The Problem Isn't Matchmaking

something you could do, to help with the xp problem. Though it’s a complicated issue.
Is have it exactly as it is now, team level, everyone on your team is the same level. (So there wouldn’t be anyone who gets overfed and etc as some said they don’t like about other mobas)
However add a bounty system, where people who contribute more are worth more xp if killed, and people who die are worth less xp if killed (again).
The numbers and variables can all be changed and moved around, but I don’t see any downsides to a bounty system.

Yeah no it’s totally the matchmaking which everyone is well aware about. Sure there are throwers and whatever that plague this game just like any team-based game but most games are lost just because you get a lvl 40/lvl 2 Diablo with silver MMR against a full plat/diamond MMR team going 2-18. This has happened to me personally and they weren’t even throwing, they were just that bad that they ended up dying a lot. Getting these T-tier players suddenly in your team for no reason is way more common than you’d actually think and it’s the reason why our whole group quit the game collectively as we just realized that were not capable of having fun most of the time because of these players making the game unplayable if we weren’t a bigger stack than 3

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Another hopelessly clueless player, nothing to see here move along guys. He deserves his low rank and will never improve.

Even if true there are important points brought up

Thats a nice idea so that the enemy team isnt as rewarded by killing a player who is “easier to kill”. And that might work as well.

I tend to still like the idea of shutting off exp sharing during the death timer because it directly and negatively affects the poorly performing player so that they take note for future games.

heh :laughing: problem is you srill think bronze players play so bad,but i can insure in bronze.league exist so many players wich can
This your example is bad.
He NOT carry NOTHING in his high % all games.
He just been matched and with so good players wich are NO bronze players.

heh :laughing: how you did understand ,rate, judge him is not so good player?! You did play with him a tleast 20 games?!
Looks NO!.

Man…on theory and judgeing with this bad MM/MMR system is NOT good, is NOT good thing, for you!
And…dont rush to judge someone player without play with him 10,20 games!

You can see the absolute lack of any game understanding from what he wrote. Like a guy who cant spell or write properly complaining they cannot get job as a journalist and blame someone else for this.

Go watch the losses in the B->GM runs.

You’re proving that you cannot handle system thinking.

No, you proof you are silly clown.
First im 44 old man, 20 years game life xp-ed…
and im bussy man,almost everyday worker…that mean i hot have this so long free time for spend over 500 games per season…
3th…the game go through so many changes in last 2 years…witch is HUGE factor for high % win rate…
4th was matched with so many bad /good players in bronze hell 2017-2018 year…
Can you dont tell me bulllsh*ts?!?!
Can you?!..
Play and dont talk with me!
And if you think too im bronze game skilled…then you HUGE FOOL and your head did deaded so many brain cells…
Im clear enough?!
Enwer me silly clown!
And next time dont reveal what you are with your own words( what you did said to me)! :slight_smile:

you want to discourage teams finding weaknesses and taking advantage of them? i mean, sure, it sucks to have That Guy on your team, but finding the weakest link and targeting them is strategy imo

a team that’s ahead in levels already gets reduced xp from kills to reduce snowballing. this idea would just allow feeders to stay at ranks where they don’t belong because they’d be easier to carry

Fair point. Then I revert fully to my prior idea of shutting off exp gain for the duration of the death timer. THAT wont keep feeders in the same ranks.

Ok so first off, It would never make them give 0 xp, so hitting a weak link will still give some xp.
Second off, even just killing one of the enemy team easily makes it a 5v4, which is a huge advantage in its own that you can push.
For most people this won’t suddenly be like oh I can win games where I have feeders.
If you have really bad feeders, you most likely will still lose this game, unless you vastly outskill your opponents (which is a thing even now).
What bounties will do, is make people that do a good job worth more, and people who do a poor job worth less. So you are less likely forced into dumbing down your play to play with other teamates. Especially if your a better player.

If you are a master tier player, bounties would make it easier for you to do master level plays in a silver game, to carry that game even harder then you can now.
Instead of being forced to doing low level plays exceptionally.
Not only would it allow good players to carry games they already could harder, it would make it easier to see overtime what is better and what’s not, especially for lower level players.

You are a 100% right. I myself moved on to league of legends and i feel like i got sooooo much more control over my games. Heck, ARAM in LoL is more fun than anything HOTS could ever throw at me. They made a fool proof MOBA so fool proof that it mostly attracted fools who still manage to make the game look like rocket science


This is basic human nature and psychology behavior:

I can sum it up in few points. First we’re human beings and second we make mistakes for online it’s errors. We as human beings regardless of age groups see ourselves higher than others when we achieve greater status in anything in this case video games by using a misconception to compare ones skill to another. This misconception is matchmaking and ranks making us feel good about ourselves. All age groups will do this behavior expect children who’re growing up will do it more since they haven’t learn outside of what they know. This will be greater in teengers who belive they’re adults in their own way of thinking so they pick on the younger players to brag rudely but not all the time to show how good they’re. Once both child and teenger face the downfall know as getting beat a lot than what they hype themselves to be they will rage. This can be true with adults.

All in all, no matter how good a person is if that person refuse to learn from their mistakes they’re doom to repeat it. There is a certain point when it becomes toxic.

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I know I am necroing a thread, but given queue times, you are probably still waiting for a match since I created this thread.

That said, I died 11 times while outhealing the healer as a brusier…think about it. Not to mention I tanked a crap ton of damage, as I recall I had around 200k damage tanked, of which I self healed about 100k, I should have died a lot more than 11 times tbh. Also, if I could drop an opposing team to 50% hp, by myself, while they focused me, and my team couldn’t figure out how to make a play off that, what makes you think the better play would me avoiding an engage because I might die? That is exactly what my team was doing, avoiding the engages and giving bosses and objectives.

The only way the game could be won is if my team followed my engage, the healer actually healed me, and the dps focused down there healer/dps…if we just backed off every fight, the other team would get free bosses, free camps, free objectives, and would have won that much faster.

First of all, one players skill does not make enough of a difference to make up for terrible players. Then there are smurfs, both the kind that want easy wins and the kind that just want to troll. And boosted players. There is so much randomization of skill, I have had games with absolute garbage teammates, followed by games with even worse teammates. The only real way to counter the randomization factor from a player perspective is build actual teams and play with them. which defeats though whole purpose of a casual moba design. If I was going to do that, why would I play HotS when Dota has multi million dollar prize pools?

They actually did this, but people complained and apparently the initial placement was flawed so they rolled everything back and scrapped the system. At first I was pissed because I got put in bronze, but then I realized I was gaining 300+ points a win and losing less than 150 per loss because my skill was so ridiculously above average. I was climbing on a negative win rate, and I didn’t care I was getting screwed with more than my fair share of garbage teammates, because I could still get a 100 point positive modifier on losses, and games I won, where I could actually play to my full potential I was gaining up to a 170 point bonus.

and yet people still rank up. I’m not gonna say throws don’t happen, but if you play well, you’ll influence the outcome of your game, and if you play really well, you can actually carry variably pretty damn hard.

This thread is proof that the game is working perfectly as intended and that it is making so many players happy, the players that the game is made for.
Heroes of the Storm is not for gamers that want to game alone as if they were progamers, you are not a pro, you are playing a video game and if you can’t chill in the blizzard then you will melt all the snow around you and fall to the abyss.
You are burning red with rage, and you can’t see clearly because of all the smoke that you are producing.
This game is for cool people. For good players. And the game also has the possibility to reward the cool players that want to play like pros when they reach the pro levels.
The game is not for individuals that are incapable of joining a real community of people that see each other as people. By community I don’t mean just a bunch of gamers that play the same game and connect via internet to a social network and are able to talk to each other without knowing each other and not trying to get to know each other.
That is not a community. The word community is used because people are nice to you because if people weren’t nice to you then you wouldn’t be able to go through your life.
This is what you do not understand, you are not the one that has problems, you are just more emotional because of how psychologically immature you are. You are the one who knows how to play and people expect you to lead the match. The problem is that you are not a person that knows how to talk to people. You are a gamer and you think that this game is part of the gaming world. It is not.
This is our house, and you are a guest. You are welcome to play and you are welcome to stay. You are encouraged to lead and you have the possibility to be great.
You do not play Starcraft. And you will never ever be good at Starcraft. You play team games because you want to be better than your team, and you want them to know this. If you lose the match, you want to blame your team.
Starcraft is 1v1. And you cannot endure the emotional effect that it would produce on your emotional self.
Cool people are cool, and they are good at what they do because cool people never do things that they don’t love doing.
You have been suffering long enough in the game to get to a point where you make this kind of thread. You are like those ex boyfriends that can’t deal with the breakup and make it literally impossible to really break up, because even after you are gone you still want to annoy, you can’t just turn around and say well we tried, didn’t work out, good luck and good bye.
You getting to a point where you typed this means that you have tried so hard to be good at something that has been clearly not to you, since day one. You said it, that you didn’t like the game since beta, and that you knew that the designers didn’t want to change it. You knew this.
You are a man who acts like a boy and likes to suffer in order to later have the excuse to cry about it. You will say yes to something that your GF suggests, and then while doing it you put your gamer boy face and she asks what’s wrong and then you start your act, the one you know how to do.
You are not aware of this, and if you are, you will not accept it, because it is part of the whole issue that you have.
You have skill in video games. But you do not have social skills. And I don’t mean being outgoing or not shy or super talkative, I mean social as in being able to see people as people, and be able to communicate, even if it is with no words. You cannot feel people. You cannot know them without asking questions. And you will never ever understand this, because it is not something that makes sense to you or even possible to be able to do.
Most of the people that are skilled at playing characters are not skilled at playing macro. Sure, you know the maps, you know how they are supposed to be played, and that may be bad because you will always do as you are supposed to do, and get mad if someone doesn’t.
You may learn how the pieces in chess move, and you may learn how to play defense and offense. But you will not like the game, because it is not a game of mechanical skill, speed, reaction, this and that… Chess is a puzzle, you need to see the future, you need to feel what the other person will do, or what will not do, in case the person also is thinking what you would do. This is what social skill is. You are intelligent in the way that a scientist or an engineer is intelligent, you only see things that are there to be seen, you see numbers, you see lines and figures. You do not have emotional intelligence, as you can see, you are not able to control or understand your emotions and they control you. You do not know how to deal with overflow. Most of you, as a generation, men, 20 to 30 years old are going to go through the phase that the women of your generation went 15 years ago, when they were 10 to 20.
This “moba” is not a moba. It is a game for players, not for gamers. Being a good player is not about being a skilled player. Heroes of the Storm’s logo is a hexagon because it is a 20 sided die, with the 20 sided die you decide if yes or no.
You rolled the die, and you got your answer.

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People in gold and lower are legitimately that bad. The problem is more that they aren’t punished for feeding or afking when they get mad at their poor performance and decide to throw.

This part isn’t true though. if you practice enough, it is possible to climb. About a year ago I was able to coach my friend and he zipped from mid silver to almost mid plat in the span of about a month. Sure, it’s not like going from Bronze to GM but it’s enough movement upward to make it out of “extra bad player zone”.

While I will agree that a lot of good players have left the game (it’s not secret that many Diamonds/Masters/Gm/Former Pros have left HOTS entirely or put it on the backburner not long after the official cancelation of HGC), it has nothing to do with HOTS being “poorly designed”.

Sometimes you need to be a bit annoying with shotcalls or explain it beforehand in text comms or voice comms. A lot of work sure but for players you think are worse at the game than you, a good explanation may win them over.

This doesn’t mean anything since stat padding is easy.

Dying 11 times generally isn’t a good thing. It sounds like you died in an effort to pad your stats.

Are you sure you weren’t simply making horrible engages?

That is exactly WHY you should be losing. HOTS is a team game with the core mechanics focused around team play. Are you upset that you can’t 1v3? Then yea, maybe HOTS isn’t the game for you.

This is just a core difference in HOTS vs other mobas which tend to focus on individual play more than team play.

The problem is your complaints are ultimately that you cannot 1v4 and solo carry games like you can in LOL or something. Ultimately HOTS requires a higher level of macroplay compared to most other Mobas at the bare minimum. The fact you think dying 11 times is good because you managed to do some extra damage on the stat board and didn’t actually do something that puts your team ahead speaks for itself.