competent that they clearly had demonstrated they weren’t.

Edit: make sure you are taking a screenshot of the stat screen at the end of your replay and linking that as well, since I won’t be reinstalling this game to watch a replay.

Wait… how do you know that those smurfs were GMs or Masters on their mains? :thinking:
Also, I’m a true flex player, if that counts for you (probably not). I can play every role and I play almost all the Heroes.

I’m not admitting that I statepad, I amdit that my high stats were not that meaningful, because certain Heroes and scenarios just favor the Bruisers/Tanks to shine.
And my argument is, that if you go in, die, than repeat (especially with a Hero who can respawn faster like Leoric, who I knew was your Bruiser before you mentioned it) you can easily have high stats since Leo is capable of those high numbers and your death probably made your baddie allies scared, so they did basically no teamfights, so no statepadding for them.

And no, I won’t search for possibly our to find a Leo or other Bruiser replay for you to make a screenshot of its end.
If you won’t install the game, if you won’t post a replay, what’s the prupose of my doing so? Nothing, so not worth my time. I would gladly help you get better, but if you won’t even plan to play the game anymore, I skip, thx…

That would be your first step to get better if you’d still play.

You mean every MoBA ever where players are always asking for better matchmaking because their allies suck?

I used to think like that too. But I realized that I have to play the game based on the state of the game, not based on what I think should happen. So if my team doesn’t do the optimal move, I play based on what they do. I can’t blame them for not being somewhere when I knew they weren’t there from the start.


Fantastic Idea! I hope OP eventually posts a replay.

because they would get on their main and talk smack about how abathur was good on braxis, while having less than 20 aba games on their main.

Yeah, like when your team is absolute trash

Oh for sure, it made them scared, they didn’t know how to play, which was the point I was making. Also, this was an exceptional game for me because I died so much, most games I get high stats, and don’t die, or die a couple times.

If you aren’t wiling to do it to prove your credibility, why ask me to do something similar?

lol, I don’t need to get better, that is not what this post is about. It is what you are trying to make it about, but not the issue. I had plenty of skill, knew how to play every map, had great map and situational awareness, missed on average less than 5 skill shots a game, unless I was playing a pick I wasn’t familiar with or up against a comp of highly mobile picks. My problem was a constant assumption that my teammates were decent until proven otherwise. Turns out, otherwise was usually the case.

I am not interested in trying to prove my skill to you, anymore than you are interested in me picking apart your plays and criticizing them. I knew I was good enough that I should have been diamond at the very least, and I played with enough master and GM players to know I could hold my own there as well, but I would have to invest serious time into the game to maintain that level of play.

Again, my skill was the issue, because it was much higher than other players at my rank, and yet every match was a frustrating cluster where I had to desperately cover for dumb teammates in the hope I could do enough to get a win. It was not the issue because my skill was lower, that I find laughable.

Yes, where you can realize your teammates suck, go power level in the jungle for a few minutes, bide your time, then get a couple quick picks and push for the win. Other mobas allow carrying because your xp is not locked to your teammates capabilities, you have the ability to itemize to counter build your opponents in real time, maps are generally larger and fights faster so you can push a lane or get a pick without putting yourself in danger. Effectively doing more for your team as an individual.

Really!!? That was sarcasm btw, because see, they were there, but they choose to go get a camp instead of pushing a fight, despite it being obvious we needed to capitalize on our existing advantage. Also, someone had to lane clear or we would have lost a T2 structure to a minion wave. Think about it, minions pushing one of our forts, I ping it, we have numbers, I go to clear the wave, and my 4 teammates go to the opposite side of the map to get a camp. At that point I said to myself “wtf am I doing playing this game?” Because it was the same BS I had to deal with in 8 of my last 9 games.

You link yours first, and I will consider it, otherwise it is a complete waste of my time to link a replay for a game I deleted a month ago.

I guarantee the problem is there’s simply too many people to properly monitor them all. So your preventative process is ‘of future incidents,’ given making an account is largely effortless.

So there it is. You can only out a bad player after they’ve done bad. You will always see a ruined game before a vindicated report. It’s just that simple.

That all said? Being sanctimonious about it is absolutely part of the problem.

Look, you are the one, who came here to claim you’re good, everyone else is bad with a game as Leo with 11 deaths…
You need to prove your credibility first, you can’t just pass the responsibility.

But if you want, I can prove to you that what were my ranks and winrates in certain seasons, how many I played, what is my roster.
I can even link you a replay or post neat screenshots, but don’t expect me to find something really similar to your case now, since I left that lvl behind for years. It would take me hours and hours.
You on the other hand can easily find that exact game.

Everyone needs to get better, so this just seems to be the Dunning-Kruger effect again…

Based on what?
What was your winrate?

Um no, that is not how it works. I don’t need to prove I am good or not, you are accusing me of not being good, so the burden of proof is on you. If you want to be recognized as being able to make that judgement, you need to provide evidence that you have the experience and knowledge to do so. I am perfectly content with saying you don’t know what you either don’t know what you are talking about because you never were in a similar situation, or you were in a similar situation, and you would now that I wasn’t simply stat padding because of it.

I don’t need you to post something at my level of play, you con post something similar at yours, unless you are trying to say that such stats are not possible without a huge skill discrepancy, which is exactly my point. You should have no problem finding something recent if such stat padding is so easy, in fact you could go play a game now, pad your stats, then come post your replay, no problem. The only way what you say makes sense is if you do have to dig for such a game where your skill was much higher than other players, because that is the only situation it was likely to ever occur in. See how that supports my argument?

Uh, no, because,

  1. I don’t play this game anymore
  2. When I did play my skill was so much higher than my teammates, you can’t even find a similar replay for yourself without digging into your history when you were lower ranked.
  3. Try applying the Dunning-Kruger effect to something other than a strawman of your creation.

There it is…go look at what I said about how matchmaking works and how skill and win rate are not the same thing when the game isn’t a 1v1 match. Little hint I used my SC2 stats to illustrate why that is the case, since it uses the same basic W/L skill ranking hots does.

By similiar, I meant:

  • me playing Leoric
  • having a Healer
  • going March of the Black King (you said that was your Heroic of choice, probably you went W build as well?)

It’s hard, because I played Leo fairly long ago, because I play with a ton of Heroes (almost the entire roster is lvl15+)
And I almost always pick Entomb cuz it’s more versatile and useful.

And my point is, that Leo is a safe and easy Hero for statpadding even if you are as bad as your allies. He has a nice hp pool, %-based dmg and healing, shorter respawn time. You don’t need to be better by a large margin than your allies (especially since you died 11 times) to statpad. The Hero does it for you.
Once ppl (the Leo and his allies) get better together, Leo’s lead weakens.

And when I said I can post random (non-Leo) replays, I meant recent ones. Diamond+ SL or some QM.

But I climbed from Gold to Master (started as a noob) and my experience is that if someone thinks he’s good, it doesn’t matter what his rank is, he won’t see why the higher ranks are actually better than him. Since he sits in the delusion that he’s great.
I always focused on my mistakes instead of the ones of my allies and that’s how I got better and climbed. I fixed my part, because I’m the only constant in my matches.

Btw I have uploads here:

Just search my name.

Tfw you enter a thread and HealsOnHeels is dumpstering a troll lmao

Great, wonderful, that wasn’t at all what I asked you to provide.

Then where is your replay where you dominated the stats and contributed almost nothing? You keep saying how easy it is, and then go back and say how you don’t want to try and find a replay. If it is that easy, go do it. You are a master player, accounts are free to create, go drop into a bronze game and do it.

Ok? I never said they had to be leo replays or what rank it had to be. in fact I just said it had to be a bruiser, and could be done at any rank.

and my experience is that people that talk like you got a fairly good streak of solid games and never got stuck with 20 games of stupid teammates in a row. Also, never said I was great, I said I was a diamond level as far as my ability to play the game, and could play master or maybe even GM level if I really put time into the game. You have an overly inflated opinion of your own skill if you think that is great. HotS isn’t difficult. You don’t have to last hit, or deny minions, you don’t have to know what your opponents are building item wise, or know what items to build to counter, and most maps are pretty simple and require almost no game knowledge to play.

Again, go read what I said about matchmaking and my SC2 experience, which uses the same basic W/L ranking system.

Everybody wants to blame the player for bad game design, including other players, but never seem to realize someone always gets screwed in a randomized matchmaking system. Just like someone always gets lucky. Its why I had a lower win rate on azmo then a player I was playing against who didn’t know how to play the maps, didn’t know how to build azmo, and didn’t know how to position correctly. The one game I played against him with a decent team, we dumpstered him with ease. The game I got stuck with 3 clowns on my team, his team won despite him, further padding a win rate on something he literally did not know how to play.

As to your replays, as I already said, I am not reinstalling the game so you can prove a point I really don’t care about, and is just you trying to deflect from what my OP was about. If you want to link screenshots of your final stats, go for it, then we can talk, but I am not reinstalling the game.

btw, are you EU player? Because I am getting the feeling you don’t play on US servers, and have no idea how bad the average player is on US servers.

Actually that was what you asked for.
W build MotBK Leo is the Bruiser who can out heal a Healer, deals easily a ton of dmg while actually not providing as much value as one could think from his stats.

Why are you surprised that I won’t take the effort when you keep saying you won’t watch it?

Diamond+ is great.

If it’s so easy, why did you feed?

There are Heroes with last hits and Heroes you don’t want to let get the minions. (Azmo, Naz)
You don’t need to know what they build itemwise, but you need to know what they build talentwise and you need to know what talents are the best for the situation.
And you claim that tje maps are easy-peasy…

Everything is so easy just those damn noobs didn’t let you shine in time…

I’m EU, but play on NA as well from time to time. The average skill lvl seems to be lower there, so it’s a bit easier to get high on the ladder if you are good.

Gotta agree somehow with OP.

Last SL match, solo queue, in draft my team picked lili and lucio, i took chromie, then blaze and fenix. They said hey double supp works I’ve seen it a few times.

Well, the opposing team had Stitches, Guldan and Deckard which were playing much much better than our team. Lili and Lucio took both the healing route, we were lacking damage. Valeera and Genji closed their comp.

When Stitches hooked me, no one peeled for me or tried to rescue me.

Lucio and lili where together all day in mid lane, enemies taking both shrines and all camps. Our damage didn’t compare to theirs.

This happens a lot, even at the same rank, you get shtty team vs not so shtty team and you can’t do ANYTHING to even make a decent match.

Other times you get a nice team and you can win smoothly, or at least make a decent match, not a throw from draft, at the same rank.

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No, it wasn’t

I don’t need to watch it, just screenshot the stats screen. You are the one saying it is easy to do, prove it.

lol, no, it really isn’t, the skill ceiling in this game isn’t high. As I have stated numerous times, this is a moba for casuals, while simultaneously requiring high levels of teamplay, which is why the core design is so bad, because casuals can’t coordinate.

See, this is exactly the point I am making. I didn’t feed, you are claiming I did, simply from my high deaths and yet you can’t find a single replay where your stats where so astronomically high and you contributed little to the outcome of the game.

They are easy, lol. Have you actually played another moba, ever? The skill ceiling in HotS is so much lower than any other moba, simply because there is so much less complexity.

lol, no the game is designed so no one player “shines” it was a deliberate decision by Blizzard. It wouldn’t be so bad but they made it so casual friendly, that getting a decent team while solo queuing is pure luck.

How did I know. Lol, the average skill level being lower does not make games easier. I can influence good teamamtes a lot more than bad teammates, because when I make a good call they know it is a good call and why, they also tend to be in coms. while with bad teammates, they aren’t in coms, and they can’t even see pings or chat messages. I don’t know how many games I lost while specifically telling a player to do or not do something, then they did the opposite, and when I called them out on it after they died, they get super defensive and ask why I didn’t say anything…

In my experience it is much easier for me to take a team of decent/good teammates and beat a team of decent/good players, because I can actually communicate advanced plays to my team in real time. However, since 95%+ of my games didn’t have those kind of teammates, the game became a frustrating dice roll every match where I had to cover for my teamamtes repeatedly, and half the time after body blocking and saving the healer, instead of the healer healing me while I cover the healer, I would be left to die, then the healer would complain that I was throwing/feeding.

The US servers are crap. Every game has at least one smurf or a boosted scrub that is clueless, and most of the players in gold play at the skill level of bronze players a year or two ago.

Double support can work, if it is the right supports running the right builds against the right comps. lili is actually a really good pick against certain picks, like illidan. I have had a few games where I took lili as a second support just to hard counter illidan. I know how to play though, and the last game I played lili in as second support I topped hero damage on my team…with 2 dps picks. Still lost that game, because our dps wasn’t doing damage, but I countered what I intended to, and played a clean game.

That said, it is very situational, a lili second support requires the other team to have a lot of aa damage, or picks that are completely reliant on aa, and should only be done if the player taking the second support really knows what they are doing.

Edit: Also, I would never double support with lucio. He is pretty much a pure support/healer, you lose too much damage and don’t get any disables, blinds, or slows.


Don’t you think that needs the same amount of time and effort from my part?! To find old replays which are good for the task so I can screenshot them?.. Not worth for someone like you tbh.

High death = feeding. It’s a simple concept, surprising you can’t understand it. The more you die, the more xp you give to the enemy. The more times it’s 4v5 for your team making any kind of progress really hard for them.

One of the reason is, because I no longer contribute little to nothing to any kind of match and I won’t do a trollgame just to prove to you that Leo can statpad really easily, especially since you didn’t even prove you could do it in the first place.
I just accepted your empty high stat claims. Why? What was my reason? Because I know the character can do it. I know he can get really high stats even when feeding (so when he does “nothing”). Your story sounded realistic, but you missed a few key things thanks to your infalted ego.

And since you wanted a screenshot so badly, here’s my latest game with Leo (a game from August). I didn’t even build for high dmg and heals (picked Entomb and no W build). Yet I’m topping every stat.

Not astronomically? Well, my teammates didn’t do badly and as I said earlier, I didn’t go for the statpad build what you had.
%-based dmg will make big dmg numbers. %-based heals on a bruiser will make big heal numbers.
Going the build which gives you more %-based dmg and heals (and more dmg and heals) will make astronomical numbers if you’re the only one going in “teamfights”, since your team will always be left without their frontline.

Meh you think stats don’t matter, I do. I tire of the “it can’t be perfect, so forget trying” arguement.

They need individual stats to most accurately show skill.