Finished Samuro’s voice pack today, here’s some of the hello files playing before I hop to in test the digging/doors opening sounds.
Overall, some files do need a change for being too long or unfitting but hey I’m done for the night.
Finished Samuro’s voice pack today, here’s some of the hello files playing before I hop to in test the digging/doors opening sounds.
Overall, some files do need a change for being too long or unfitting but hey I’m done for the night.
Its nice to see Nintendo keeping compatibility for games straight form 30 years ago, probably missed this during one of their announcements but then I don’t really follow them all the time when it comes to announcements.
Hope more devs do this like putting them on GoG or something so games stay being compatible for versions like windows 10 and so on.
Scripted some stuff in my free time, unreal script is a dead language at this point but glad I could get this stuff running.
Some materials applied through the script, including the cold looking particle on right, probably need to make it have the same animation as the diamond so it doesn’t look odd.
And one of the power ups in action, that was before setting up a whole unique model for them.
Maybe it’s not what you want to hear, but I really like the music.
They port a lot, yes. They suffer a bit from the same fate as Blizzard: Many fans see the old games as the pinnacle of gaming, the newer ones are not that well received.
It’s not for nothing that Nintendo made an extensive remake of Metroid 2 (Gameboy) for the 3ds. I personally don’t like it and would prefer more pixel games (for Super Mario as well), but they usually do a good job with inventing new stuff while staying close to their roots.
I do understand that feeling, I am a sonic fan myself and a lot of people prefer the classic era more than what has SEGA been pumping the last decade when it comes to Sonic games, this is why Sonic 3 and Knuckles is considered one of the highest rated games, only to be passed by a game made by a bunch of nerds (Sonic Mania) who have a big name in the modding scene when it comes to the Classic Sonic.
I like Modern Sonic idea, I just feel they have no idea how to execute it properly to the point you end with a game so scripted like Sonic Forces.
Oh don’t worry, the song(s) plays a major role in the level depending on your positioning.
Also if you’re interested, here’s a link to the Cold and Hot versions of it.
Not quite off-topic, but requiring offline from HotS to see.
Apparently this is the screen you get when something with your connection goes wrong quite hard or the server derping around. My connection is pretty stable, so i did not get that one yet; very cool looking anyways.
I have seen this before when my wifi had a stroke as I was about to press play in brawls last year.
Disturbingly accurate while I am working.
I just thought about a funny insult
“Everything that is wrong in this world can be traced back on to your build”
It’s… pretty “eh”.
Take my 0.5 like. Next time you post something of that caliber, I will like that.
Hey guys. I have very interesting question.
Should I watch My Little Pony? Did someone see it? How is it?
Why? Are you ok?
Dude, I’m weirdo, so what’s the problem? You had to get it when you saw I play Tassadar.
IDK honestly, I don’t recall anyone here, or from steam friendlist watched it.
as far i know, it’s a normal cartoon for kids, BUT there is a community of adult guys whose are fan of this art… They are above 20. So yeah why not.
I liked a character there, named Discord. So he’s one of reasons why I’m interested.
are we talking about this
Now i watch old openings like pokemon. I haven’t seen them a long-long time ago.
I started to rewatch battles from Naruto.
oh i found an old favourite music