I have blamed matchmaking for a while for the absurd number of throwers, trolls, noobs, and plain dumb players I get as teammates while solo queuing in ranked.
Today I had the epiphany that the problem wasn’t actually the matchmaking system. I realized that most of the players left at my rank are throwers, trolls, noobs or plain dumb. I never will get a decent team, because there are not enough decent players playing the game.
People who were good, don’t play HotS, because it is a poorly designed moba that doesn’t reward skill. They left for games where their skill makes a difference.
Now admittedly, last match I got caught out by myself by the other team flanking around on a push while I was trying to lane clear. However, I kind of feel like my 4 teammates should have defended on my ping when we were 5v4 instead of taking 1 merc camp and letting the other team take 2 in the same lane uncontested. And since I had top siege, hero damage, and xp soaked in game/team, I kind of felt I did my job.
Then there was the match before that where I died 11 times as a bruiser…while having 30% more hero damage than anyone else (including the opposing guldan), tanking 25% more damage than anyone else (including jo and diablo), and outhealing my Ana teammate. I probably should have figured out a way to completely devastate the other team every fight, and live, because apparently nobody on my team knew how to follow up on an engage that would bring 3-5 players to under 50% hp.
These last few matches have really underscored that HotS is not the game for me. I shouldn’t be consistently be out maneuvering, and outplaying my opponents, and losing because I get no backup, followup, or support. I am not always the best in every match, but I am practically never the worst, and almost always in the top 3 in game, usually the top player. That includes things like positioning, map awareness, situational awareness, skill shot accuracy, etc. Even games I win feel like crap, because it is me just hoping my terrible teammates aren’t as bad as the terrible players on the other team.
HotS has good map diversity, and the games are short, that is about all it has that is good. I honestly don’t mind bad teammates in DOTA which I played longer than HotS, because I can carry games in DOTA, and if I don’t carry a game, it isn’t because my teammates messed up, it is because I got outplayed. My XP isn’t linked to their inability to play, and there is a lot more room for a skilled player to make game changing plays.
On that note, I deleted HotS, I will not be coming back, because the core design of the game itself is bad game design. I said it in Alpha while testing the game, but Blizzard had a vision they refused to stray from, which is why it is by far the least played MOBA. Thank god they didn’t win the lawsuit to try to keep DOTA out of Valve’s hands. They probably would have gone after LoL next if they had won, since it was designed on the same premise, and then all we would have had was Blizzard’s poorly thought out Moba design.